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Commit e7f3d939 authored by Carl Gwilliam's avatar Carl Gwilliam
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Merge branch 'new_ecal_hists' into 'master'

Adding histograms and instructions for ECAL simulation

See merge request !143
parents 5f0a9ebc 2256039c
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1 merge request!143Adding histograms and instructions for ECAL simulation
Pipeline #2819447 passed
# Running the ECAL simulation
Use to specify particle type, energy, mass, z position in calo, theta and phi ranges etc location: calypso/Simulation/G4Faser/G4FaserAlg/test/
- ConfigFlags.Output.HITSFileName = ""
specifies the output name of the HITS file
- = -11
particle ID (-11 = electron)
- = PG.EThetaMPhiSampler(energy=100*GeV, theta=[0,pi/20], phi=[0,2*pi], mass=0.511)
set particle energy, theta, phi and mass
- pg.sampler.pos = PG.PosSampler(x=[-5.0, 5.0], y=[-5.0, 5.0], z=2744.1, t=0.0)
set position of beam in terms of x and y coordinates
z = 2744.1 (mm) corresponds to calorimeter face
x=60.9 and y=49.6 corresponds to centre of top left module
- sys.exit(int(
set the number of events to simulate
1000 event simulations at 1 TeV for electrons and photons need to be split
change the random seed in this case
- pg.randomSeed = 123456
Run this file in Calypso's run directory to genetate HITS file of simulation.
# Plotting Histograms in CaloSimHitAlg
Once the HITS file has been generated from
- use to loop over HITS and generate HistoFile
- the histogram plotting is specified in CaloSimHitAlg.h and CaloSimHitAlg.cxx
CaloSimHitAlg.cxx plots variations of 6 histograms:
- eLoss - energy deposited per hit in the 4 ECAL modules (GeV)
- eLossBR - eLoss in bottom right ECAL module
- eLossTR - eLoss in top right ECAL module
- eLossBL - eLoss in bottom left ECAL module
- eLossTL - eLoss in top left ECAL module
- eLossTot - total energy deposited by particle across all 4 ECAL modules (GeV)
- eLossBRTot - eLossTot in bottom right ECAL module
- eLossTRTot - eLossTot in top right ECAL module
- eLossBLTot - eLossTot in bottom left ECAL module
- eLossTLTot - eLossTot in top left ECAL module
- module - cross section of hits in the calo, where (0,0), (1,0), (0,1) and (1,1) correspond to ECAL module centres
- modulePos - cross section of hits in the calo, showing their position in mm
- meanTime - events in the calo as a function of mean time (ns)
- weightedTime - energy weighted events in the calo as a function of mean time (ns)
There are also fractional histograms for eLoss and eLossTot that give the deposited energy as a fraction of injected energy.
Due to the histograms not depending on injected energy of simulated particle, may need to Rebin() when drawing eLoss and eLossTot histograms.
......@@ -14,22 +14,46 @@ StatusCode CaloSimHitAlg::initialize()
// initialize a histogram
// letter at end of TH1 indicated variable type (D double, F float etc)
// first string is root object name, second is histogram title
m_eloss = new TH1D("eLoss", "Calo Hit Energy Loss;Energy Loss [GeV];Events", 1000000, 0, 100); // 100000 bins, can rebin if needed - 1000 GeV inj - max 100 per event
m_elossTL = new TH1D("eLossTL", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Top Left Module;Energy Loss [GeV];Events", 100000, 0, 100);
m_elossTR = new TH1D("eLossTR", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Top Right Module;Energy Loss [GeV];Events", 100000, 0, 100);
m_elossBR = new TH1D("eLossBR", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Bottom Right Module;Energy Loss [GeV];Events", 100000, 0, 100);
m_elossBL = new TH1D("eLossBL", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Bottom Left Module;Energy Loss [GeV];Events", 100000, 0, 100);
// 1 million bins
m_elossTot = new TH1D("eLossTot", "Total Energy Deposited in Calorimeter;Deposited Energy [GeV];Events", 1000000, 0, 1000);
m_elossTLTot = new TH1D("eLossTLTot", "Total Energy Deposited in Top Left Module;Deposited Energy [GeV];Events", 1000000, 0, 1000);
m_elossTRTot = new TH1D("eLossTRTot", "Total Energy Deposited in Top Right Module;Deposited Energy [GeV];Events", 1000000, 0, 1000);
m_elossBRTot = new TH1D("eLossBRTot", "Total Energy Deposited in Bottom Right Module;Deposited Energy [GeV];Events", 1000000, 0, 1000);
