Connecting The Dots (CTD) 2023 reproducibility
This example gives instructions to reproduce the results presented by the GNN4ITk team at Connecting The Dots 2023.
Simulated event sample
MC event simulation samples are used for this study, specifically pp collisions at √s = 14 TeV with a tt pair in the final state, with 200 pp interaction pileup per bunch crossing, as expected at the LH-LHC, and a full simulation of the ATLAS detector based on Geant4. Updated ITk layout version 23-00-03 was used in the detector simulation.
The simulated data dumped in ROOT format from RDO simulated samples can be download from this container on the grid:
Assuming the ACORN requirements have been installed, the only other requirements are the data files and model files.
The data can be download to a data directory MY_DATA_DIR
. This is around 370Gb(!), so ensure you download to a location with sufficient space. Define this dir with:
Create the following sub directories:
mkdir $data_dir/ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-03_Rel.21.9
mkdir $data_dir/ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-03_Rel.21.9/ttbar
then download the data with the following commands (assuming you have configure your ATLAS environnement on the grid):
cd $data_dir/ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-03_Rel.21.9/ttbar
lsetup rucio
voms-proxy-init -voms atlas
rucio download user.jstark:GNN4Itk_v2__mc15_14TeV.600012.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_nonallhad.recon.RDO.e8185_s3770_s3773_r14431
The location of this data, as well as all parameters controlling the GNN4ITk reconstruction chain, is specified in yaml config files. The data directory currently has a placeholder MY_DATA_DIR. Replace this with the actual data directory with:
sed -i "s|MY_DATA_DIR|$data_dir|g" *.yaml
Assuming ACORN directory currently has a placeholder MY_ACORN_DIR, define it by:
Data reading stage
Sampling the events
The events sampling use for CTD 2023 can be found on eos
please copy this files in:
Inference will read the dumped data and will:
- Sample the events in train, val and test sets accordingly with the sampling files
- Represent the event as a pyg Data object
- Store requested hits features and particles (tracks) features
- Preprocess requested features
- Build track edges
Run the command:
acorn infer $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/data_reader.yaml
The result will be pyg files containing the events represented as pyg Data object:
- A trainset of 9.8K events
- A valset of 1K events
- A testset of 1K events
This stage can take a lot of time and ressources. If you want you can directly get the results of the inference from the three container on the grid:
Please copy them in:
before running the next stages.
Graph construction stage
Inference will:
- Construct the graph (i.e. the
) connecting nodes (representing hits/Space Points) based on a ITK-23-00 version of the Module Map - Create
which is the truth map betweenevent.track edges
. - Create the target
for fake edges andevent.y==True
for true edges)
The CTD_2023 Module Map can be found here :
Please copy the Module Map in :
Then run the command:
acorn infer $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/module_map_infer.yaml
The result is the train, val and test sets of pyg files updated by the event.edge_index
, the event.truth_map
and the edges target event.y
Run the command:
acorn eval $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/module_map_eval.yaml
The result will be the graph construction efficiency plots vs eta and pT:
Edge Classifier stage
The training has to be launch on a GPU interfaced with CUDA and with at least 80GB of memory.
The InteractionGNN2
edge classifier GNN model is trained using the train dataset computed on the previous stage.
Details on the model can be found in [REF] and the code is here :
GNN Model and training parameters can be found in the config file here:
Run the command to launch the training:
acorn train $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/gnn_train.yaml
Typically the training will last between ~100 to ~200 epochs to start to plateau significantly.
The hyperparameters of the model and training can be found here:
(XXX = run version number)
The log of the training can be found here:
(XXX = run version number)
The last and the 'best' checkpoints of the model are stored here:
Inference of the GNN model will:
- Predict scores for the edges of each event in testset stored in
- Create a tensor of boolean
if the edge passes the cutFalse
if not) - Update the
to take into account true edges which are not passing the cut
Inference from the local training best checkpoint
Run the command:
acorn infer $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/gnn_infer.yaml
Inference from pre-trained GNN checkpoint
A pre-trained InteractionGNN2
edge classifier GNN model checkpoint can be found here:
copy it here:
It gives ~99.2% of efficency and ~92.9% of masked purity (see [REF] for masked purity definition) on the test set.
Run the command:
acorn infer $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/gnn_infer.yaml -c MY_ACORN_DIR/model_store/gnn/GNN_IN2_epochs169.ckpt
The result is the scored testset events.
Run the command:
acorn eval $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/gnn_eval.yaml
The results will be the plots of cumulative efficiency vs (r,z) (graph construction efficiency * gnn signal efficiency), efficiency vs (r,z) (gnn signal efficiency), target purity, purity and total purity vs (r, z):
Track building stage
The inference will:
- Apply a cut on edge scores
- Compute Connected Components and identified simple path as track candidates
- Compute a Walk Through algorithm on the remaining part of the graph (not simple path i.e. branching) to desambiguize road and create new track candidates
- Create a
for each node (hit/Space Point) which is the id of the track candidates the node (hit/Space Point) belongs.
Run the command:
acorn infer $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/track_building_infer.yaml
The result is
- the events of testset in pyg format with nodes labelled by the track candidates id
- the track candidates in ASCII files format, which can be found here:
Each lines of the event files contains a sequence of hits which are the track candidates, for instance:
head $data_dir/ATLAS-P2-ITK-23-00-03_Rel.21.9/ttbar/track/testset_reco/event005000901_reco_trks.txt
11 68 133 185 15921 15995 17197 17261 17324 48877 101589
18 78 866 929 17096 17160 17226 18636 18700 18760 52253 80084 92282 101587 240153 243270 246988
50 112 166 221 900 17238 17298 17359 17424 17490 60676 60730 60780 79951 80005 80139 92235 92345
94 152 208 262 335 1001 17284 17345 17415 17478 60719 60771 60823 61249 79992 80171 92229 92338 92368
97 154 207 260 16038 16115 16184 16247 16321 17341 17411 49068 49147 49227 49343 60129 60194 60259 79784 92134
101 159 214 264 334 945 17342 17412 17472 17570 60763 60814 61293 80166 80211 92355
420 1197 1269 1347 1425 19091 19195 19311 19420 19523 61440 61529 61612
528 598 680 755 1384 1465 1535 1600 17907 18039 18134 19168 19273 19381 19484 19606 19691 19779
535 1322 1394 1470 1540 1611 19171 19275 19385 19488 19610 19696 19783
580 662 734 830 16579 16653 16742 16829 18101 18212 49859 49957 50068 51933 51985 52032
acorn eval $acorn_dir/examples/CTD_2023/track_building_eval.yaml
The result is the plots of track reconstruction efficiency vs eta and of track reconstruction efficiency vs pT.