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Commit 423fd24c authored by Anthony Morley's avatar Anthony Morley Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

Updates for release 21 (InDetBeamSpotFinder-01-02-00)

  *  Update to allow:
	  * Fits done per unit time
		* Fix additional parameters
		* plb fits
parent f14e6d76
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 837 additions and 275 deletions
......@@ -16,7 +16,17 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigAnalysisInterfaces )
# External dependencies:
find_package( CLHEP )
......@@ -30,12 +40,12 @@ atlas_add_library( InDetBeamSpotFinderLib
PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps EventInfo xAODEventInfo TrkEventPrimitives VxVertex )
PRIVATE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} AthenaBaseComps EventInfo xAODEventInfo TrkEventPrimitives VxVertex AtlasDetDescr Identifier TrkFitterInterfaces TrkFitterUtils TrkParameters TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkTrack TrkVertexFitterInterfaces )
atlas_add_component( InDetBeamSpotFinder
LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} xAODTracking GaudiKernel AthenaBaseComps EventInfo xAODEventInfo TrkEventPrimitives VxVertex InDetBeamSpotFinderLib )
LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} xAODTracking GaudiKernel AthenaBaseComps EventInfo xAODEventInfo TrkEventPrimitives VxVertex AtlasDetDescr Identifier TrkFitterInterfaces TrkFitterUtils TrkParameters TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkTrack TrkVertexFitterInterfaces InDetBeamSpotFinderLib )
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ namespace BeamSpot {
namespace BeamSpot{
struct Event {
unsigned int pileup, runNumber, lumiBlock, bcid;
unsigned long long eventNumber, eventTime, eventTime_NS;
std::vector<BeamSpot::VrtHolder> vertices;
......@@ -4,40 +4,33 @@ author James Walder <>
author Guennadi Borissov <>
author Brian Amadio <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
#use StoreGate StoreGate-* Control
#use AthenaKernel AthenaKernel-* Control
use AtlasCLHEP AtlasCLHEP-* External
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
use AtlasCLHEP AtlasCLHEP-* External
use xAODTracking xAODTracking-* Event/xAOD
use AthenaBaseComps AthenaBaseComps-* Control
use VxVertex VxVertex-* Tracking/TrkEvent
#use GeneratorObjects GeneratorObjects-* Generators
use AthenaBaseComps AthenaBaseComps-* Control
use VxVertex VxVertex-* Tracking/TrkEvent
use TrkEventPrimitives TrkEventPrimitives-* Tracking/TrkEvent
#use Particle Particle-* Reconstruction
#use TrkTrack TrkTrack-* Tracking/TrkEvent
#use TrkToolInterfaces TrkToolInterfaces-* Tracking/TrkTools
use EventInfo EventInfo-* Event
use xAODEventInfo xAODEventInfo-* Event/xAOD
use TrkEventPrimitives TrkEventPrimitives-* Tracking/TrkEvent
#use TrkTrackSummary TrkTrackSummary-* Tracking/TrkEvent
#use TrkParameters TrkParameters-* Tracking/TrkEvent
use InDetBeamSpotService InDetBeamSpotService-* InnerDetector/InDetConditions
use TrigAnalysisInterfaces TrigAnalysisInterfaces-* Trigger/TrigAnalysis
use EventInfo EventInfo-* Event
use xAODEventInfo xAODEventInfo-* Event/xAOD
use AtlasDetDescr AtlasDetDescr-* DetectorDescription
use Identifier Identifier-* DetectorDescription
use TrkFitterInterfaces TrkFitterInterfaces-* Tracking/TrkFitter
use TrkFitterUtils TrkFitterUtils-* Tracking/TrkFitter
use TrkParameters TrkParameters-* Tracking/TrkEvent
use TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack-* Tracking/TrkEvent
use TrkRIO_OnTrack TrkRIO_OnTrack-* Tracking/TrkEvent
use TrkTrack TrkTrack-* Tracking/TrkEvent
use TrkVertexFitterInterfaces TrkVertexFitterInterfaces-* Tracking/TrkVertexFitter
use xAODTracking xAODTracking-* Event/xAOD
use InDetBeamSpotService InDetBeamSpotService-* InnerDetector/InDetConditions
use TrigAnalysisInterfaces TrigAnalysisInterfaces-* Trigger/TrigAnalysis
apply_tag ROOTMathLibs
# Example --steering 'doRAWtoALL' --ignoreErrors 'True' --inputBSFile /tmp/amorley/data16_13TeV.00310809.calibration_BeamSpot.merge.RAW/data16_13TeV.00310809.calibration_BeamSpot.merge.RAW._lb0743._SFO-ALL._0001.1 --outputAODFile /tmp/amorley/AOD.pool.root --conditionsTag all:CONDBR2-ES1PA-2016-03 --AMITag 'c1042' --autoConfiguration='everything' --maxEvents '-1' --preInclude 'all:InDetBeamSpotExample/' --postExec 'all:from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb; conddb.addOverride("/Indet/AlignL1/ID" ,"IndetAlignL1ID-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-02"); conddb.addOverride("/Indet/AlignL2/PIX" ,"IndetAlignL2PIX-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-02"); conddb.addOverride("/Indet/AlignL2/SCT" ,"IndetAlignL2SCT-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-02"); conddb.addOverride("/Indet/AlignL3" ,"IndetAlignL3-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-02"); conddb.addOverride("/Indet/IBLDist" ,"InDetIBLDist-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-01"); conddb.addOverride("/TRT/AlignL1/TRT" ,"TRTAlignL1-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-02"); conddb.addOverride("/TRT/AlignL2" ,"TRTAlignL2-RUN2-BLK-UPD4-02");' --preExec 'all:from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags; InDetFlags.useDynamicAlignFolders.set_Value_and_Lock(True); from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec;rec.UserAlgs.set_Value_and_Lock("InDetBeamSpotFinder/")' --postInclude 'all:BeamSpotFinder/' --geometryVersion all:ATLAS-R2-2015-04-00-00 --maxEvents 10
from InDetRecExample.InDetKeys import InDetKeys
