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- May 18, 2017
John Derek Chapman authored
python/, python/ Move PhysicsOptions property definition from to ATLASSIM-3289. Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-12-01-02 (G4AtlasApps-00-12-01-02) * python/, python/ Move PhysicsOptions property definition from to ATLASSIM-3289 * Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-12-01-02 2017-03-13 Zach Marshall <> * python/ Updating to include EventInfo in track record output files; fixes ATLASSIM-3214 * Branch for 20.20 with minimal changes (just the ones that looked super safe and easy to implement) * Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-12-01-01
Nathan Peter Readioff authored
* Fix IExtBrl4 XML 2017-05-09 Nathan Readioff <> * Fix Compiler warnings 2017-05-09 Nathan Readioff <> * Fix InclinedAlternative services collision * Tagged as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-63 2017-05-08 Nathan Readioff <> * Update ladder encvelopes to enclose services (inclined quads works, inclinedAlternative fail) * Fixed ladder envelopes for all layouts 2017-05-08 Nathan Readioff <> * Update services to go inside lognerons * BUG: Services outside ladder envelope 2017-05-03 Noemi Calace <> * Completing Alternative Inclined * Tagged as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-62 2017-05-02 Nathan Readioff <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Artem Basalaev authored
2017-05-11 Artem Basalaev <> * Fixes in RTT tests configuration: * fix standardReco_pseudoTracking_oldHits_digi_Reg * rm ttbarFastChain_reco_Split_fullSim_fullDigi * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-49 2017-03-17 Artem Basalaev <> * Swapping RTT tests configuration from FastChainPileup-00-00-36-14 (for tests in 20.20.X-VAL). * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-48 2017-03-09 John Chapman <> * Merge from FastChainPileup-00-00-36-14. * add python/ - adds FastChain_Flags. * cmt/requirements, CMakeLists.txt - install python modules * share/ - use FastChain_Flags.FastChainBCID jobProperty to set Pythia8.MultBCID. * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-47 2016-11-18 Walter Lampl * add missing include (merge from FastChainPileup-00-00-25-branch) * Tagging as FastChainPileup-00-00-46 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ (getPixelGeoDetectorTool): suppress writing of GDML file by default. ATLASSIM-3289. Tagging: G4AtlasTools-00-02-11-07 (G4AtlasTools-00-02-11-07) * python/ (getPixelGeoDetectorTool): suppress writing of GDML file by default. ATLASSIM-3289 * Tagging: G4AtlasTools-00-02-11-07 2017-04-25 John Chapman <> * python/ (getPhysicsListToolBase): add missing hook for PhysicsOption configuration. ATLASSIM-3287 * Tagging: G4AtlasTools-00-02-11-06 2017-04-10 ADA <> * Fixing the way a GDML geometry branch is reconnected to the main tree * Tagging: G4AtlasTools-00-02-11-05 2017-04-05 ADA <> * added a GDMLDetectorTool to read in GDML geometries and changes ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Noemi Calace authored
* Removing check on surface eta * Tagged as InDetTrackingGeometryUtils-00-00-07 2017-05-10 Noemi Calace <> * Adapting PixelOverlapDescriptor for Inclined ITk Layouts * Tagged as InDetTrackingGeometryUtils-00-00-06
Noemi Calace authored
Updating builder to adapt changes in the AlpineLayer and PixelOverlapDescriptor (InDetTrackingGeometryXML-00-00-64)
Noemi Calace authored
* Removing AlpineLayer::getCompatibleSurfaces() * --> Now it uses the default one defined in the Layer! * Tagged as TrkGeometryAlpine-00-00-14 2017-04-11 Noemi Calace <> * Adding more surfaces for the overlap descriptor * Tagged as TrkGeometryAlpine-00-00-13
Noemi Calace authored
* Updating PlanarModuleProvider * ISF_FatrasDetDescrAlpine-00-00-37 2017-01-12 Noemi Calace <> * Fixing... CMakeList (maybe) * ISF_FatrasDetDescrAlpine-00-00-36 2017-01-10 Noemi Calace <> * Fixing... CMakeList (maybe) * ISF_FatrasDetDescrAlpine-00-00-35 2017-01-08 Noemi Calace <> * Editing CMakeList * ISF_FatrasDetDescrAlpine-00-00-34 2016-12-15 Noemi Calace <> * Adding CMakeList * ISF_FatrasDetDescrAlpine-00-00-33
John Derek Chapman authored
