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Rename xAOD TLB Aux Data class

Eric Torrence requested to merge torrence/calypso:master into master

Had a weird problem with crashes when reading from the output xAOD. Tried a number of things, but the only thing that I could find that worked was renaming xAOD::FaserTriggerDataAuxInfo to xAOD::FaserTriggerDataAux. I have no idea why this should matter, but perhaps there is some hidden functionality in the xAOD output code that keys on classes ending in Aux?

So this seems to fix the problem, so I want to just commit this and move on. This also matched a bit better the usual convention that the Aux classes just have Aux after the main class name. The exception is EventAuxInfo, but this is already non-standard as this extends EventInfo.

I also updated all example and other config scripts (by gitlab search) where this object was referenced.

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