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FTS-1829: Adds SciTag support to the FTS REST Client and Server

Mihai Patrascoiu requested to merge FTS-1829_scitags into develop

This merge request brings changes to both the client and the server for the submission of per-transfer scitag values.
SciTag values are validated to be in the [65, 65535] inclusive rage.


  • Add the --scitag <scitag> CLI option
  • Add the scitag option to the new_transfer(..) function
  • Validate the scitag value falls in the [65, 65535] range
  • Puts the scitag value as a per-transfer attribute in the final submission JSON


  • Parse the submission JSON and extract the per-transfer scitag value
  • Validate scitag is an integer type with values in the [65. 65535] range (None value allowed)
  • Store the transfers in the database

Functional tests have been added to test SciTag transfer submissions in the file.

For this branch to work, the upcoming FTS Schema 8.2.0 is needed, provided by fts/fts3::FTS-1829_scitags branch (link).

Merge request reports
