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Fix distcc support and add icecream

Rosen Matev requested to merge rmatev/Gaudi:fix-distcc into master

Using distcc is currently broken for two reasons

  • GaudiProjectConfig.cmake is executed multiple times and the launch rule is prepended multiple times
  • In case of ccache+distcc, the setting of CCACHE_PREFIX is wrong

Here (in the first commit) I fix the generation of the compile rule by

  • resetting the accumulation variables (GAUDI_RULE_LAUNCH_.*). Note that in case they are set externally, the behaviour will change,
  • separating out the environment part into GAUDI_RULE_LAUNCH_.*_ENV, such that using GAUDI_USE_CTEST_LAUNCHERS can work together with distcc.

In the second commit, I add support for another distributed compiler, icecream.

The multiple execution of GaudiProjectConfig.cmake has to be fixed separately, either at the source or with an include guard like


PS. This may invalidate ccaches as right now the compiler is prefixed with .../ccache .../ccache .../ccache and this MR removes the triplication.

Edited by Rosen Matev

Merge request reports
