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Pull mirroring updated .
- Jan 16, 2017
Xiaohu Sun authored
* update geometry in DigiReco_via_fct_trf * tag as FullChainTests-00-01-71 09 Jan 2017 * create DigiReco_via_fct_trf_MC15c to test with MC15c * update to support multiple-valued arguments * create MC15c chain ZhadXXX_MC15c * tag as FullChainTests-00-01-70 Former-commit-id: 8c61d794bb1061ee88c285fa4b301eb435fed858
Justin Griffiths authored
Former-commit-id: 16814d9f3cef9473251a2e491bfe3ed203b9eac4
James Catmore authored
* Retaining truth associated with reco objects and all relatives * Retaining stable BSM particles and all descendants * Adding ThinGeantTruth python class * Tagging as ThinningUtils-00-00-19 2017-01-09 James Catmore <> * Adding Geant barcode offset property * No tag yet 2017-01-09 James Catmore <> * Adding ThinGeantTruthAlg and temporary job options * No tag yet 2016-11-04 Attila Krasznahorkay <> * Taught the package how to build in AthAnalysisBase with CMake. * Removed the empty ThinningUtils/ and share/ directories. * Tagging as ThinningUtils-00-00-18 Former-commit-id: a273c4652fb506a87df25f7b02e579d75cddf7f9
Arantxa Ruiz Martinez authored
* Revert back L2 photon cuts (ATR-15497) * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-78 2016-12-27 Fernando Monticelli <> * reverted the cuts at L2 to those before cuts optimization (2015-2016) * Try to fix * Tagging TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-77 Former-commit-id: ea60c6093b52b9d24c021ae5300f2fd57f995afb
Jochen Meyer authored
* don't do InsideOutReco and StauReco from silicon associated ID candidates * Tagging MuonCombinedTrackFindingTools-00-01-05-00 Former-commit-id: f4a62dd1
Mark Hodgkinson authored
* share/ Apply patch file from James Catmore to implement AOD reduction task force updates * Tagging RecExCommon-00-14-68-01 (RecExCommon-00-14-68-01) * share/ Apply patch file from James Catmore to implement AOD reduction task force updates * Tagging RecExCommon-00-14-68-01 Former-commit-id: 3ea07a0a
John Derek Chapman authored
src/G4AtlasRunManager.cxx (InitializePhysics): removed explicit call to RunInitialization. ATLASSIM-3078. Tagging ISF_Geant4Tools-00-09-05-03 (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-09-05-03) * src/G4AtlasRunManager.cxx (InitializePhysics): removed explicit call to RunInitialization. ATLASSIM-3078 * tagging ISF_Geant4Tools-00-09-05-03 Former-commit-id: b2a7f88b0538712a0119e2aa75ac201e2798dc0f
Mark Hodgkinson authored
* python/ Apply patch file from James Catmore for AOD reduction task force * tag ParticleBuilderOptions-00-03-12 (ParticleBuilderOptions-00-03-12) * python/ Apply patch file from James Catmore for AOD reduction task force * tag ParticleBuilderOptions-00-03-12 Former-commit-id: 6e77bdf0
Sarka Todorova authored
* bugfix in error propagation * tag as TrkExSTEP_Propagator-01-01-19-08 Former-commit-id: bd20aa86506a99cddb2eddf82f70d9f8b0873017
Frank Winklmeier authored
* Remove pt/athena_wrapper * Add generic asetup_wrapper * python/ Update cmtconfig tag to gcc62 * HLTUtils-01-04-00 2016-11-17 Stewart Martin-Haugh <> * share/ Add cvmfs asetup location * HLTUtils-01-03-09 Former-commit-id: 7e12d768a28357d811d2182b9ef878fe0b14a8e5
Goetz Gaycken authored
When checking for the existance of materials consider all sources and also base materials. (InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-19-02) * branch for material bugfix compatible with 20.20.X nightlies * bugfix in the scaling of the linear weight in InDetMaterialManager * Tag as InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-19-01 2016-10-27 Thorsten Kuhl <> * cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * Tagging InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-19 * InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-18 hasMaterial added by Goetz * InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-17 Exception for nil pointer on material added by Goetz * Tag as InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-15 Former-commit-id: 72d0ad59745ebb90f7ed103583366d42d5232041
