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switch to PP8 ttbar samples

Davide Gerbaudo requested to merge pp8 into pp8-rew


this is a first test. The jobs are being submitted and we still need to check the output. A few things to keep in mind:

  • the nominal sample is 410501 (replacing 410000)
  • in this configuration you submit the nominal sample (with useObjectSyst=True and useWeightSyst=True)
  • to process the syst variation samples you need to turn this two flags off, and change ttbarSystSamples=True in
  • the xsec values in are from svn+ssh:// egrep '(410250|410251|410281|410282|410323|410324|410325|410501|410511|410512|410517|410518|410525|410528)' ./data/
  • the input files are currently in /nfs/at3/scratch/gerbaudo/MBJ-2.4.28-2 and on CERN-PROD_SCRATCHDISK + IFAE_LOCALGROUPDISK
  • the normalization values in samples_info_MBJ-2.4.28-2.dat have been computed using python VLQAnalysis/python/ (see /nfs/

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