- Feb 13, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fix a bug in the particle decay vertex time * tag as ParticleDecayer-00-00-19 2014-12-11 Antonio Policicchio <Antonio.Policicchio@cern.ch> * fix a bug in the particle decay vertex time * tag as ParticleDecayer-00-00-18
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* Add ITk ring layout geometry xml file * Tag as InDetIdDictFiles-00-00-09
Sarka Todorova authored
* fix crash at the world boundary * tag as TrkExTools-03-00-34-09 2015-02-09 Sharka Todorova <sarka.todorova@cern.ch> * fix the exit from alignable volume * tag as TrkExTools-03-00-34-08
Peng Jiang authored
ATLASSIM-1825. (ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29) * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-29 * Add protection to avoid crash from "GetPostStepLogicalVolume". ATLASSIM-1825. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-28 * src/TrackProcessorUserAction.cxx - remove duplicated setting of entries in m_parentISPmap, should result in a 2% reduction in CPU time. obo Peng Jiang. ATLASSIM-1754. 2015-02-05 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: ISF_Geant4Tools-00-02-27 * TransportTool: add QuasiStableParticlesIncluded configurable property to suppress warning messages when behaviour is expected. ATLASSIM-526.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
* Using new values in the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM 2015-01-30 Vakho Tsulaia <tsulaia@cern.ch> * Using new values in the GeoConfig enum: GEO_ITk and GEO_RUN4
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM (GeoModelInterfaces-00-00-05) * Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_RUN3 and GEO_TESTBEAM 2015-01-30 Vakho Tsulaia <tsulaia@cern.ch> * Adding two new values to the GeoConfig enum: GEO_ITk and GEO_RUN4
Jochen Meyer authored
* fixing issue in src/Station.cxx regarding amdbOrigine_along_length introduced in previous tag * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-09 2015-01-19 P.-F. Giraud * Get rid of code relying on a unique value of MDT pitch for all chambers, accounting for sMDT chambers (BME) mismatch on Barrel side C chambers * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-08 2015-01-19 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-07 * addressing coverity defects 11646, 11262-3, 11890, 11950, 28670-1 2014-12-06 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * tagging MuonGeoModel-01-08-06 * addressing coverity defects: 11267-9, 11380, 11491-3, 11548-50, 11646, 11648, 11660, 11758, 11888-92, 11901-4, 11950, 11960, 12004-6, 12035, ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Stefania Spagnolo authored
return null pointer if rpcreadoutelements are requested with indices out of range, instead of throwing exceptions (MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-03) * tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-03 * src/MuonDetectorManager.cxx (getRpcReadoutElement): return null pointer if rpcreadoutelements are requested with indices out of range, instead of throwing exceptions 2015-01-19 P.-F. Giraud * Add and use data members containing MDT inner radius and tube wall thickness, avoiding use of generic value for all chambers. Necessary for sMDT (BME). * Changes to MdtReadoutElement: fix bug introduced in eigen migration in fromIdealToDeformed; call deformation function using end-plug positions only * MuonStation: getUpdatedBlineFixedPointInAmdbLRS: fix implementation for barrel C side chambers. * tagging MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-02 2014-12-10 Jochen Meyer * MuonReadoutGeometry-03-02-01 * assert becomes throw * addressing coverity defects: 11392-5, 11402, 11467, 11524, 11560, 11576-7 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
share/G4particle_whitelist.txt - remove particles not in PDGTABLE.MEV file. ATLASSIM-1795. Tagging: EvgenProdTools-00-02-04 (EvgenProdTools-00-02-04) * Tagging: EvgenProdTools-00-02-04 * share/G4particle_whitelist.txt - remove particles not in PDGTABLE.MEV file. ATLASSIM-1795 2015-01-27 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * Tagging: EvgenProdTools-00-02-03 * Set FixHepMC's 'loops by barcode' option to default to false, since it's caused problems in non-Sherpa samples.