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Egamma rewrite * TriggerMenu-00-21-03 2017-01-11 Elisabetta Pianori * Adding FTK L1 items to Physics to Physics_pp_v7 menu (ATR-15620) * Adding duplicated FTK HLT items to Physics_pp_v7 menu (ATR-15620) * Update generateL1Menu to support doFTK option * TriggerMenu-00-21-02 2017-01-11 Daniele Zanzi * Adding the Global Sequential Calibration to jet and b-jet triggers (ATR-13434) * TriggerMenu-00-21-01 2017-01-06 Daniele Zanzi * Adding the Global Sequential Calibration to jet and b-jet triggers (ATR-13434) * 2017 FTK com menu for isolation at L2 Muon (ATR-15653) * affects only v7 * TriggerMenu-00-21-00 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: c4350cdb
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* AODVERYSLIM bug fixes * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-98 2017-01-10 Ryan White <> * AODVERYSLIM updates * see JIRA ATR-15669 * TrigEDMConfig-00-02-97 Former-commit-id: 6c887848
Daniele Zanzi authored
* WARNING->INFO * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-94 2017-01-09 Daniele Zanzi * protection against broken track links in data for FTK monitoring * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-93 2017-01-09 Daniele Zanzi, Eleni Myrto Asimakopoulou * fixes for FTK monitoring (ATR-15590), and for ATR-15675 * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-92 Former-commit-id: 22094fcb
Zach Marshall authored
* Adding implementation of TRTRangeCut setting * Tagging: G4AtlasTools-00-02-23-03 Former-commit-id: 88adeda5
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Protection against FPEs in case a cluster has no +ve E cells and -ve E cells are being ignored * Tag as CaloClusterMatching-00-00-05 Former-commit-id: 1b8ef602c4142158d5da9e1acc11926276d6914c
Marcus Matthias Morgenstern authored
* Tagged as 00-03-53 * implement readout of second CSM in small tube chambers Former-commit-id: dda635d1
Heather Russell authored
* make treatment of BMG chambers same as BME chambers * fix distances between tubes in seed formation (100mm -> 50mm, 160mm --> 80 mm) * fix treatment of parallel lines in straight-line vertex fit * fix bug spacing of radial planes for vertex finding * tagging as MSVertexTools-00-01-45 Former-commit-id: 7fb13e29731b04234fa67ed3a3505100e67b101e
Christos Anastopoulos authored
* Revisit the cut on max deltaPhiRescale * Notes/ Reminder * At Eta=0 * 1 Gev PhiRot=0.43 * 1.5 Gev PhiRot = 0.28 * 10 Gev PhiRot = 0.043 * 100 Gev PhiRot = 0.0043 * In the presence of not perfect calib we can lose small E/P * via this cut , for now do it 0.25 * Do not recall why this cut was placed, it kills things with * bad dPhi rescale but good standard dPhi, which could be pathological * but 0.2 is less robust against an 1.5 GeV cluster with not perfect * calib (upstream material, crack, etc) i.e Ereco_seed/Etrue_cluster ~0.15 or so . * Tagging egammaTools-01-02-28 2016-01-06 Christos Anastopoulos <> * Leave the EMFraction cuts in copier, remove them from the builder ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 11d0e4d3
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* fix MSVariableFactory when no vertices is found (ATLASRECTS-3789) * tagged as JetTagTools-01-01-20 2016-12-03 Daniel Guest <> * Add debug statements to DL1 * Tagging as JetTagTools-01-01-19 * tagged as JetTagTools-01-00-18 2016-12-01 Andrea Sciandra <> * Adding initialisation of 'm_warnCounter' in SoftMuonTag * Tagging as JetTagTools-01-01-17 Former-commit-id: 405d9dca
Ludovica Aperio Bella authored
