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ABMPtt example (ttbar data)

Oleksandr Zenaiev requested to merge abmptt into master

Example ttbar2DNNLO from arXiv:2311.05509, arXiv:2407.00545 (uses ATLAS and CMS ttbar differential and total cross sections).

Theory: PineAPPL tables via Ploughshare (NNLO QCD computed with MATRIX); grids are available for 6 different m_t values (6GB total).

Modified PineAPPL:

  • Ploughshare support
  • possibility to change center-of-mass energy (energyRescale)
  • parallel computation
  • skip convolution of identical tables with identical parameters (they might be present in different data files)
  • support re-binning (merging of bins) up to two dimensions

Introduced _ncpu in TheoryRection (might be used by all derived reactions).

Modified install-xfitter to install PineAPPL on Linux (tested on EL9, Ubuntu and ArchLinux). TODO for macOS users: please test that the installation script still works and installs PineAPPL on macOS.

Edited by Oleksandr Zenaiev

Merge request reports