containerName= "SCTonlyVertex"
from InDetBeamSpotFinder.InDetBeamSpotFinderConf import RefitTracksAndVertex
thisRefitTracksAndVertex = RefitTracksAndVertex(name = 'RefitTracksAndVertex',
TrackFitter = ToolSvc.InDetTrackFitter,
VertexFitterTool = InDetVxFitterTool,
VertexListInput = InDetKeys.xAODVertexContainer(),
OutputVertexContainer = containerName)
#thisRefitTracksAndVertex.SelEtaMin = -0.8
#thisRefitTracksAndVertex.SelEtaMax = 0.8
#thisRefitTracksAndVertex.OutputLevel = 1
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
topSequence += thisRefitTracksAndVertex
containerName= "SCTonlyVertex"
AnAODList = []
StreamAOD.ItemList += AnAODList
if False:
from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
SCTonlyVertexStream = MSMgr.NewPoolRootStream( "SCTonlyVertexStream", "SCTonlyVertex.pool.root" )
SCTonlyVertexStream.AddItem( "TrigDec::TrigDecision#TrigDecision" )
SCTonlyVertexStream.AddItem( 'xAOD::VertexContainer#'+containerName )
SCTonlyVertexStream.AddItem( 'xAOD::VertexAuxContainer#'+containerName+'Aux.-vxTrackAtVertex' )
SCTonlyVertexStream.AddItem( 'xAOD::EventInfo#EventInfo' )
SCTonlyVertexStream.AddItem( 'xAOD::EventAuxInfo#EventInfoAux.' )
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include "BeamSpotID.h"
bool BeamSpot::ID::operator<( const ID & rhs) const {
if ( m_timeStamp < rhs.m_timeStamp ) return true;
if ( m_timeStamp > rhs.m_timeStamp ) return false;
if ( m_pileup < rhs.m_pileup ) return true;
if ( m_pileup > rhs.m_pileup ) return false;
if ( m_bcid < rhs.m_bcid ) return true;
......@@ -17,20 +17,23 @@ namespace BeamSpot {
unsigned int lumiBlock() const {return m_lumiBlock; }
unsigned int pileup() const {return m_pileup; }
unsigned int bcid() const {return m_bcid; }
unsigned long timeStamp() const{return m_timeStamp; }
void runNumber(unsigned int run) {m_runNumber = run;}
void lumiBlock(unsigned int lb ) {m_lumiBlock = lb;}
void pileup(unsigned int pileup) {m_pileup = pileup;}
void bcid(unsigned int bcid) {m_bcid = bcid; }
void timeStamp(unsigned long time){m_timeStamp = time;}
bool operator<( const ID & ) const;
unsigned int m_runNumber;
unsigned int m_lumiBlock;
unsigned int m_pileup;
unsigned int m_bcid;
unsigned int m_runNumber;
unsigned int m_lumiBlock;
unsigned int m_pileup;
unsigned int m_bcid;
unsigned long m_timeStamp;
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticle.h"
#include "EventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "EventInfo/EventID.h"
InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::InDetBeamSpotFinder(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator):
AthAlgorithm(name, pSvcLocator),
......@@ -36,12 +39,13 @@ InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::InDetBeamSpotFinder(const std::string& name, ISvcLoc
declareProperty( "VertexNtuple" , m_writeVertexNtuple = true);
declareProperty( "WriteAllVertices" , m_writeAllVertices=false);
declareProperty( "VertexTreeName" , m_vertexTreeName);
declareProperty( "SecondsPerFit", m_secondsPerFit = 1);
StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::initialize() {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "in initialize()" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in initialize()");
if ( m_beamSpotToolList.size() == 0 ){
msg(MSG::FATAL) <<"FATAL ERROR: must provide at least one beamspot tool in beamSpotToolList";
ATH_MSG_FATAL("FATAL ERROR: must provide at least one beamspot tool in beamSpotToolList");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
ATH_CHECK( service("THistSvc",m_thistSvc) );
......@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::execute(){
if( m_writeVertexNtuple ){
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < currentEvent.vertices.size(); i++){
if( currentEvent.vertices[i].passed || m_writeAllVertices ){
writeToVertexTree( currentEvent, currentEvent.vertices[i] );
writeToVertexTree( currentEvent, currentEvent.vertices[i] );
......@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::execute(){
StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::finalize() {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "in finalize()" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in finalize()" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -85,7 +89,22 @@ BeamSpot::Event InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::readEvent(const xAOD::EventInfo & ev
event.pileup = ceil(eventInfo.actualInteractionsPerCrossing());
event.runNumber = eventInfo.runNumber();
event.lumiBlock = eventInfo.lumiBlock();
event.bcid = eventInfo.bcid();
event.bcid = eventInfo.bcid();
event.eventTime = eventInfo.timeStamp();
event.eventTime_NS = eventInfo.timeStampNSOffset();
event.eventNumber = eventInfo.eventNumber();
const DataHandle<EventInfo> BSeventInfo;
//This is required for pseudo lumiblocks
if( evtStore()->retrieve(BSeventInfo) != StatusCode::SUCCESS){
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Cannot get event info.");
return event;
if (event.lumiBlock != BSeventInfo->event_ID()->lumi_block())