m_elossBLTot = new TH1D("eLossBLTot", "Total Energy Deposited in Bottom Left Module;Deposited Energy [GeV];Events", 1000000, 0, 1000);
m_eloss = new TH1D("eLoss", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 0.0001);
m_elossTL = new TH1D("eLossTL", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Top Left Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 0.0001);
m_elossTR = new TH1D("eLossTR", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Top Right Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 0.0001);
m_elossBR = new TH1D("eLossBR", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Bottom Right Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 0.0001);
m_elossBL = new TH1D("eLossBL", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Bottom Left Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 0.0001);
m_module = new TH2D("module;x;y", "Calo Hit Module", 2, -0.5, 1.5, 2, -0.5, 1.5 );
// m_modulePos = new TH2D("modulePos;x;y", "Calo Hit Module Position", 13, -130, 130, 13, -130, 130 );
// x4 original number of bins
m_modulePos = new TH2D("modulePos;x;y", "Calo Hit Module Position", 52, -130, 130, 52, -130, 130 );
m_elossTot = new TH1D("eLossTot", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Calorimeter;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 1);
m_elossTLTot = new TH1D("eLossTLTot", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Top Left Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 1);
m_elossTRTot = new TH1D("eLossTRTot", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Top Right Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 1);
m_elossBRTot = new TH1D("eLossBRTot", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Bottom Right Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 1);
m_elossBLTot = new TH1D("eLossBLTot", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Bottom Left Module;Fraction;Events", 1000, 0, 1);
// as a fraction of injected energy (when known)
m_module = new TH2D("module;x;y", "Calo Hit Module", 2, -0.5, 1.5, 2, -0.5, 1.5 );
m_modulePos = new TH2D("modulePos;x;y", "Calo Hit Module Position", 13, -130, 130, 13, -130, 130 );
m_eloss_frac = new TH1D("eLoss_frac", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction;Fraction;Events", 100000, 0, 0.1);
m_elossTL_frac = new TH1D("eLossTL_frac", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Top Left Module;Fraction;Events", 100000, 0, 0.01);
m_elossTR_frac = new TH1D("eLossTR_frac", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Top Right Module;Fraction;Events", 100000, 0, 0.01);
m_elossBR_frac = new TH1D("eLossBR_frac", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Bottom Right Module;Fraction;Events", 100000, 0, 0.01);
m_elossBL_frac = new TH1D("eLossBL_frac", "Calo Hit Energy Loss Fraction Bottom Left Module;Fraction;Events", 100000, 0, 0.01);
m_elossTot_frac = new TH1D("eLossTot_frac", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Calorimeter;Fraction;Events", 1000000, 0, 1);
m_elossTLTot_frac = new TH1D("eLossTLTot_frac", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Top Left Module;Fraction;Events", 1000000, 0, 1);
m_elossTRTot_frac = new TH1D("eLossTRTot_frac", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Top Right Module;Fraction;Events", 1000000, 0, 1);
m_elossBRTot_frac = new TH1D("eLossBRTot_frac", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Bottom Right Module;Fraction;Events", 1000000, 0, 1);
m_elossBLTot_frac = new TH1D("eLossBLTot_frac", "Total Energy Fraction Deposited in Bottom Left Module;Fraction;Events", 1000000, 0, 1);
// new histograms hits vs time 29/6/21
m_meanTime = new TH1D("meanTime", "Events vs Mean Time;Time [ns];Events",4000, 0, 2);
m_weightedTime = new TH1D("weightedTime", "Weighted Events vs Time;Time [ns];Events",4000, 0, 2); // weighted energy should be in GeV
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/meanTime", m_meanTime));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/weightedTime", m_weightedTime));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/eloss", m_eloss));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossTL", m_elossTL));
