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Major upgrade by Sanha

Sanha Cheong requested to merge sanha_devel into master

Major update by Sanha over the past two weeks.

  1. Major re-writing of the jet-track association and track selection. Jet-track association now depends on official ParticleJetTools/JetParticleShrinkingConeAssociation.h to decorate jets with a collection of tracks, and the track selection is taken mostly from TDD.
  2. Major re-writing of the custom GN* tagger evaluation. Now the tagger evaluation utilizes existing FlavorTagDiscriminants/GNN.h and other official Athena classes.
  3. Addition of Muon CP tools. Note that not all of them work, due to period-dependency and the lack of PRW Tool implementation.
  4. Harmonizing variable/branch names everywhere. You might not like them all, but at least they are (more) consistent now.

Merge request reports