//ATH_MSG_INFO("Updating Event info " << BSeventInfo->event_ID()->lumi_block() );
event.lumiBlock = BSeventInfo->event_ID()->lumi_block();
for(xAOD::VertexContainer::const_iterator vtxItr=vertexContainer.begin(); vtxItr!=vertexContainer.end(); ++vtxItr) {
if ((*vtxItr)->vertexType() == xAOD::VxType::NoVtx) continue;
vertex.x = (*vtxItr)->x();
......@@ -111,6 +130,8 @@ void InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::sortEvents(){
id.lumiBlock( (m_maxLBsPerFit > 0) ? m_eventList[i].lumiBlock : 0 );
id.pileup ( iequals(m_fitSortingKey,"pileup") ? m_eventList[i].pileup : 0 );
id.bcid ( iequals(m_fitSortingKey,"bcid" ) ? m_eventList[i].bcid : 0 );
//std::cout << "time " << iequals(m_fitSortingKey,"time" )<< " " << m_eventList[i].eventTime/m_secondsPerFit << std::endl;
id.timeStamp( iequals(m_fitSortingKey,"time" ) ? m_eventList[i].eventTime/m_secondsPerFit : 0 );
m_eventMap[id].push_back( m_eventList[i] );
auto iter = m_eventMap.begin();
......@@ -124,18 +145,19 @@ void InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::sortEvents(){
currentID = iter->first;
if( iter == m_eventMap.begin() || currentID.runNumber() != lastID.runNumber() ){ nRuns++; }
if( iter == m_eventMap.begin() || currentID.lumiBlock() != lastID.lumiBlock() ){ nLBs++; }
if( currentID.pileup() != lastID.pileup() || currentID.bcid() != lastID.bcid()
|| ( m_maxRunsPerFit > 0 && nRuns > m_maxRunsPerFit )
|| ( m_maxLBsPerFit > 0 && nLBs > m_maxLBsPerFit )){
if( currentID.timeStamp() != lastID.timeStamp() ||
currentID.pileup() != lastID.pileup() || currentID.bcid() != lastID.bcid()
|| ( m_maxRunsPerFit > 0 && nRuns > m_maxRunsPerFit )
|| ( m_maxLBsPerFit > 0 && nLBs > m_maxLBsPerFit )){
nRuns = 1; nLBs = 1;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < iter->second.size(); i++){
if( == m_maxEventsPerFit && m_maxEventsPerFit > 0 ){
nRuns = 1; nLBs = 1;
nRuns = 1; nLBs = 1;
} iter-> );
......@@ -147,7 +169,7 @@ void InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::sortEvents(){
void InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::convertVtxTypeNames(){
if ( m_vertexTypeNames.size() ) {
for ( std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_vertexTypeNames.begin();
it != m_vertexTypeNames.end(); ++it) {
it != m_vertexTypeNames.end(); ++it) {
if ((*it) == "NoVtx") ;
else if ((*it) == "PriVtx") m_vertexTypes.push_back(xAOD::VxType::PriVtx);
else if ((*it) == "SecVtx") m_vertexTypes.push_back(xAOD::VxType::SecVtx);
......@@ -157,11 +179,10 @@ void InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::convertVtxTypeNames(){
else if ((*it) == "KinkVtx") m_vertexTypes.push_back(xAOD::VxType::KinkVtx);
else if ((*it) =="NotSpecified")m_vertexTypes.push_back(xAOD::VxType::NotSpecified) ;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Allowing " << m_vertexTypes.size()
<< " Vertex types" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO("Allowing " << m_vertexTypes.size() << " Vertex types" );
else {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No selection based on vertexType will be done" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "No selection based on vertexType will be done" );
......@@ -192,7 +213,7 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::setupVertexTree(){
const std::string inRootID = "/INDETBEAMSPOTFINDER/";
const std::string svrts = m_vertexTreeName;
m_root_vrt = new TTree(,"Vertices");
return m_thistSvc->regTree(inRootID+svrts,m_root_vrt);
......@@ -204,7 +225,7 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::performFits(){
for( unsigned int j = 0; j <; j++){
for( unsigned int k = 0; k <; k++){
if( ) { verticesToFit.push_back( ); }
if( ) { verticesToFit.push_back( ); }
for( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_beamSpotToolList.size(); j++){
......@@ -219,19 +240,19 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::performFits(){
m_BeamStatusCode.setAlgType( bs->getFitID() );
int fitStat;
if ( bsFitStatus == IInDetBeamSpotTool::successful)
fitStat = 3;
fitStat = 3;
else if ( bsFitStatus == IInDetBeamSpotTool::problems)
fitStat = 1;
fitStat = 1;
else if ( bsFitStatus == IInDetBeamSpotTool::failed || bsFitStatus == IInDetBeamSpotTool::unsolved)
fitStat = 0;
fitStat = 0;
fitStat = 0;
fitStat = 0;
if (bs->getParamMap()["sigmaX"] == 0 && bs->getParamMap()["sigmaY"] ==0 ) { m_BeamStatusCode.setFitWidth( false); }
else { m_BeamStatusCode.setFitWidth(true); }
if(m_sortedEventList[i].size() > 0)
writeToBeamSpotTree( bs, m_sortedEventList[i], verticesToFit );
writeToBeamSpotTree( bs, m_sortedEventList[i], verticesToFit );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -270,9 +291,9 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::setupBeamSpotTree(){
std::string key = iter->first;
//double val = iter->second;
if( !(m_root_bs->GetBranch(key.c_str())) ){
m_beamSpotNtuple.paramMap[key] = 0;
keySlashD = key + slashD;
m_root_bs->Branch(key.c_str(), &m_beamSpotNtuple.paramMap[key], keySlashD.c_str());
m_beamSpotNtuple.paramMap[key] = 0;
keySlashD = key + slashD;
m_root_bs->Branch(key.c_str(), &m_beamSpotNtuple.paramMap[key], keySlashD.c_str());
//Loop over the covariance matrix for a given fit tool and create a branch for each element, if it doesn't already exist.
