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- Dec 09, 2016
Alan Poppleton authored
* src/MaterialAllocator.cxx: limit excessive Eloss (fix from Peter) * tag as TrkiPatFitter-02-08-15 2016-12-05 Alan Poppleton <> * iPatFitter: configurable MaximumIterations * iPatFitter, MaterialAllocator: fixes for ATLASRECTS-3716 * tag as TrkiPatFitter-02-08-14 2016-12-02 Alan Poppleton <> * iPatFitter: add configuration 'EigenMatrixTreatment' (default option) * tag as TrkiPatFitter-02-08-13 Former-commit-id: b29a9c35e7ee8eb886d6a39a858dc8036be70f8e
Alan Poppleton authored
* src/FitProcedure.cxx: fix bug with singular matrix (found by Peter) * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-16 * FitProcedure, FitMatrices: refine 'smart' pointers, fail fit if calo duplicated * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-15 2016-12-05 Alan Poppleton <> * FitProcedure: constructor with MaximumIterations * FitProcedure, MeasurementProcessor: fixes for ATLASRECTS-3716 * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-14 2016-12-03 Alan Poppleton <> * src/FitParameters.cxx (printVerbose): similar format MA27/eigen to aid comparison (update): bugfix for alignment parameters * FitProcedure, FitMatrices: pass configuration setting (eigenMatrixTreatment) * tag as TrkiPatFitterUtils-00-13-13 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: bd73c0e3
Peter Kluit authored
* suppress WARNING * CombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-01-18 2016-12-08 Peter Kluit * protect the momentum to avoid excessive Eloss in material collection * CombinedMuonTrackBuilder.cxx * Tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-01-17 Former-commit-id: 6027d738484ef334fb5202796286e650e61d5f73
Goetz Gaycken authored
By default inner detector tracks are not written to the ESD unless explicitly requested or if xAOD track particles are not created. This is to keep the ESD size small despite track slimming being now off by default. (InDetRecExample-02-06-08-04) * Do not write tracks to ESDs by default (ATLASRECTS-3538). Former-commit-id: 419314e64b500c899c2a1d2e5630a1e0435f34ce
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Use TrigEgammaFlags and TrigEgammaToolFactories * Requires TrigEgammaRec-02-00-79 * Requires TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-76 * TriggerMenu-00-20-87 2016-12-05 Noam Tal Hod * added mu20_msonly_mu15noL1_msonly_nscan05 [without noComb] (ATR-14377) * affects only MC_pp_v7 * requires TrigCaloHypo-00-00-02 * TriggerMenu-00-20-86 2016-12-05 Nils Ruthmann * CPS protection for v6 menu for dz99 chains (ATR-13952) * TriggerMenu-00-20-85 2016-12-01 Nils Ruthmann * Adding dz99 chains for mu-jet matching validation (ATR-13952) * TriggerMenu-00-20-84 2016-11-30 Mario Campanelli * reference to L2JetHypo now working ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 8803de094da18188b2171c41bbdbde08033c3dd5
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* TrigEgammaFlags * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-76 Former-commit-id: e9d2fdca
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Use JobProperties * TrigEgammaRec-02-00-79 Former-commit-id: 1e25fe1f
John Baines authored
* python/ fix typo in python print statement * tagged as TrigInDetConf-00-01-06 Former-commit-id: e3631983
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* AODSUPERSLIM renamed to AODVERYSLIM * remove dynaux from SLIM, VERYSLIM * remove additional contents from SLIM * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-95 2016-12-02 Ryan White <> * AODSUPERSLIM * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-94 Former-commit-id: c258e0d9
Antonio Limosani authored
* Keep V+jets AOD for fullchain and mu60 ttbar * RecPerfTests-00-08-69 2016-11-10 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT> * Keep AOD for fullchain and data16 after queue * RecPerfTests-00-08-68 Former-commit-id: 57c6ffa5
Sebastien Prince authored
* TrigHLTJetRecFromTriggerTower doesn't call cluster moments in _getJetBuildTool * Fixes ATR-11402 * Tagged as TrigHLTJetRec-00-00-55 Former-commit-id: 7881d5ec
William Axel Leight authored
* Added protection for SA tracks w/o ME tracks * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-06-26 2016-12-01 Will Leight * Swapped out STACO pt for q/p error * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-06-25 2016-12-01 Will Leight * Fixed a compiler warning * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-06-24 2016-12-01 Will Leight * NumberOfGoodPrecisionLayers now works for AEOT's * Adding STACO parameters as auxdata for debugging purposes * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-06-23 Former-commit-id: e4da1105