......@@ -42,10 +66,24 @@ StatusCode CaloSimHitAlg::initialize()
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossTRTot", m_elossTRTot));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossBRTot", m_elossBRTot));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossBLTot", m_elossBLTot));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/modules", m_module));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/modulePos", m_modulePos));
// as a fraction of injected energy
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/eloss_frac", m_eloss_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossTL_frac", m_elossTL_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossTR_frac", m_elossTR_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossBR_frac", m_elossBR_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossBL_frac", m_elossBL_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossTot_frac", m_elossTot_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossTLTot_frac", m_elossTLTot_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossTRTot_frac", m_elossTRTot_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossBRTot_frac", m_elossBRTot_frac));
ATH_CHECK(histSvc()->regHist("/HIST/elossBLTot_frac", m_elossBLTot_frac));
// initialize data handle keys
ATH_CHECK( m_mcEventKey.initialize() );
ATH_CHECK( m_faserCaloHitKey.initialize() );
......@@ -78,8 +116,18 @@ StatusCode CaloSimHitAlg::execute()
if (ev->particles_size() > 0)
HepMC::GenEvent::particle_const_iterator p = ev->particles_begin();
ePrimary = (*p)->momentum().e();
//ePrimary = (*p)->momentum().e();
for ( ; p != ev->particles_end(); ++p) {
// Particle gun primaries have BCs starting at 10000, while others have 3 digit values
if ((*p)->barcode() > 11000) continue;
ePrimary += (*p)->momentum().e();
std::cout << "E Primary " << ePrimary << std::endl;
//ePrimary = 1000000;
// The hit container might be empty because particles missed the modules
if (h_caloHits->size() == 0) return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -91,18 +139,38 @@ StatusCode CaloSimHitAlg::execute()
// BL = bottom left calorimeter module
// BR = bottom right calorimeter module
float e(0);;
float e(0);
float tl(0);
float tr(0);
float br(0);
float bl(0);
float e_frac(0);
float tl_frac(0);
float tr_frac(0);
float br_frac(0);
float bl_frac(0);
for (const CaloHit& hit : *h_caloHits) {
float ehit = hit.energyLoss()/ePrimary;
float ehit_frac = hit.energyLoss()/ePrimary;
float ehit = hit.energyLoss()/1000; // to convert from MeV to GeV
e_frac += ehit_frac;
e += ehit;
// add extra time hist
float time = hit.meanTime();
// add weighted energy hist
m_module->Fill(hit.getModule(), hit.getRow());
m_modulePos->Fill(hit.getModule()==0 ? -121.9/2 + hit.localStartPosition().x() : 121.9/2 + hit.localStartPosition().x(), hit.getRow()==0 ? -121.9/2 + hit.localStartPosition().y() : 121.9/2 + hit.localStartPosition().y());
......@@ -110,21 +178,29 @@ StatusCode CaloSimHitAlg::execute()
if (hit.getModule() == 0 && hit.getRow() == 1) // 0 1 TL
tl_frac += ehit_frac;
tl += ehit;
if (hit.getModule() == 1 && hit.getRow() == 1) // 1 1 TR
tr_frac += ehit_frac;
tr += ehit;
if (hit.getModule() == 1 && hit.getRow() == 0) // 1 0 BR
br_frac += ehit_frac;
br += ehit;
if (hit.getModule() == 0 && hit.getRow() == 0) // 0 0 BL
bl_frac += ehit_frac;
bl += ehit;
......@@ -136,6 +212,14 @@ StatusCode CaloSimHitAlg::execute()
// as a fraction of injected energy
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ class CaloSimHitAlg : public AthHistogramAlgorithm
TH2* m_module;
TH2* m_modulePos;
TH1* m_elossTot;
TH1* m_meanTime;
TH1* m_weightedTime;
// add new histograms
// TL = top left calorimeter module
......@@ -35,7 +38,20 @@ class CaloSimHitAlg : public AthHistogramAlgorithm
TH1* m_elossTLTot;
TH1* m_elossTRTot;
TH1* m_elossBRTot;
TH1* m_elossBLTot;
TH1* m_elossBLTot;
// add in fractional histograms
TH1* m_eloss_frac;
TH1* m_elossTL_frac;
TH1* m_elossTR_frac;
TH1* m_elossBR_frac;
TH1* m_elossBL_frac;
TH1* m_elossTot_frac;
TH1* m_elossTLTot_frac;
TH1* m_elossTRTot_frac;
TH1* m_elossBRTot_frac;
TH1* m_elossBLTot_frac;
// Read handle keys for data containers
// Any other event data can be accessed identically
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