faser-common Description
This houses software common to detector, online and offline faser code. It includes some utilities/functions as well as the event decoders that convert binary data to useable data stored in memory for offline reconstruction. This can be included in other code bases as well as built and run standalone.
Code Bases
There are different bits of code here that serve separate purposes. Note that this documentation is also used by doxygen and when viewing that page, this provides the links to those places.
DAQFormats (Link To Source): This is the base of all raw data formats.
DigitizerDataFragment (Link To Source): This is the digitizer specific data format and event decoder.
TLBDataFragment (Link To Source): This is the trigger logic board specific data format and event decoder for data fragments.
TLBMonitoringFragment (Link To Source): This is the trigger logic board specific data format and event decoder for monitoring fragments.
Exceptions (Link To Source): This houses the functionality for exceptions handling.
Logging (Link To Source): This houses a set of utilities that allow one to mimic DAQ-ling logging in their hardware specific code to avoid writing std::cout statements in a controlled way.
Standalone Build Instructions
The code can be built standalone on machines that have the right software installed. One example of this is the faser-daq-001.cern.ch machine housed in the CaloScint lab at CERN. If you need credentials for this machine, contact Brian Petersen.
The other options is to use docker (Tutorial Here) for which we have an image configured to mimic the environment necessary for uses such as this. The image gitlab-registry.cern.ch/faser/docker/daq is built and housed at faser/docker and used for the CI tests as well. If you boot into that image, then it will work as well.
Once you have configured one of these methods, you can build the code as :
source setup.sh
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake3 ..
Standalone Running/Testing
Event Decoders
Once you build the code, there is a primary executable eventDump.cxx
which is compiled into the executable in your build directory at build/EventFormats/eventDump
can be run on test binary data to develop or understand the functionality of the event/fragment decoders.
Test data were recorded on April 16 which can be used to work with the standalone event decoders. These test runs
were done with the TLB + Digitizer and were recorded with the scintillator lab lockdown
setup using the branch - TLB-Digi-testing.
The data can be found on the faserdaq service account EOS space at /eos/user/f/faserdaq/TestData/2020_April16
with readme.txt contained within. It should be noted that the data has small (Trigger receiver)
bug in it and there are corrupted events in physics stream. Two configurations exist:
- [Run 1]
- 200 Hz input signal into channel 0 & 2 of the Digitizer
- Coincidence signal, prescale 1 (~100 Hz)
- single signal input 1, prescale 2 (~50 Hz)
- ~25 Hz random trigger
- 1 Hz monitoring data from the TLB
- Only channel 1 is enabled for data readout from the Digitizer
- [Run 2]
- 200 Hz input signal into channel 0 & 2 of the Digitizer
- Coincidence signal, prescale 1 (~100 Hz)
- single signal input 1, prescale 3 (~30 Hz)
- single signal input 2, prescale 10 (~10 Hz)
- ~25 Hz random trigger, prescale 3 (~10 Hz)
- 1 Hz monitoring data from the TLB
- Only channel 1 is enabled for data readout from the Digitizer