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setup calo energy calibration for MC

Deion Elgin Fellers requested to merge dfellers/calypso:MC_Calibration into master

This MR allows the calo and preshower energy calibration to work for MC during the reconstruction step.

The COOL database uses version tags to specify what the calo digi settings were that way we use the the correct MIP charge during the calibration. The default setting is LowGain-withFilter and is used whenever the global tags (OFLCOND-FASER-TB00, OFLCOND-FASER-01, OFLCOND-FASER-02, OFLCOND-FASER-03) are used, but one can set the MC_calibTag argument in the reco script to be WAVE-Calibration-01-LG-nofilt, WAVE-Calibration-01-LG, WAVE-Calibration-01-HG-nofilt, or WAVE-Calibration-01-HG in order to override the calo calibration setting.

You also need to be sure that the isMC flag is set to true in the reco script or else the calibration of MC files will not work.

Merge request reports