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Draft: Py36 features

David Southwick requested to merge py36_features into qa-v1.0

Python36 enhancements

Leaving python 2.7 behind frees us to take advantage of the 6+ years of improvements between it and 3.6.

This MR has no functionality change, but updates the following methods:

  • Takes advantage of native order-preservation in dicts, yaml. (drop oyaml for PyYAML)
  • [In progress] Leverages standard library pathlib for better handling and resolution of filepaths and permissions
  • Rebase setuptools to recent version (previously held back to last version supporting python2)
  • unify outdir and resultsdir (as started in !85 (merged))
  • utilize logging critical level for logs that result in program termination
  • [TODO] massive add test coverage for all changes to certify
Edited by David Southwick

Merge request reports