Add helpers to chain StatusCode dependent executions
After !514 (merged) it is not possible to write code like:
StatusCode someFunc() {
return func1() && func2() && func3();
The change I'm proposing allows something equivalent:
StatusCode someFunc() {
return func1().andThen(func2).andThen(func3);
and more:
StatusCode myFunction() {
return subFunction()
.andThen([]() {
.andThen([]() {
if (is_special_case())
return do_something_else();
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
or, for functions not returning StatusCode
void myFunction() {
.andThen( doSomethingElse )
.orThrow( "some error", "myFunction" )
.andThen( moreActions )
.orThrow( "too bad, we were nearly there", "myFunction" );
Edited by Marco Clemencic