Kfactor parameter
A new option to set KFactor to a parameter (possibly free); the value of the parameter is used for all bins. Can be used for instance if there are two ApplGrid/fastNLO tables produced with different values of some physics parameter (e.g. heavy quark mass) and one wants to calculate the cross section as interpolation between the two grids controlled via the parameter which can be supplied via parameters.yaml, rather than switching between two different sets of grids:
TheoryType = 'expression'
TermName = 'A1','A2','PAR'
TermType = 'reaction','reaction','reaction'
TermSource = 'APPLgrid','APPLgrid','KFactor'
TermInfo ='GridName=file1','GridName=file2','Parameter=parName'
TheorExpr = '((A1*(PAR-PAR1)-A2*(PAR-PAR2))/(PAR2-PAR1)'
here A1 and A2 are tables for fast calculation, PAR1 and PAR2 are numerical values of the parameter used to produce A1 and A2 (e.g. PAR1=0.9. PAR2=1.1), and PAR is actual parameter provided in parameters.yaml (possibly free):
value: 1.0
step: 0.1