......@@ -280,9 +301,9 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::setupBeamSpotTree(){
std::string key = iter->first;
//double val = iter->second;
if( !(m_root_bs->GetBranch(key.c_str())) ){
m_beamSpotNtuple.covMap[key] = 0;
keySlashD = key + slashD;
m_root_bs->Branch( key.c_str(), &m_beamSpotNtuple.covMap[key], keySlashD.c_str());
m_beamSpotNtuple.covMap[key] = 0;
keySlashD = key + slashD;
m_root_bs->Branch( key.c_str(), &m_beamSpotNtuple.covMap[key], keySlashD.c_str());
......@@ -304,7 +325,10 @@ void InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::writeToVertexTree(BeamSpot::Event &evt, BeamSpo
m_root_vtx.pileup = evt.pileup;
m_root_vtx.nTracks = vtx.nTracks;
m_root_vtx.passed = vtx.passed;
m_root_vtx.valid = vtx.valid;
m_root_vtx.valid = vtx.valid;
m_root_vtx.eventNumber = evt.eventNumber;
m_root_vtx.eventTime = evt.eventTime;
m_root_vtx.eventTime_NS = evt.eventTime_NS;
......@@ -341,8 +365,8 @@ void InDet::InDetBeamSpotFinder::writeToBeamSpotTree(const IInDetBeamSpotTool *b = min_run( eventList );
m_beamSpotNtuple.status = m_BeamStatusCode.getWord();
m_beamSpotNtuple.separation = 0;
m_beamSpotNtuple.timeEnd = 0;
m_beamSpotNtuple.timeStart = 0;
m_beamSpotNtuple.timeEnd = iequals(m_fitSortingKey,"time") ? eventList.back().eventTime : 0;
m_beamSpotNtuple.timeStart = iequals(m_fitSortingKey,"time") ? eventList.front().eventTime : 0;
m_beamSpotNtuple.runEnd = max_run( eventList );
for( std::map<std::string,double>::iterator iter = m_beamSpotNtuple.paramMap.begin();
iter != m_beamSpotNtuple.paramMap.end(); ++iter){
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ namespace InDet {
double x,y,z,vxx,vxy,vyy,vzz;
xAOD::VxType::VertexType vType;
unsigned int run, lb, bcid, pileup, nTracks;
unsigned long long eventNumber, eventTime, eventTime_NS;
bool passed, valid;
......@@ -134,6 +135,8 @@ namespace InDet {
//std::map<BeamSpot::ID, long> m_nEvents;
unsigned int m_pileupMin;
unsigned int m_pileupMax;
unsigned long m_secondsPerFit;
}//end namespace
......@@ -29,21 +29,21 @@ InDet::InDetBeamSpotReader::InDetBeamSpotReader(const std::string& name, ISvcLoc
StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotReader::initialize() {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "in initialize()" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in initialize()" );
if ( m_toolSvc.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Failed to retrieve service " << m_toolSvc << endreq;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to retrieve service " << m_toolSvc );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Retrieved service " << m_toolSvc << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Retrieved service " << m_toolSvc );
if ( m_beamSpotSvc.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
msg(MSG::FATAL) << "Failed to retrieve service " << m_beamSpotSvc << endreq;
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Failed to retrieve service " << m_beamSpotSvc );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Retrieved service " << m_beamSpotSvc << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Retrieved service " << m_beamSpotSvc );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -51,36 +51,31 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotReader::initialize() {
StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotReader::execute(){
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "in execute()" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in execute()");
//get the set of
const DataHandle<EventInfo> eventInfo;
if (StatusCode::SUCCESS != evtStore()->retrieve( eventInfo ) ){
if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "Cannot get event info." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Cannot get event info." );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
EventID* eventID = eventInfo->event_ID();
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) {
msg(MSG::INFO) << "In event " << (*eventID) << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) <<"BeamSpot Position: \n "
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamPos() << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) <<"BeamSpot Sigma\n\t"
ATH_MSG_INFO( "In event " << (*eventID) );
ATH_MSG_INFO("BeamSpot Position: \n "
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamPos() );
ATH_MSG_INFO("BeamSpot Sigma\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamSigma(0) << "\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamSigma(1) << "\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamSigma(2) << "\n\t"
<< endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) <<"BeamSpot Tilt\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamSigma(2) << "\n\t");
ATH_MSG_INFO("BeamSpot Tilt\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamTilt(0) << "\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamTilt(1) << "\n\t"
<< endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) <<"Beamspot position at PV z-position" << endreq;
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamTilt(1) << "\n\t");
ATH_MSG_INFO("Beamspot position at PV z-position");
const VxContainer* importedVxContainer =0;
static const std::string m_containerName = "VxPrimaryCandidate";
if ( StatusCode::SUCCESS != evtStore()->retrieve(importedVxContainer,m_containerName)){
if (msgLvl(MSG::ERROR)) msg(MSG::ERROR) << "No " << m_containerName << " found in StoreGate" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "No " << m_containerName << " found in StoreGate" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
//get list of PVs
......@@ -88,16 +83,16 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotReader::execute(){
vtxItr!=importedVxContainer->end(); ++vtxItr) {
if (static_cast<int>((*vtxItr)->vxTrackAtVertex()->size())==0) continue;
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) <<"PV position: "
<< (*vtxItr)->recVertex().position()<< endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) ATH_MSG_INFO("PV position: "
<< (*vtxItr)->recVertex().position() );
double z = (*vtxItr)->recVertex().position().z();
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) <<"\n\t"
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) ATH_MSG_INFO("\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamPos()(0)
+ (z - m_beamSpotSvc->beamPos()(2))
*m_beamSpotSvc->beamTilt(0) << "\n\t"
<< m_beamSpotSvc->beamPos()(1)
+ (z - m_beamSpotSvc->beamPos()(2))
*m_beamSpotSvc->beamTilt(1) << endreq;
*m_beamSpotSvc->beamTilt(1) );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -106,7 +101,7 @@ StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotReader::execute(){
StatusCode InDet::InDetBeamSpotReader::finalize() {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "in finalize()" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "in finalize()" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -48,13 +48,12 @@ InDetBeamSpotRooFit::InDetBeamSpotRooFit( const InDetBeamSpotRooFit& rhs ) :