Add share/specialConfig/ Tagging SimulationJobOptions-00-07-25 (SimulationJobOptions-00-07-25) * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-07-25 * share/specialConfig/ configuration file for ATLMCPROD-3365 2017-03-16 John Chapman <> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-07-24 * share/specialConfig/ - patch to configuration for ATLASSIM-3250. 2017-03-08 John Chapman <> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-07-23 * share/specialConfig/ - force simFlags.TightMuonStepping to be false for Monopole jobs. ATLASSIM-3251 * share/specialConfig/ - use standard magnetic field stepper and equation of motion. ATLASSIM-3251 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Noemi Calace authored
* Fixing CMakeLists.txt * Tagged as InDetTrackingGeometry-02-05-15 2017-11-04 Noemi Calace <> * Allowing z-overlapping disks to fit in the same ring * Tagged as InDetTrackingGeometry-02-05-14
Noemi Calace authored
* Adding possibility to add more layer supports per ring row * Tagged as EndcapRingRef-00-00-14 2017-04-25 Noemi Calace <> * Fixing a bug when adding more than one support for the rings * Tagged as EndcapRingRef-00-00-13 2017-04-21 Noemi Calace <> * Adding more than one support for the rings * Tagged as EndcapRingRef-00-00-12
Noemi Calace authored
* Properly fixing services routing for Step2 layouts * tagged as PixelServicesTool-00-00-13 2017-04-30 Noemi Calace <> * Fixing services routing * tagged as PixelServicesTool-00-00-12 2017-02-28 Sharka Todorova <> * access to material manager * tag as PixelServicesTool-00-00-11
Artem Basalaev authored
*Adding new simulator ATLFASTIIF_newExtrapolation_ID to use new Fatras Extrapolation Engine for the ID, otherwise same as ATLFASTIIF. * python/ * python/ * python/ * tagging ISF_Config-00-06-00-07 2017-02-08 Jana Schaarschmidt <> * python/ - modified ATLFASTIIF_PileUp to replace ISF_FastCaloSimPileupSelector by ISF_FastCaloSimPileupOTSelector * Tagging ISF_Config-00-06-00-05
Igor Gavrilenko authored
correction for ITK reconstruction tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-11 2017-04-27 Igor Gavrilenko <> correction for ITK reconstruction tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-10 2017-04-19 Igor Gavrilenko <> speed up ITK reconstruction tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-09 2017-04-08 Igor Gavrilenko <> speed up ITK reconstruction tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-08 2017-02-08 Igor Gavrilenko <> correction for ITK tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-07 2017-02-03 Igor Gavrilenko <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Simon Viel authored
* Make RTT commands easier to read (indent and reorder, no change to content) * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-75 2017-04-25 Noemi Calace <> * Edited python script to support AlternativeInclined: w/o disk supports and service routing at the moment * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-73 and 74 2017-04-21 Simon Viel * Harmonize and * Fix LoI-VF Setup from XML * Fixed RTT commands to no longer use * LoI and LoIVF now tested from XML instead of from DB * ATN and KV tests unchanged * Removed RTT direct calls to (included in * Included "/Indet/IBLDist" veto in * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-72 2017-04-21 Simon Viel * UNDO pixel conditions from database * these developments should continue in InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-58-branch until ready ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Fixing typo in pervious tag * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-36 2017-04-25 Nora Pettersson <> * Adding SiPattern configuration for ITk * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-35 2017-04-24 Nora Pettersson <> * Adding cuts for Inclined_Quads, Inclined_Alternative, Inclined_LightBarrel * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-34 2017-04-20 Nora Pettersson <> * Reducing maxZImpact from 250 to 200 for SLHC * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-33 2017-02-21 Noemi Calace <> * Adding configuration for InclBrl_OptRing for PixelClusterOnTrackTool * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-32 2017-02-17 Nora Pettersson ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Fixing compilation failure 2017-04-01 Vakho Tsulaia <> * Injecting calls to connect()/disconnect() into various methods of RDBAccessSvc
