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CI build procedure rework

Domenico Giordano requested to merge frozen_ci_rework into master

This is a major rework of the build procedure implemented in the CI, intended to

  1. partition the monolithic CI process, in order to speed up the build process and avoid re-executions of successful steps in case of failures in test phases or push to registry phases.

  2. implement the parallel built of images for multiple architectures, starting from the same Experiment/Workload directory. Therefore there is not need to maintain separate Experiment/Workload directories for x86, aarch64, etc.

  3. improve the traceability, tagging the repository with a tag associated to the image built, in order to recover more easily the code that generated a given production container (i.e. tagged with v* version)

The old main is in the backup branch master_legacy and tag v1.0_legacy.

In order to enable these changes, the builder image has been upgraded to centos:8, in order to use the singularity rpm for ARM. The new image name is hep-workload-builder-multiarch. The legacy hep-workload-builder still stays in the registy

Edited by Domenico Giordano

Merge request reports