StatusCode InDetBeamSpotRooFit::initialize() {
msg().setLevel( outputLevel() );
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "In initialize" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "In initialize" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode InDetBeamSpotRooFit::finalize() {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "In finalize" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "In finalize");
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -171,7 +170,7 @@ InDetBeamSpotRooFit::FitStatus InDetBeamSpotRooFit::fit(std::vector< BeamSpot::V
std::string combinedCutString = m_vtxCutString + std::string(" && ") + rmsCutString;
const char *combinedCut = (const char*)combinedCutString.c_str();
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) <<"combinedCut = "<<combinedCut<<endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "combinedCut = "<<combinedCut );
//Convert these numbers to strings, then concatenate the strings
......@@ -184,9 +183,8 @@ InDetBeamSpotRooFit::FitStatus InDetBeamSpotRooFit::fit(std::vector< BeamSpot::V
m_nUsed = rfData.reduce(Cut(combinedCut))->numEntries();
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO)
<< "A total of " << m_vertexCount << " vertices passed pre-selection. Of which "
<< rfData.reduce(Cut(combinedCut))->numEntries()<<" vertices will be used in the ML fit."<<endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "A total of " << m_vertexCount << " vertices passed pre-selection. Of which "
<< rfData.reduce(Cut(combinedCut))->numEntries()<<" vertices will be used in the ML fit.") ;
if ( r->edm() <= 10e-04 && r->covQual() == 3){
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ public:
InDetBeamSpotVertex::InDetBeamSpotVertex( const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent):
const std::string& name,
const IInterface* parent):
m_p(4), m_V(4,0),
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::InDetBeamSpotVertex( const std::string& type,
declareProperty("InitParZ", m_init_z =0.0);
declareProperty("InitParAx", m_init_ax=0.0);
declareProperty("InitParAy", m_init_ay=0.0);
declareProperty("InitParSigmaX", m_init_sx=0.015);
declareProperty("InitParSigmaY", m_init_sy=0.015);
declareProperty("InitParSigmaX", m_init_sx=0.01);
declareProperty("InitParSigmaY", m_init_sy=0.01);
declareProperty("InitParSigmaZ", m_init_sz=56.0);
declareProperty("InitParK", m_init_k =1.0);
declareProperty("InitParRhoXY", m_init_rhoxy=0.0);
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::InDetBeamSpotVertex( const std::string& type,
declareProperty("InitParMinZ", m_init_min_z =0.0);
declareProperty("InitParMinAx", m_init_min_ax=0.0);
declareProperty("InitParMinAy", m_init_min_ay=0.0);
declareProperty("InitParMinSigmaX", m_init_min_sx=0.001);
declareProperty("InitParMinSigmaY", m_init_min_sy=0.001);
declareProperty("InitParMinSigmaX", m_init_min_sx=0.0001);
declareProperty("InitParMinSigmaY", m_init_min_sy=0.0001);
declareProperty("InitParMinSigmaZ", m_init_min_sz=0.0);
declareProperty("InitParMinK", m_init_min_k =0);
......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::InDetBeamSpotVertex( const std::string& type,
declareProperty( "FixParK" , m_fixInputK = false);
declareProperty( "UseLLNorm" , m_useLLNorm = false);
declareProperty( "FixWidth", m_fixWidth = false);
declareProperty("TruncatedRMS", m_truncatedRMS = false);
declareProperty("RMSFraction", m_fractionRMS = 0.95);
......@@ -197,6 +198,7 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::InDetBeamSpotVertex( const InDetBeamSpotVertex& rhs) :
m_fixInputK = rhs.m_fixInputK;
m_useLLNorm = rhs.m_useLLNorm;
m_fixWidth = rhs.m_fixWidth;
m_truncatedRMS = rhs.m_truncatedRMS;
m_fractionRMS = rhs.m_fractionRMS;
......@@ -205,13 +207,12 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::InDetBeamSpotVertex( const InDetBeamSpotVertex& rhs) :
StatusCode InDetBeamSpotVertex::initialize() {
msg().setLevel( outputLevel() );
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "In initialize" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "In initialize" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode InDetBeamSpotVertex::finalize() {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "In finalize" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "In finalize" );
clear(); // clear the data;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
......@@ -253,8 +254,7 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::FitStatus InDetBeamSpotVertex::fit(std::vector< BeamSpot::V
m_getLLres = true; //set system to use these results
llResult = solveLL();
if (!llResult) {
msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Log-likelihood fit failed: Reverting to chi2 solution"
<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Log-likelihood fit failed: Reverting to chi2 solution" );
m_getLLres = false;
chi2Result = solveChi2(); //unfortunately need to resolve, to set correct fit parameters
......@@ -264,8 +264,7 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::FitStatus InDetBeamSpotVertex::fit(std::vector< BeamSpot::V
m_getLLres = true; //set system to use these results
llResult = solveLL();
if (!llResult) {
msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Log-likelihood fit failed: Reverting to chi2 solution"
<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Log-likelihood fit failed: Reverting to chi2 solution" );
m_getLLres = false;
chi2Result = solveChi2(); //unfortunately need to resolve, to set correct fit parameters
......@@ -279,32 +278,32 @@ InDetBeamSpotVertex::FitStatus InDetBeamSpotVertex::fit(std::vector< BeamSpot::V
m_fitStatus = (chi2Result ? successful : failed);
for ( std::vector< BeamSpot::VrtHolder >::iterator it =
it != m_vertexData.end(); ++it) {
it != m_vertexData.end(); ++it) {
if ( it->valid ) m_nUsed++;
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) {
//display results
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Fit result was: " << ( m_fitStatus == successful ? "Successful" : "Failure")
<< " using Vertex " << (m_getLLres ? "Log-likelihood":"Chi2") << " method" <<endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "Number of vertices: " << m_vertexCount << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "x(z=0) = " << getX(0.) << " +- " << getErrX(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "y(z=0) = " << getY(0.) << " +- " << getErrY(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "z = " << getZ() << " +- " << getErrZ() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Fit result was: " << ( m_fitStatus == successful ? "Successful" : "Failure")
