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Print more informations about histograms in the MessageSvc

Sebastien Ponce requested to merge sponce_fixMessageSvc into master

Histograms are now printed as by the MessageSvc.

This recreates the output that used to be created by the GaudiHistoAlg. Note that the skewness and kurtosis computations for 1D histograms are different from the old ones, as they are now correct :-) Also a HistoStringsWidth property has been added to the MessageSvcSink in case one wants to change the width of the ID and title columns. Defaults to 45.

Example of the output, from, with HistoStringsWidth=30 and NamesToSave=['Prof.', 'Gauss.']:

SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS Booked 30 Histogram(s) : 1D=5 2D=5 3D=5 1DProf=5 2DProf=5 3DProf=5
SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS 1D histograms in directory "SimpleCounterHistos" : 5
 | ID                                            |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
 | Gauss                                    | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, atomic"       |   50000 |   -0.00834 | 0.99458    | -0.0074248 |  0.0016078 |
 | GaussBuf                                 | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, buffered"     |  500000 |   -0.00834 | 0.99458    | -0.0074248 |  0.0016078 |
 | GaussInt                                 | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, integer v..." |   50000 |    0.49618 | 0.67652    |   -0.01245 |     2.4154 |
 | GaussNA                                  | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, non atomic"   |   50000 |   -0.00834 | 0.99458    | -0.0074248 |  0.0016078 |
 | GaussW                                   | "Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, weighted"     |   50000 |   -0.00834 | 0.99458    | -0.0074248 |  0.0016078 |
SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS 2D histograms in directory "SimpleCounterHistos" : 5
 ID=GaussFlat                                 "Gaussian V Flat, atomic"                 Ents/All=25077/50000<X>/sX=-0.017406/2.8724,<Y>/sY=-0.017079/0.99876
 ID=GaussFlatBuf                              "Gaussian V Flat, buffered"               Ents/All=250770/500000<X>/sX=-0.017406/2.8724,<Y>/sY=-0.017079/0.99876
 ID=GaussFlatInt                              "Gaussian V Flat, integer values"         Ents/All=27539/50000<X>/sX=0.040288/2.7261,<Y>/sY=0.48932/0.6813
 ID=GaussFlatNA                               "Gaussian V Flat, non atomic"             Ents/All=25077/50000<X>/sX=-0.017406/2.8724,<Y>/sY=-0.017079/0.99876
 ID=GaussFlatW                                "Gaussian V Flat, weighted"               Ents/All=12538/50000<X>/sX=-0.017406/2.8724,<Y>/sY=-0.017079/0.99876
SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS 3D histograms in directory "SimpleCounterHistos" : 5
 ID=GaussFlatGauss                            "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, atomic"      Ents/All=25077/50000<X>/sX=-0.017367/2.8593,<Y>/sY=-0.014774/1.0373,<Z>/sZ=-0.014575/1.0473
 ID=GaussFlatGaussBuf                         "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, buffered"    Ents/All=250770/500000<X>/sX=-0.017367/2.8593,<Y>/sY=-0.014774/1.0373,<Z>/sZ=-0.014575/1.0473
 ID=GaussFlatGaussInt                         "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, interge..."  Ents/All=27539/50000<X>/sX=0.040288/2.7261,<Y>/sY=0.48932/0.6813,<Z>/sZ=0.48987/0.68849
 ID=GaussFlatGaussNA                          "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, non atomic"  Ents/All=25077/50000<X>/sX=-0.017367/2.8593,<Y>/sY=-0.014774/1.0373,<Z>/sZ=-0.014575/1.0473
 ID=GaussFlatGaussW                           "Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian, weighted"    Ents/All=12538/50000<X>/sX=-0.017367/2.8593,<Y>/sY=-0.014774/1.0373,<Z>/sZ=-0.014575/1.0473
SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS 1D profile histograms in directory "SimpleCounterHistos" : 5
 | ID                                            |   Title                                       |    #    |     Mean   |    RMS     |  Skewness  |  Kurtosis  |
 | ProfGauss                                | "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, ..." |   50000 |   -0.10834 | 0.99458    | -0.0074248 |  0.0016078 |
 | ProfGaussBuf                             | "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, ..." |  500000 |   -0.10834 | 0.99458    | -0.0074248 |  0.0016078 |
 | ProfGaussInt                             | "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, ..." |   50000 |    0.49618 | 0.67652    |   -0.01245 |     2.4154 |
 | ProfGaussNA                              | "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, ..." |   50000 |   -0.10834 | 0.99458    | -0.0074248 |  0.0016078 |
 | ProfGaussW                               | "Profile, Gaussian mean=0, sigma=1, ..." |  224624 | -0.0082866 | 0.99259    | -0.0049453 |  -0.029363 |
SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS 2D profile histograms in directory "SimpleCounterHistos" : 5
 ID=ProfGaussFlat                             "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, atomic"        Ents/All=25077/50000<X>/sX=-0.21741/2.8724,<Y>/sY=-0.017079/0.99876
 ID=ProfGaussFlatBuf                          "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, buffered"      Ents/All=250770/500000<X>/sX=-0.21741/2.8724,<Y>/sY=-0.017079/0.99876
 ID=ProfGaussFlatInt                          "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, integer v..."  Ents/All=27539/50000<X>/sX=0.040288/2.7261,<Y>/sY=0.48932/0.6813
 ID=ProfGaussFlatNA                           "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, non atomic"    Ents/All=25077/50000<X>/sX=-0.21741/2.8724,<Y>/sY=-0.017079/0.99876
 ID=ProfGaussFlatW                            "Profile, Gaussian V Flat, weighted"      Ents/All=12158/224624<X>/sX=-0.017009/2.8697,<Y>/sY=-0.017322/0.9612
SimpleCounterHi...SUCCESS 3D profile histograms in directory "SimpleCounterHistos" : 5
 ID=ProfGaussFlatGauss                        "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian..."  Ents/All=25077/37733<X>/sX=-1.0174/2.8593,<Y>/sY=-0.014774/1.0373,<Z>/sZ=-0.014575/1.0473
 ID=ProfGaussFlatGaussBuf                     "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian..."  Ents/All=250770/377330<X>/sX=-1.0174/2.8593,<Y>/sY=-0.014774/1.0373,<Z>/sZ=-0.014575/1.0473
 ID=ProfGaussFlatGaussInt                     "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian..."  Ents/All=27539/50000<X>/sX=0.040288/2.7261,<Y>/sY=0.48932/0.6813,<Z>/sZ=0.48987/0.68849
 ID=ProfGaussFlatGaussNA                      "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian..."  Ents/All=25077/37733<X>/sX=-1.0174/2.8593,<Y>/sY=-0.014774/1.0373,<Z>/sZ=-0.014575/1.0473
 ID=ProfGaussFlatGaussW                       "Profile, Gaussian V Flat V Gaussian..."  Ents/All=12416/224624<X>/sX=-0.018283/2.8588,<Y>/sY=-0.015142/1.0229,<Z>/sZ=-0.013611/1.0332
Edited by Sebastien Ponce

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