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WIP: Testing ROOT 7 Experimental Histograms APIs

Marco Clemencic requested to merge clemenci/Gaudi:test-root7-api into master

At the moment, I'm just testing if it's possible to drop HistogramSvc and THistSvc in favour of ROOT 7 histogram interface.

AFAIK, apart from the use of AIDA histograms in HistogramSvc, the main reasons for those two services is to work around issues with ROOT 5/6 objects ownership, and to ensure that we produce only one ROOT files with all histograms.

In ROOT 7 the memory management is correct and explicit, so no need for special tricks, and we could use one service (see IHistogramWriter tentative interfaces in this MR) to just take care of the single output file problem.

Ideally one should manage histograms in the same way as counters (!629 (merged)), with a mechanism to create/fill them only if requested, and automatically add them to the single output file.

Note: includes !703 (merged)

Edited by Marco Clemencic

Merge request reports