Dan Guest authored
* removed cout in MV2Tag 2016-11-30 Daniel Guest <> * Update lwtnn to add batch normalization * Tagging as JetTagTools-01-01-16 Former-commit-id: 17f67ff2ce63bcec35cb86c1793a8c6459d59824
Dominik Karol Derendarz authored
Former-commit-id: 22d17eb1
Walter Lampl authored
* fix one-time leak of AttributeListSpecificaton * tag LArAffectedRegion-00-01-06 1-12-2016 Pavol Strizenec <pavol @> * Fixing one time memory leak (ATLASRECTS-3222) * tag LArAffectedRegion-00-01-05 2016-09-20 scott snyder <> * Tagging LArAffectedRegion-00-01-04. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions. Former-commit-id: bb9440d7273126998f47310809d33e76233eeb46
Peter Onyisi authored
* Fix failure in ATN test for gcc 6.2 * Tag LWHists-00-06-24 2016-08-15 scott snyder <> * Tagging LWHists-00-06-23. * src/tests/comphistfiles/comphistpars.h: Fix references to isnan. 2016-07-19 scott snyder <> * Tagging LWHists-00-06-22. * CMakeLists.txt: Fix cmake build on centos7. 2016-06-30 scott snyder <> * Tagging LWHists-00-06-21. * src/FlexProfileArray.icc (FlexProfileArray): Suppress cppcheck false positive. Former-commit-id: 964a41a8ee236019904d9de7ac4082acde4351cd
Michael James Fenton authored
* Online monitoring histogram bug fix * Typo correction for FTK isolation default settings * TrigMuonEF-00-04-81 Former-commit-id: f5fb78aa
Jiri Masik authored
* python/ (TrigAmbiguitySolver_EF.__init__): use InDetTrigTrackFitterFTK, tagged as InDetTrigRecExample-00-12-04 Former-commit-id: cb39ae8d
Johannes Elmsheuser authored
* Root/CopyTruthJetParticles.cxx (classifyJetInput): Add truth dark jet building through clustering of truth dark hadrons ( ATLJETMET-676) * Tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-53 2016-11-23 scott snyder <> * Tagging ParticleJetTools-00-03-52. * ParticleJetTools/IJetTruthMatching.h, ParticleJetTools/JetQuarkLabel.h, Root/JetQuarkLabel.cxx: Rework interface so that methods can be const. Comply with ATLAS naming conventions. * Root/JetConeLabeling.cxx: Adjust for changes in IJetTruthMatching. * ParticleJetTools/ParticleToJetAssociator.h: Make methods const. * ParticleJetTools/JetConeLabeling.h, ParticleJetTools/CopyTruthJetParticles.h: Remove mutable declarations. 2016-11-21 Emmanuel Le Guirriec <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: ecdf3770
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ (RunToTimestampDict): added separate run numbers for MC16 2016 pPb, 2017 pp, 2018 pp. ATLASSIM-3171. Tagging RunDependentSimComps-00-00-19 (RunDependentSimComps-00-00-19) * python/ (RunToTimestampDict): added separate run numbers for MC16 2016 pPb, 2017 pp, 2018 pp. ATLASSIM-3171 * Tagging RunDependentSimComps-00-00-19 2016-10-28 John Chapman <> * python/ (RunToTimestampDict): added 16 new run numbers for PHase II upgrade ITK Step 1.6 + FCal. ATLASSIM-3116 * Tagging RunDependentSimComps-00-00-18 2016-08-18 John Chapman <> * python/ (RunToTimestampDict): added eight new run numbers for Phase II upgrade for the ITk ExtBrl4 (Step 1.5) + FCal layout. ATLASSIM-3030 * Tagging RunDependentSimComps-00-00-17 2016-06-15 John Chapman <> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 16440e43d0ccdceaa4f7327d3bff662744df3027
Antonio Limosani authored
* Tagging AthenaMP-01-04-11-03 * Extend MemoryMonitor to report I/O statistics Former-commit-id: 582f24950ed31a145fb583bae2ad215532e5231b
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Former-commit-id: e04bc90c
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Fixed the standalone build configuration of the package. The last time I only tried the build on macOS, which is a lot looser with link time dependencies... * Tagging as TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-61 2016-11-30 Ryan White <> * Modified version of * Note that a review of scripts/tools for trigger is needed * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-60 Former-commit-id: 8d87dfe9
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Bugfix for momentum (ATLASRECTS-3762) * tagged as TrkExSTEP_Propagator-01-01-19-07 Former-commit-id: 8f994573
Werner Spolidoro Freund authored
Former-commit-id: fbfa5f8a
Peter Sherwood authored
