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Two track vtx finder tool

This MR is for separating the two-track vertex candidates and the V0 candidates. I have introduced a new tool (TwoTrackVtxFinderTool) that produces a list of vertex candidates (const std::vector< const xAOD::Vertex* >).

This collection is taken by the JetFitterV0FinderTool that produces a shortlist of vertex candidates that are used for later processing. This shortlist is actually a deep copy of the 2-trk vertex candidate collection.

Also, the vertex collection produced by the TwoTrackVtxFinderTool is deleted manually.

This MR is connected also to atlas-flavor-tagging-tools MR !64

Tagging @parodi @cschiavi @coccaro @grbarbou

Edited by Carlo Varni

Merge request reports