John Derek Chapman authored
add python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py - to define ConfGetter methods. Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. Move header files to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. cmt/requirements - adapt use statements to header files being moved to src directory. Tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-00 (ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-00) * add python/ISF_HepMC_ToolsConfigDb.py - to define ConfGetter methods. Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. * Move header files to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. * cmt/requirements - adapt use statements to header files being moved to src directory. * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-03-00 2014-12-17 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * GenEventStackFiller: fixing coverity issue CID 13415 (ATLASSIM-1712) * tag as ISF_HepMC_Tools-00-02-16
John Derek Chapman authored
python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfig.py - remove unnecessary calls to getPublicTool. It is sufficient to use the name of the name of the tools. Add python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfigDb.py - Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. HepMC_Truth.h - move to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. cmt/requirements - update use statements after header file move. Tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-00 (ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-00) * python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfig.py - remove unnecessary calls to getPublicTool. It is sufficient to use the name of the tools. * add python/ISF_HepMC_ServicesConfigDb.py - Requires ISF_Config-00-01-14. * HepMC_Truth.h - move to src directory. ATLASSIM-1654. * cmt/requirements - update use statements after header file move. * tag ISF_HepMC_Services-00-03-00
Zach Marshall authored
Updating to 2.2.2_p2 to add light mediator Higgs DM models, effective DM models with a scalar mediator, and a left-right symmetric model (MadGraph-00-01-12) * Updating to 2.2.2_p2 to add light mediator Higgs DM models, effective DM models with a scalar mediator, and a left-right symmetric model * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-12 2015.01.07 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.2_p1 to add a type-III seesaw, Higgs characterization models, and anomalous gauge coupling models * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-11 2014.12.11 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.2_p0 to add a B' VLQ model * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-10 2014.11.25 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.2 * Adding three dark matter models obo D. Salek * Tagging: MadGraph-00-01-09 2014.10.21 Zach Marshall <ZLMarshall@lbl.gov> * Updating to 2.2.1_p0 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Nicholas Styles authored
* Add further folders obo A. Alonso Diaz * Tagged as InDetCondFolders-00-00-07 2015-01-28 Frederick Luehring <Fred.Luehring@cern.ch> * Add TRT conditions folders to define mixed Xe/Ar geometries: * conddb.addFolderSplitOnline("TRT","/TRT/Onl/Cond/StatusHT","/TRT/Cond/StatusHT") * tag as InDetCondFolders-00-00-06 * Comment for InDetCondFolders-00-00-05 seens to be missing.
Will Buttinger authored
* Root/PathResolver.cxx: Remove rogue debugging message. And ensured we will never download back to the www area (only affected people with write access there!)
Ignacio Aracena authored
* CSCcablingSvc.cxx : allow RUN3 and RUN4 geometries * CSCcabling-00-00-15 2014-12-04 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * CSCcabling-00-00-14 * fixing coverity defect 11990
James Robinson authored
* Tagged 00-02-00 (trijet still not validated) * Added HJ, HJJ, ST_wtch_DR 23-11-14 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * All processes for 00-01-XX release validated except trijet 14-11-14 James Robinson <james.robinson@cern.ch> * Changed structure ready for 00-01-XX release * Reconfigured some parameters into decorator functions
Nicholas Styles authored
* Downgrade WARNING to DEBUG when set to not use MagFieldSvc * Tagged as SiLorentzAngleSvc-01-00-04
Andy Buckley authored
'Re-fix mass setting ;-) Previous version is mostly right but could produce out-of-sync vector and gen masses.' (ParticleGun-02-00-06) * Tagging: ParticleGun-02-00-06 * Re-fix mass setting ;-) Previous version is mostly right but could produce out-of-sync vector and gen masses. 2015-01-29 Ewelina Lobodzinska <ewelina@mail.desy.de> * Tagging: ParticleGun-02-00-05 * implement fix provided by Zach for mass setting 2015-01-28 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * Tagging: ParticleGun-02-00-04 * Improve generated_mass setting and remove accidental print. 2015-01-25 Andy Buckley <andy.buckley@cern.ch> * Tagging: ParticleGun-02-00-03 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
python/SimFlags.py - change default SimLayout to be ATLAS-R2-2015-02-01-00 and add other MC15a layouts to the list of valid layouts. share/jobOptions.G4Cosmic.py, share/jobOptions.G4Atlas.py, share/jobOptions.G4Atlas_ReadEvgen.py - explicitly set simFlas.SimLayout=ATLAS-R2-2015-02-01-00 and set simFlags.RunNumber to a corresponding value. ATLASSIM-1797. Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-07-98 (G4AtlasApps-00-07-98) * Tagging: G4AtlasApps-00-07-98 * python/SimFlags.py - change default SimLayout to be ATLAS-R2-2015-02-01-00 and add other MC15a layouts to the list of valid layouts. * share/jobOptions.G4Cosmic.py, share/jobOptions.G4Atlas.py, share/jobOptions.G4Atlas_ReadEvgen.py - explicitly set simFlas.SimLayout=ATLAS-R2-2015-02-01-00 and set simFlags.RunNumber to a corresponding value. ATLASSIM-1797.
