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Define Filtering Interaction GNNs and Shallow GNN

Anthony Correia requested to merge anthonyc/filtering_gnn into main

This MR introduces 3 new GNNs

  • FilteredTripletInteractionGNN: same as TripletInteractionGNN, but at the end of each graph iteration, the output edge classifier is applied to the current node and edge encodings to remove edges that are obviously wrong.
  • CustomFilteredTripletInteractionGNN: same as FilteredTripletInteractionGNN but the # node and edge features is customizable. Moreover, the edge output classifiers is different at every step, making the GNN completely non-recursive.
  • ShallowInteractionGNN: just a TripletInteractionGNN with one and only one graph iteration.

The MR also removes the incremental GNN, which had poor performance.

Maybe merge !26 (merged) first.

Merge request reports