Nathan Peter Readioff authored
* Added additional xml vector functions * tagged as PixelLayoutUtils-00-00-11
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ - fixing my configuration typo. ATLASSIM-3289. Tagging: DarkSector-00-00-02 (DarkSector-00-00-02)
John Derek Chapman authored
G4UserActions/LooperKiller.h - PrintSteps property should be an int rather than a bool. python/, python/ - add CfgGetter method for MonpoleLooperKillerTool. ATLASSIM-3251. Tagging G4UserActions-00-01-26 (G4UserActions-00-01-26) * G4UserActions/LooperKiller.h - PrintSteps property should be an int rather than a bool. ATLASSIM-3251 * python/, python/ - add CfgGetter method for MonpoleLooperKillerTool. ATLASSIM-3251 * tagging G4UserActions-00-01-26 * tagging G4UserActions-00-01-25
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Updating ITk scores to include Inclined_Quads, Inclined_Alternative, Inclined_LightBarrel * Tagging as InDetTrackScoringTools-01-00-99-08 2017-02-10 Noemi Calace <> * Updating branch -01-00-99 * Tagging as InDetTrackScoringTools-01-00-99-07
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Updating indexing for ITk and adding support for Inclined_Quads, Inclined_Alterantive, Inclined_LightBarrel * Tagged as InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool-02-00-13-03
Nigel Hessey authored
Nigel Hessey authored
Tagging for inclusion in 20.20.X: alignment, density scaling, and new DTD with density scaling (GmxLayouts-00-00-14) 2017-01-24 Marcin Wolter Strip detectors made alignable: * all wafers made alignable at level 0 * cylinders of barrel modules and all endcap wheels at level 2 * barrel and two endcaps at level 3 2016-11-16 Jike Wang * in the cmt/requirements, switch to data/ITk/Strip/LTF_LongStrip * tag as GmxLayouts-00-00-12 2016-03-31 Nick Styles
Nigel Hessey authored
* Added creation of alignment folders in SCT_DetectorFactory 2016-10-13 Susumu Oda <> * Made m_serviceBuilderTool of src/SCT_GMX_DetectorTool.cxx private to fix ATLASRECTS-3177 * Tagged as SCT_GeoModelXml-00-00-07
Nigel Hessey authored
* Add MassDebugger, which prints out masses of G4 logical volumes. 2017-01-23 Zach Marshall <> * Also turn of setup checker in case we run frozen showers (changes number of physics regions) * Not tagging until we have a cvmfs location for the reference files 2017-01-23 Zach Marshall <> * Do not override user-set defaults in the setup checker * In setup checker jO, add a check to only test validated setups * Tagging: G4DebuggingTools-00-00-16 2017-01-19 Zach Marshall <> * Adding job options for setup checker tool * Tagging: G4DebuggingTools-00-00-15 2017-01-19 Zach Marshall <> * Looks like we are happy with the checker - tagging! * Tagging: G4DebuggingTools-00-00-14 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Simon Viel authored
* Add missing +1 to expectedClusterLength * tag as SiClusterOnTrackTool-03-01-03-06
Siarhei Harkusha authored
2017-04-13 Siarhei Harkusha <> * src/TileHitVecToCntTool.cxx: fixed mergin MBTS in Run2 in the case of pileup * Tagging TileSimAlgs-00-12-13-12 * share/ fixed compatabiltiy with release 20.7 * Tagging TileSimAlgs-00-12-13-11 * TileSimAlgs/TileHitVecToCntTool.h, * src/TileHitVecToCntTool.cxx: changed merging of E1 and MBTS cells in Run2 in the case of pileup * CMakeLists.txt: added * Tagging TileSimAlgs-00-12-13-10 2017-04-07 Siarhei Harkusha <> * share/ made compatible with new TileRawChannelBuilderMF tool * Tagging TileSimAlgs-00-12-13-09 2017-04-03 Siarhei Harkusha <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Noemi Calace authored
* Adding generation of vertices for multiple fixed z values * tagged as TrkExUnitTests-00-00-29
Dirk Zerwas authored
* Fixes for HGTD running with SuperCells * Tagging CaloDetDescr-01-00-12-02. 2016-11-09 Sanya Solodkov <> * Fixes for TileCal upgrade geometries * Tagging CaloDetDescr-01-00-12-01.