James William Monk authored
* Add Lhef_i dependency back to cmt/requirements
Marjorie Shapiro authored
Change EvtGenInclusiveDecay to inherit from GenBase in EvtGenInclusiveDecay use evtStore()->overwrite(..) if reading MCEventCollection from file (EvtGen_i-00-01-17) * Fix code to meet Run 2 coding standards (eg fix warnings from nightlies) * Change EvtInclusiveDecay to inherit from GenBase * Change EvtInclusiveDecay to use evtStore()->overwrite if reading evgen from input file * tag as EvtGen_i-00-01-17
Nicholas Styles authored
2015-01-28 Nick Styles * Fix incorrect identifiers for IBL 3D sensors * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-45 2015-01-26 Sabine Elle <elles@lapp.in2p3.fr> * Add ITk ring layout geometry * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-44 2015-01-07 Sabine Elles <elles@lapp.in2p3.fr> * Add FATRAS tracking geometry option (ATLAS-PX-ITK geo tag) * Tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-43
Sabine Elles authored
* Add ITk ring layout geometry * Tag as InDetServMatlGeoModel-00-04-28 2015-01-07 Sabine Elles <elles@lapp.in2p3.fr> * Add FATRAS tracking geometry option (ATLAS-PX-ITK geo tag) * Tag as InDetServMatGeoModel-00-04-27
Jochen Meyer authored
* Implement a slightly more convenient ASCII output for MuonGMCheck * tagging MuonGeoModelTest-04-00-06 2014-12-06 Jochen Meyer * addressing coverity defects 12722-3, 13052-3, 12315 * tagging MuonGeoModelTest-04-00-05
jhenders authored
* adding XtoVVDecayFilterExtended * tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-08 2014-12-01 Georges Aad * adding tt+HF filter * tagging as GeneratorFilters-00-03-07
Pierre-Francois Giraud authored
2015-01-17 P.-F. Giraud * Barrel C side chambers: correct the sign and offset of tube staggering in deformation fixed point calculation * apply_szt_deformation: remove improper code attempting to make wire straight. Function should be called only with MDT end-plugs as arguments * tagging AmdcStand-02-00-01 2014-09-22 Jochen Meyer <jomeyer@mail.cern.ch> * tagging AmdcStand-02-00-00 * removing dependences on Muonboy
Daniel Hayden authored
16-10-14 Daniel Hayden <danhayden0@googlemail.com> * Updated Start of Scheme where tags with 00-00-XX will be all V1, 00-01-XX will be all V2, and 00-02-XX will be the ATLAS Powheg Release (mix of V1 and V2). This tag introduces first purely V2 based install. * Tagged Powheg-00-01-00 24-10-14 Daniel Hayden <danhayden0@googlemail.com> * Updated First official tag of combined V1&V2 External/Powheg Release. * Tagged Powheg-00-02-00 17-12-14 Daniel Hayden <danhayden0@googlemail.com> * Updated Special release based on r2330.4, adding PDF reweighting to W and Z processes. * Tagged Powheg-00-00-12 18-12-14 Daniel Hayden <danhayden0@googlemail.com> * Updated New tag of V1/V2 combined release, pointing to ATLASOTF-00-00-01. Adding Single-top process which links to QCDLoop-1.95 locally. * Tagged Powheg-00-02-01
Valerio Ippolito authored
* COOL maps are now used by default, as agreed with validation people * tag MagFieldServices-00-01-33
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
* src/RootCollection.h: Trying to fix typo introduced by RootCollection-00-02-15 * tagging RootCollection-00-02-17 2014-10-14 Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov> * src/RootCollection.cpp: Require AttributeListLayout if loading old Collection TTree to avoid conflict with newer payload files opened as Collection. * tagging RootCollection-00-02-16 2014-09-30 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * src/RootCollection.h Add support for non-backwards compatible change in Gaudi Factory API introduced in v25r3. * Tagged as RootCollection-00-02-15 2014-09-24 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging RootCollection-00-02-14. * cmt/requirements: Fix warnings. 2014-09-12 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Feb 07, 2015
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored
Graeme Stewart authored