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Verified Commit cdc044dc authored by Frank Sauerburger's avatar Frank Sauerburger
Browse files

Add Coffea integration

parent 7089c901
Branches 58-allow-yaml-files-in-cli-2
Tags 0.4.0
No related merge requests found
Pipeline #3278049 passed
......@@ -46,6 +46,34 @@ The FreeForestML also has a `dedicated example Notebook
<>`_ to illustrate the
uhepp integration.
The helper method :code:`uhepp.from_coffea()` takes a `Coffea
<>`_ histogram as input and
converts it into uhepp histogram objects.
.. code-block:: python
import numpy as np
import coffea.hist as hist
import uhepp
chist = hist.Hist("Counts",
hist.Cat("sample", "sample name"),
hist.Bin("x", "x value", 20, -10, 10),
hist.Bin("y", "y value", 20, -10, 10),
hist.Bin("z", "z value", 20, -10, 10),
xyz = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[1, 3, 7], cov=np.eye(3), size=10000)
chist.fill(sample="sample 1", x=xyz[:,0], y=xyz[:,1], z=xyz[:,2])
(hx, hy, hz), samples = uhepp.from_coffea(chist)
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