* TrigHLTJetHypoUnitTests-00-00-04 * src/DijetDEtaMassConditionTest.cxx: adjust for new constructor. * src/CombinationsGenTest.cxx (TEST): Fix bad config test. CombinationsGenTest no longer throws for k > n in init, returns valid = False on call to to next() 2016-11-29 Peter Sherwood <> * src/SelectedJetsMatcherTest.cxx: removed as no longer in TrigHLTJetHypo * src/MultiJetMatcherTest.cxx: removed as no longer in TrigHLTJetHypo * src/OrderedCollectionsMatcherTest.cxx: remove test. Code no longer exists. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 4bc726a188aa2d005eb0141a5082a11e750ca323
John Derek Chapman authored
src/ (ProcessHits): Comment out line which skips steps with a TotalEnergyDeposit of zero. obo Guillaume Unal. Should fix ATLASSIM-3065. Tagging LArG4Code-00-08-18-01 (LArG4Code-00-08-18-01) * Tagging LArG4Code-00-08-18-01 * src/ (ProcessHits): Comment out line which skips steps with a TotalEnergyDeposit of zero. obo Guillaume Unal. Should fix ATLASSIM-3065. Former-commit-id: 49ae4091
Susumu Oda authored
Treat a wafer as bad if its all six chips issue ABCD errors or are bad ones. (SCT_ConditionsServices-00-04-64) * Treat a wafer as bad if its all six chips issue ABCD errors or are bad ones. src/SCT_ByteStreamErrorsSvc.cxx * Tag as SCT_ConditionsServices-00-04-64 2016-11-28 Susumu Oda <> * Treat a wafer as bad if its all six chips issue ABCD errors. src/SCT_ByteStreamErrorsSvc.cxx * Tag as SCT_ConditionsServices-00-04-63 2016-11-23 Shaun Roe * DCS conditions uses const ref ~line 313 for attribute list * update test jobopts for DCS conditions svc * Tag as SCT_ConditionsServices-00-04-62 2016-11-20 Shaun Roe * Fix compilation errors (checkreq errors) in rel 20.99, CMT compilation * Fix Atlas naming standard conflict in RODVetoSvc * Tag as SCT_ConditionsServices-00-04-61 Former-commit-id: 44230688
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
Former-commit-id: 278f6444
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
'added pPb2016 mode to analyze delayed samples. PreSampleAmp added to output.' (ZdcAnalysis-00-00-17) Former-commit-id: f1c44d5e
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
'Use std::make_unique (only available with C++14), forgot two occurrences' (SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv-00-03-70) * Use std::make_unique (only available with C++14) * Forgot two occurrences * tag SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv-00-03-70 2016-11-25 Stewart Martin-Haugh <> * Use std::make_unique (only available with C++14) * tag SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv-00-03-69 2016-11-25 Stewart Martin-Haugh <> * Convert to DataHandles * tag SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv-00-03-68 2016-11-16 Susumu Oda <> * SCT_RawDataProviderTool: add code to set error flag in EventInfo if >1000 ROBFragment errors. * Tag as SCT_RawDataByteStreamCnv-00-03-67 Former-commit-id: e4ffcd28
Susumu Oda authored
* Fix segmentation fault in src/SCTRatioNoiseMonTool.cxx (ATLASRECTS-3739). * tag as SCT_Monitoring-00-06-92 Former-commit-id: ae96bab6
Noam Tal Hod authored
* added L1_EM18VH_3J20 (ATR-15524) * affects pp v7 * associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-81 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-76 Former-commit-id: 072d2cc9
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging BTagging-00-07-78. * clang warning: missing override keyword. * Tagging BTagging-00-07-77. * Tool handle constness fixes. Former-commit-id: d994344a
Sasha Mazurov authored
* L1EnergyCMXTools.cxx: fix compilation warning. * Tag as TrigT1CaloTools-03-06-37 2016-11-17 Alexander Mazurov <> * L1EnergyCMXTools.cxx: fix simulation of et sums from totals. * Tag as TrigT1CaloTools-03-06-35 Former-commit-id: e67cad09
Xiaohu Sun authored
* update trigger menu for MC15_13TeV RTT tests * update geometry map for DigiMReco_tf_FCT RTT * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-03-05 2016-11-16 * Reco_DC14_8TeV_pileup connected to min bias files on eos * Reco_MC15_13TeV fixed paths for multiple input files * Tagging as RecJobTransformTests-00-03-04 Former-commit-id: 23647411
Xiaohu Sun authored
* update geometry for several tests * use CMAKE path in DigiReco_via_fct_trf * tag as FullChainTests-00-01-69 Former-commit-id: c8631a4a
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging TrkEventAthenaPool-01-34-23. * Update reference files for TrkTrack-07-02-05. 2016-08-16 scott snyder <> * Tagging TrkEventAthenaPool-01-34-22. * endreq -> endmsg. Former-commit-id: e4d3dd5f
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging MuonEventTPCnv-01-10-05. * cmt/requirements: Fix typo in requirements file. * Tagging MuonEventTPCnv-01-10-04. * Fix test failures due to MuonGeoModel changes. Former-commit-id: 22d291a02d2de1d80f2f5afd538c3457abfcbfbb