* New MVA calibration for Rel21-Pre (v5) * Tagging as egammaRec-07-01-67 2016-12-20 Ludovica Aperio Bella <> * Reverting MVA calibration constant to old one wating for ATLINFR-1421 * Remouving e233 form the delation list * Tagging as egammaRec-07-01-66 2016-12-19 Ludovica Aperio Bella <> * New MVA calibration for Rel21 Pre * Tagging as egammaRec-07-01-65 2016-12-17 Ludovica Aperio Bella <> * FIX Adding delition AOD variables * Tagging egammaRec-07-01-64 2016-12-15 Ludovica Aperio Bella <> * Adding delition AOD variables * Tagging egammaRec-07-01-63 Former-commit-id: b061edef
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* As it was described in ATLASRECTS-3831, the previous tag introduced a significant memory leak. According to Scott's suggestion, xAODTrackParticleAuxContainerCnv now explicitly calls the initialisation of its base class. Which does seem to fix the issue. * Tagging as xAODTrackingAthenaPool-00-04-08 Former-commit-id: f51aa71f
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Former-commit-id: 2fcb5262
Hass Abouzeid authored
* Add RecoTimeRAWtoALL to ignore list * Tagging PyUtils-00-14-85-05 Former-commit-id: 8d6704cf
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
Former-commit-id: 32ac0160
Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska authored
* fix problem of list.lower() in -AGENE1287 * tagging EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-68 2016-12-16 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * add generatorRunMode and generatorJobNumber as parameters of * tagging EvgenJobTRansforms-01-02-67 2016-12-07 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * comment out McAtNloHerwigpp test * tag as EvgenJobTransforms-01-02-66 2016-09-21 E. M. Lobodzinska <> * correct the checking of the keywords to be case insensitive Former-commit-id: dc0e50c60bbdec97e4344e24673048e3634ca71b
Oleg Kuprash authored
* adding v7 menu in share/ * TrigP1Test-00-07-68 2016-12-19 Oleg Kuprash <> * fix the rerunLVL1 naming in share/ * TrigP1Test-00-07-67 Former-commit-id: d19db3d7
John Baines authored
* src/FTK_RDO_ReaderAlgo.cxx: add protection against trying to dereference null pointers. * tag as TrigFTK_RawDataAlgs-01-00-44 Former-commit-id: d684d69f
John Baines authored
* share/ Disable TK_RDO_Reader.fillHists FTK_RDO_Reader.fillTree FTK_RDO_Reader.GetTruthVertex by default * tag as FTK_RecExample-00-00-15 Former-commit-id: 2e0d6bfe
John Baines authored
* share/ Add missing quote * Tag TrigFTKSim-00-12-01 2016-12-09 Jahred Adelman * Add preExec/Include to BS_FTK and RDO_FTK creation * Tag TrigFTKSim-00-11-98 2016-12-09 Jahred Adelman * Update RDO_FTK creation: turn on DetFlags * Tag TrigFTKSim-00-11-97 Former-commit-id: 3aee9a1f
Edward Moyse authored
* Fix mistake in GUI (change Inventor to VRML2.0/X3D) * tagged: VP1Base-00-25-01 2016-12-12 Edward Moyse * Add VRML export * tagged: VP1Base-00-25-00 2016-11-16 Riccardo Maria BIANCHI <> * Migration of the mechanism to generate the factory code for VP1 plugins from CMT to CMake, in rel. 21 * tag: VP1Base-00-24-00 2016-09-08 Shaun Roe * fix unintended sign extension again, 16864, 16863 * tag as VP1Base-00-23-14 2016-09-01 Shaun Roe * fix compiler warning 2016-08-30 Shaun Roe ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 28671720
Daniele Zanzi authored
* modification of L1_LFV-EM config (ATR-14282) * affects only v7 * associated with TriggerMenu-00-20-99 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-80 2016-12-15 Nils Ruthmann * generate more menus * Needs TriggerMenu-00-20-95 * TriggerMenuXML-04-02-79 Former-commit-id: 7cddf667
Edward Moyse authored
* Attempt to fix ATLASVPONE-328 - VP1 plugin path not correct * tag: VP1Algs-00-15-01 2016-11-16 Riccardo Maria BIANCHI <> * Migration of the mechanism to generate the factory code for VP1 plugins from CMT to CMake, in rel. 21 * tag: VP1Algs-00-15-00 2016-09-26 Shaun Roe * fix endreq compiler warnings' * tag as VP1Algs-00-14-05 Former-commit-id: cc6838d0