Siarhei Harkusha authored
* test/TileCablingService_common_test.cxx, * cmt/requirements: fixed tests for TileCablingService 2017-04-06 Siarhei Harkusha <> * TileConditions/TileCablingService.h: fixed name of cabling type for splitted only BC layers in upgrade geometry * src/TileCablingService.cxx: fixed filling of internal cache in the case of upgrade geometry * TileConditions/TileCablingSvc.h, * src/TileCablingSvc.cxx: improved detection and set up of correct cabling type in the case of upgrade geometry * test/TileCablingService_test.cxx, * test/TileCablingService_UpgradeABC_test.cxx: modified to print maximum number of cells * CMakeLists.txt: enabled test of upgrade cabling type (UpgradeABC) * Tagging TileConditions-00-09-62 2017-03-30 Siarhei Harkusha <> * modified to support simulation of upgraded Tile Calorimeter with splitted A (granularity 0.025), B and C layers: * TileConditions/TileBadChanTool.h, ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Siarhei Harkusha authored
2017-04-07 Siarhei Harkusha <> * backported modifications from TileRecUtils-00-09-85 to support simulation of upgraded Tile Calorimeter with splitted A (granularity 0.025), B and C layers * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-80-02 2016-11-16 scott snyder <> * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-80. * src/TileRawChannelMaker.cxx: Const fixes. 2016-08-11 scott snyder <> * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-79. * endreq -> endmsg. 2016-08-09 Siarhei Harkusha <> and Tile digits container used in Tile raw channel make algorithm * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-78 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Siarhei Harkusha authored
* python/ added TileGap1 to secondary samplings to consider for local maxima in Topo splitter tool in the case Tile upgrade geometry with splitted BC layers is detected * tag CaloRec-03-00-37-12
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Adding three new dictionary files for Tile upgrade * Tagging IdDictParser-00-02-40
Siarhei Harkusha authored
merged modifications for TileCal upgrade geometry from CaloIdentifier-00-10-84-branch (CaloIdentifier-00-10-90-07) * merged modifications for TileCal upgrade geometries implemented by Sasha from CaloIdentifier-00-10-84-branch * Tagging CaloIdentifier-00-10-90-07
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Merging InDetTrackSelectorTool-01-00-13 with InDetTrackSelectorTool-01-00-12-branch * tag as InDetTrackSelectorTool-01-00-13-01 2017-01-23 Bruno Lenzi * InDetConversionTrackSelectorTool: removing duplicated property (ATLASRECTS-3856) * tag InDetTrackSelectorTool-01-00-13
Siarhei Harkusha authored
modified defatult policy to support simulation of upgraded Tile Calorimeter (TileCalibBlobObjs-00-00-54) * TileCalibBlobObjs/TileCalibDrawerFlt.h, * TileCalibBlobObjs/TileCalibDrawerOfc.h, * TileCalibBlobObjs/TileCalibDrawerDat.h, * src/TileCalibDrawerFlt.cxx: modified defatult policy for the case when conditions are requested for channel number greater than number of channels in the calib drawer to support simulation of upgraded Tile Calorimeter: if channel number greater than maximum number of possible real channels in drawer (MAX_CHAN), conditions are returned for channel number % (maximum number of possible real channels in drawer) otherwise conditions are returned for channel number equals to zero. * test/TileCalibDrawerOfc_test.cxx: modified to test new default policy * test/TileCalibDrawerFlt_test.cxx: added test for TileCalibDrawerFlt * CMakeLists.txt: modified to add test for TileCalibDrawerFlt * Tagging TileCalibBlobObjs-00-00-54 2016-10-03 Siarhei Harkusha <> * TileCalibBlobObjs/TileBchPrbs.h: added new offline adc status (IgnoredByDQV) * src/TileBchPrbs.cxx: added description for adc status IgnoredByDQV * src/TileBchDecoder.cxx: added IgnoredByDQV to bit pattern version "ofl01" ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Dirk Zerwas authored
* update CaloLumiBCIDTool to ignore the hashes for the HGTD * tag CaloTools-00-09-60-05 2016-11-09 Sanya Solodkov <> * Adding one INFO message in src/CaloNoiseToolDB.cxx * tag CaloTools-00-09-60-04