<< " using Vertex " << (m_getLLres ? "Log-likelihood":"Chi2") << " method" );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Number of vertices: " << m_vertexCount );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "x(z=0) = " << getX(0.) << " +- " << getErrX(0) );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "y(z=0) = " << getY(0.) << " +- " << getErrY(0) );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "z = " << getZ() << " +- " << getErrZ() );
double z = getZ();
msg(MSG::INFO) << "x(z) = " << getX(z) << " +- " << getErrX(z) << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "y(z) = " << getY(z) << " +- " << getErrY(z) << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "x(z) = " << getX(z) << " +- " << getErrX(z) );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "y(z) = " << getY(z) << " +- " << getErrY(z) );
msg(MSG::INFO) << "TiltX = " << getTiltX() << " +- " << getErrTiltX() << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "TiltY = " << getTiltY() << " +- " << getErrTiltY() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "TiltX = " << getTiltX() << " +- " << getErrTiltX() );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "TiltY = " << getTiltY() << " +- " << getErrTiltY() );
msg(MSG::INFO) << "SigmaX(z=0) = " << getSigmaX(0.) << " +- " << getErrSigmaX(0.) << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "SigmaY(z=0) = " << getSigmaY(0.) << " +- " << getErrSigmaY(0.) << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "SigmaZ = " << getSigmaZ() << " +- " << getErrSigmaZ() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "SigmaX(z=0) = " << getSigmaX(0.) << " +- " << getErrSigmaX(0.) );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "SigmaY(z=0) = " << getSigmaY(0.) << " +- " << getErrSigmaY(0.) );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "SigmaZ = " << getSigmaZ() << " +- " << getErrSigmaZ() );
msg(MSG::INFO) << "rhoXY = " << getRhoXY() << " +- " << getErrRhoXY() << endreq;
msg(MSG::INFO) << "K = " << getK() << " +- " << getErrK() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "rhoXY = " << getRhoXY() << " +- " << getErrRhoXY() );
ATH_MSG_INFO( "K = " << getK() << " +- " << getErrK() );
return m_fitStatus;
......@@ -397,8 +396,8 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::solveLL() {
successfulFit(minuit, status);
if ( status.first == 3 && ( status.second == "SUCCESSFUL" ||
status.second == "CONVERGED " ||
status.second == "CONVERGED") ){
status.second == "CONVERGED " ||
status.second == "CONVERGED") ){
goodFit = true;
} else {
goodFit = false;
......@@ -406,10 +405,10 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::solveLL() {
if (goodFit){
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "Successful fit" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Successful fit" );
setOutput( minuit);
} else {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No LL fit convergence" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "No LL fit convergence" );
delete minuit;
......@@ -480,12 +479,11 @@ int InDetBeamSpotVertex::setInitialPars( TMinuit * minuit) {
bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::solveChi2() {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Attempting to solve " << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Attempting to solve " );
//calulate a solution for the current set of data
if (m_vertexCount == 0) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "No vertices stored for solve"
<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "No vertices stored for solve" );
m_fitStatus = failed;
return false;
......@@ -494,35 +492,33 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::solveChi2() {
//invert matrix
int fail;
m_V = m_cov;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Matrix prior to inversion\n" << m_V<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Matrix prior to inversion\n" << m_V);
m_V.invert(fail); //replaces the matrix with inverse
if (fail != 0) {
return false;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Matrix post inversion\n" << m_V<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Matrix post inversion\n" << m_V);
m_p = m_V*m_x; // calculate parameter estimates
m_zSolved = m_z / m_zErr; // weighted
m_zErrSolved = 1./sqrt(m_zErr);
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Fit solved succesfully from "
<< m_vertexCount << " vertices"<< endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Chi2 Solution:\n"<<m_p <<"\n"
<< "Covariance: \n" << m_V << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fit solved succesfully from " << m_vertexCount << " vertices");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Chi2 Solution:\n"<<m_p <<"\n" << "Covariance: \n" << m_V );
return true;
bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "In Outlier removal" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "In Outlier removal" );
// apply selection using results of a chi2 fit (eg. displacement)
if (!m_vertexData.size()) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "No vertices found" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "No vertices found" );
return false;
static int rCount(0); // counter used for recussive mode
......@@ -538,8 +534,8 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
int count(0);
for ( std::vector< BeamSpot::VrtHolder >::iterator it =
it != m_vertexData.end(); ++it) {
it != m_vertexData.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->valid) continue;
if (!m_truncatedRMS) {
......@@ -568,13 +564,13 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
double mediany = (vy.size() > 1 ? : 0.);
double medianz = (vz.size() > 1 ? : 0.);
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Median: x: " << medianx
<< " y: " << mediany
<< " z: " << medianz << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Median: x: " << medianx
<< " y: " << mediany
<< " z: " << medianz );
if (m_truncatedRMS) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Truncating RMS ... " << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Truncating RMS ... " );
// Only use the fraction (95%) of tracks closest to the median position to determin the RMS
int nvtx(vx.size());
std::sort(vx.begin(), vx.end(), SortDistToMedian(medianx));
......@@ -586,7 +582,7 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
std::sort(vz.begin(), vz.end(), SortDistToMedian(medianz));
vz.erase(vz.begin()+int(m_fractionRMS*nvtx), vz.end());
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "... using " << int(m_fractionRMS*nvtx) << " from " << nvtx << " vertices" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "... using " << int(m_fractionRMS*nvtx) << " from " << nvtx << " vertices" );
for (unsigned int ivtx(0); ivtx < vx.size(); ++ivtx) {
double x =;
......@@ -621,13 +617,13 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
rmsY = m_init_sy;
// should we include z here too??
