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New atlas-digi-reco-bmk WL

Martina Javurkova requested to merge BMK-194 into qa

This merge should fix memory issues in atlas-digi-reco-bmk which can now run AthenaMP and thus closes BMK-171 and BMK-194. This has to be tested. New python parsing script is added to atlas-digi-reco WL which should be used as default. It reports correctly when some jobs fail (BMK-169) and calculates the overall score correctly (BMK-162). In addition, python parsing scripts are now being executed along with bash parsing scripts in order to provide additional information. The new reference json file has been added.

It is the first version of atlas-digi-reco-bmk WL with a set of arguments corresponding to a self-contained AMI tag -q221. It should give a reasonable memory representation but is not representative in terms of I/O (no pile-up overlay).

Merge request reports