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Teaching the tdaq find modules how to find the same externals that were used by the base project, when using a hand-defined build mode. (For instance Debug on top of RelWithDebInfo.) (AtlasCMake-00-01-70-09) * Backported the updates of Findtdaq-common.cmake, Finddqm-common.cmake and Findtdaq.cmake from AtlasCMake-00-01-88. * This should fix ATLINFR-1402 * Tagging as AtlasCMake-00-01-70-09 Former-commit-id: 361388aad8f6e97a4c758b95687bd7355ec636e9
Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
* OBO Alex Kastanas. InDet Monitoring configuration for InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-10-00 new setup. * Tagging as InDetRecExample-02-06-08-07 2016-12-15 Per Johansson * Updated the Pixel DCS module status flags in * Tagging as InDetRecExample-02-06-08-06 Former-commit-id: 092449cf
Alex Kastanas authored
Migration to new track selection and bugfixes and removed use of deprecated members (isNewRun) (InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-10-01) * Fix in BCM mon tool for bugs ATLASRECTS-2988 and part of ATLASRECTS-3305 * Migrated to new baseline track selection for track mon tool (TightPrimary + 1 pixel hole allowed) * Baseline selection replaces manual check on track pT used previously * Migrated to using newRunFlag() rather than isNewRun (deprecated in R21) * Tagging as InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-10-01 2016-11-01 Alex Kastanas * Adjusted range of tracks per PV histogram * Tagging as InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-09-46 2016-08-29 Alex Kastanas * Falling back to collisions mode in case of user defined monitoring environment 2016-08-28 Alex Kastanas * Removed unused primary vertex retrieval and associated variable. * Fixes ATLASRECTS-3442 Former-commit-id: 18198e2b20fa5710099f92eea93705cb5782be3d
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* Pass strings by const reference (ATR-15683) * TrigConfigSvc-01-01-74 Former-commit-id: b4ade156
Christopher John Mcnicol authored
* TrigServices-20-10-14 * Updated ROB history status flag logic Former-commit-id: 065c16a6
Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
* fix for ATLASRECTS-3783. Undo previous fix, and a proper one. * tag as TrkGlobalChi2Fitter-01-00-39 2016-12-14 Alex Alonso * fix for ATLASRECTS-3783. Problem with vector size. * tag as TrkGlobalChi2Fitter-01-00-38 2016-11-09 Shaun Roe * Fix coverity defects: 105674 08/02/2016 (Low) Unused value :/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx in function "runTrackCleanerMDT" 108701 26/04/2016 (Medium) Uninitialized pointer field :/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx in function "GlobalChi2Fitter" 105669 08/02/2016 (Low) Unused value :/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx in function "runTrackCleanerSilicon" 105604 08/02/2016 (Medium) Argument cannot be negative :/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx in function "runTrackCleanerMDT" 105602 08/02/2016 (Medium) Argument cannot be negative :/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx in function "runTrackCleanerSilicon" 13916 09/07/2014 (Medium) Dereference after null check :/Tracking/TrkFitter/TrkGlobalChi2Fitter/src/GlobalChi2Fitter.cxx in function "addMaterial" *...and dismissed 14372; also fixed cppcheck defects. * tag as TrkGlobalChi2Fitter-01-00-37 2016-09-20 Shaun Roe ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: e6385a51
William Axel Leight authored
* Added number of unspoiled CSC hits from combined/ME track as an auxdata * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-06-28 2016-12-05 Will Leight * spectrometerFieldIntegral parameter is now filled in MuonCreatorTool * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-06-27 Former-commit-id: 11523e1b