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Setting RMS in x to " << rmsX << endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Setting RMS in y to " << rmsY << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Setting RMS in x to " << rmsX );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Setting RMS in y to " << rmsY );
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "mean, RMS; x: " << meanx << " " << rmsX
<< " " << ", y: " << meany << " " << rmsY << ", z: " << meanz << " " << rmsZ << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "mean, RMS; x: " << meanx << " " << rmsX
<< " " << ", y: " << meany << " " << rmsY << ", z: " << meanz << " " << rmsZ );
// varivables to hold the new chi2 and weighted z-mean values
......@@ -640,8 +636,8 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
// also redetermine a new chi2 value, based on passed vertices
long failCount(0);
for ( std::vector< BeamSpot::VrtHolder >::iterator it =
it != m_vertexData.end(); ++it) {
it != m_vertexData.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->valid) continue;
int fail=0;
//if ( fabs( meanx - it->x ) > m_sigTr * rmsX ) fail += 1;
......@@ -652,27 +648,27 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
if ( (meanx - it->x)*(meanx-it->x)/rmsX/rmsX + (meany-it->y)*(meany-it->y)/rmsY/rmsY > m_sigTr*m_sigTr) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Vertex info: extended past radial extent: sig."
<< sqrt((meanx - it->x)*(meanx-it->x)/rmsX/rmsX + (meany-it->y)*(meany-it->y)/rmsY/rmsY) << " > "
<< sqrt( m_sigTr*m_sigTr ) << "." << endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Vertex info: extended past radial extent: sig."
<< sqrt((meanx - it->x)*(meanx-it->x)/rmsX/rmsX + (meany-it->y)*(meany-it->y)/rmsY/rmsY) << " > "
<< sqrt( m_sigTr*m_sigTr ) << "." );
// don't remove these vertices yet
if ( (medianx - it->x)*(medianx-it->x)/rmsX/rmsX + (mediany-it->y)*(mediany-it->y)/rmsY/rmsY > m_sigTr*m_sigTr) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Vertex info: extended past radial extent: sig."
<< sqrt((medianx - it->x)*(medianx-it->x)/rmsX/rmsX + (mediany-it->y)*(mediany-it->y)/rmsY/rmsY) << " > "
<< sqrt( m_sigTr*m_sigTr ) << "." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Vertex info: extended past radial extent: sig."
<< sqrt((medianx - it->x)*(medianx-it->x)/rmsX/rmsX + (mediany-it->y)*(mediany-it->y)/rmsY/rmsY) << " > "
<< sqrt( m_sigTr*m_sigTr ) << "." );
fail += 128;
//and in Z?
if (fail) { // TBD only allow failed vertices here to be removed on every nth iteration (to aid stability)
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Vertex reject from simple mean; reason: " << fail << " : x,y,z: "
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Vertex reject from simple mean; reason: " << fail << " : x,y,z: "
<< it->x << " " << it->y << " " << it->z
<< " , sigma(x,y,z): " << sqrt(it->vxx) << " " << sqrt(it->vyy)
<< " " << sqrt(it->vzz)
<< endreq;
it->valid = false;
// it->outlierRemoved = true;
......@@ -702,7 +698,7 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
}// end of valid vertex
}// for
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Removed: " << failCount << " vertices from simple mean,RMS." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Removed: " << failCount << " vertices from simple mean,RMS." );
// update the new global chi2 - need to do this after the invert has been successful though !!!
......@@ -722,12 +718,12 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
// make comparisons of old chi2, new mean and new chi2 values
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG) ) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Mean position: x,y,z " << meanx << " " << meany << " " << meanz << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " RMS: x,y,z " << rmsX << " " << rmsY << " " << rmsZ << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Mean position: x,y,z " << meanx << " " << meany << " " << meanz );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " RMS: x,y,z " << rmsX << " " << rmsY << " " << rmsZ );
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Original chi2:" << m_p << "\n" << m_V << "\n" << m_zSolved << " " << m_zErrSolved << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Original chi2:" << m_p << "\n" << m_V << "\n" << m_zSolved << " " << m_zErrSolved );
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "New chi2:" << chi2Pos << "\n" << chi2Cov << "\n" << zpos << " " << zerr << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "New chi2:" << chi2Pos << "\n" << chi2Cov << "\n" << zpos << " " << zerr );
} // debug statement
......@@ -739,15 +735,15 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
/* TBD
if (goodChi2) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) ) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Replacing original chi2 with new value" << endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) ) ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Replacing original chi2 with new value" );
//Dubious - !!! TBD: move this into the general LL solve area and do it properly!
m_init_sx = rmsX;
m_init_sy = rmsY;
//m_init_sx = rmsX;
//m_init_sy = rmsY;
m_init_sz = rmsZ;
// perform LL fit?
