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ATLAS LaTeX class, style files and templates to typeset notes and papers.
See ChangeLog or SVN log for history of changes.

Responsible: Ian Brock (

The following template main files exist:
  atlas-document.tex		Generic ATLAS document
  atlas-document-texmf.tex	Generic ATLAS document for a central atlaslatex installation
  atlas-draft-cover.tex		Make a standalone cover for an ATLAS draft
  atlas-preprint-cover.tex	Make a standalone cover for an ATLAS CERN preprint
  atlas-auxmat.tex			A front page for auxiliary material

The ATLAS document class (atlasdoc.cls) and style files can be found in 
the latex directory. The following main style files exist:
  atlasbiblatex.sty		Reference style adjustments for biblatex
  atlascover.sty		Make a cover (CONF note, CERN preprint, ATLAS draft)
  atlascontribute.sty	List of contributors (and authors) for a document
  atlaspackage.sty		Standard packages used in ATLAS documents
  atlasphysics.sty		Useful definitions. This file simply inputs others.
						Options can be used to specify which ones should be included.

Documentation can be found in the doc directory.
  atlas-paper.pdf		Guide to the content and style of ATLAS papers
  atlas-latex.pdf		Guide to the use of the ATLAS document templates and styles
  atlas-bibtex.pdf		Guide to references and BibTeX in ATLAS
  atlas-physics.pdf		Symbols defined in atlasphysics.sty
  atlas-tables.pdf		Some guidelines and help for tables

More detailed information about the package can be found under:

The general idea is that you create a separate directory tree for each document that
you want to produce which contains the contents of this package.
It is assumed that all style files are in a directory latex, which is a subdirectory of 
the one in which the main document sits. The latex subdirectory can of course be a link
to a central style directory.

To make a new document give the command:
  make new [BASENAME=mydocument] [TEXLIVE=YYYY]
The TeX Live version is set to 2013 by default.
This version number should be fine for newer versions of TeX Live 
and also for an up-to-date MikTeX 2.9 installation.
  make help
gives you a bit more assistance on which make targets exist.

The most common FAQ I get is why atlaslatex does not just compile "out of the box"?
If you are running on lxplus for it to work, you MUST set your PATH correctly:
  export PATH=/afs/$PATH

A users guide to the templates can be found in doc/atlas_latex.pdf. You can produce
this document yourself (and thus test that your LaTeX setup is working)
by giving the commands:
  cd doc/atlas_latex
  cd doc/atlas_latex
  pdflatex atlas_latex
  biber    atlas_latex
  pdflatex atlas_latex
  pdflatex atlas_latex

Three other make targets are:
  make clean				Cleans up intermediate files
  make cleanpdf				Remove output pdf file
  make cleanall				Also cleans up output pdf file