......@@ -759,7 +755,7 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
if ( llSolve and rCount > 0 ) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << "Log-Likelihood fit converged in outlier removal. Exiting outlier removal." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( "Log-Likelihood fit converged in outlier removal. Exiting outlier removal." );
return true;
......@@ -775,9 +771,9 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
// ll solution not used, or not trusted
// set a wide solution
m_getLLres = false;
if (msgLvl(MSG::INFO)) msg(MSG::INFO) << ": removeOutliers: LL fit not use/converged/trusted - " <<
"using chi2 for mean and simple RMS for width values " << endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << llSolve << " " << getSigmaX(0.) << " " << getSigmaY(0.) << " " << getRhoXY() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_INFO( ": removeOutliers: LL fit not use/converged/trusted - " <<
"using chi2 for mean and simple RMS for width values " );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( llSolve << " " << getSigmaX(0.) << " " << getSigmaY(0.) << " " << getRhoXY() );
xbar = getX(0.);
ybar = getY(0.);
ax = getTiltX();
......@@ -858,24 +854,22 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
if ( !vit->second) continue; // no valid pointer ...
if ( !vit->second->valid) continue; // ignore vertices set to invalid - shouldn't happen here though
if ( fCount >= m_singleIterationMax && m_singleIterationMax != -1) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " removeOutlier: Reached max number of vertex rejections for this iteration.\n"
<< "\tNeed to recalculate mean positions." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " removeOutlier: Reached max number of vertex rejections for this iteration.\n"
<< "\tNeed to recalculate mean positions." );
} // if reached max iterations for this round
if (msgLvl(MSG::VERBOSE)) msg(MSG::VERBOSE) << "Vertex chi2: " << vit->first << endreq;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "Vertex chi2: " << vit->first );
if ( vit->first < m_outlierChi2Tr ) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " No more 'bad' vertices found in this iteration." ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " No more 'bad' vertices found in this iteration." );
if (fCount == 0) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " No futher vertices removed - moving to final iteration" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " No futher vertices removed - moving to final iteration" );
} else {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " Moving to next iteration of outlier removal." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Moving to next iteration of outlier removal." );
......@@ -885,20 +879,18 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
vit->second->valid = false;
// vit->second->outlierRemoved = true;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Vertex rejected; chi2: " << vit->first <<". pos(x,y,z): "
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Vertex rejected; chi2: " << vit->first <<". pos(x,y,z): "
<< vit->second->x << " " << vit->second->y << " " << vit->second->z
<< " , sigma(x,y,z): " << sqrt(vit->second->vxx) << " " << sqrt(vit->second->vyy)
<< " " << sqrt(vit->second->vzz)
<< endreq;
} // debug
} // for
// if no vertices removed and ll fit still fails, then we continue to have a problem ...
if (fCount == 0 && m_useLL && !llSolve && rCount !=0 ) { // if first iteration, we have another iteration later.
// if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "In LL test MODE !!!!" << endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "No vertices removed and fit still fails - most likely final result will fail" << endreq;
// if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) ATH_MSG_WARNING( "In LL test MODE !!!!" );
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "No vertices removed and fit still fails - most likely final result will fail" );
// this is our 'last-ditch approach'. Split the collection of vertices into two 'random' sets and solve for each.
// if both successful, then compare (and be a little confused). If only one, compare to chi2 and take if ok.
......@@ -918,61 +910,61 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
bool goodFit1(false), goodFit2(false);
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Attempting fit with vextex half: 1"<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Attempting fit with vextex half: 1");
m_vertexData = vertex1;
llSolve = solveLL();
//m_getLLres = llSolve; // allow the log-likelihood accessor values to returned, if sucessful
m_getLLres = true;
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Fit using \"vertex1\" " << ( llSolve ? "Successful": "Failed") << endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Fit using \"vertex1\" " << ( llSolve ? "Successful": "Failed") );
if (llSolve) {
goodFit1 = true;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "x: " << getX(0) << " +- " << getErrX(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "y: " << getY(0) << " +- " << getErrY(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "z: " << getZ() << " +- " << getErrZ() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sx: " << getSigmaX(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaX(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sy: " << getSigmaY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaY(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sz: " << getSigmaZ() << " +- " << getErrSigmaZ() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ax: " << getTiltX() << " +- " << getErrTiltX() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ay: " << getTiltY() << " +- " << getErrTiltY() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sxy:" << getSigmaXY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaXY(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "rh: " << getRhoXY() << " +- " << getErrRhoXY() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "k: " << getK() << " +- " << getErrK() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "x: " << getX(0) << " +- " << getErrX(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "y: " << getY(0) << " +- " << getErrY(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "z: " << getZ() << " +- " << getErrZ() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sx: " << getSigmaX(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaX(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sy: " << getSigmaY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaY(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sz: " << getSigmaZ() << " +- " << getErrSigmaZ() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ax: " << getTiltX() << " +- " << getErrTiltX() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ay: " << getTiltY() << " +- " << getErrTiltY() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sxy:" << getSigmaXY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaXY(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "rh: " << getRhoXY() << " +- " << getErrRhoXY() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "k: " << getK() << " +- " << getErrK() );
}// debug
} // good fit
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Attempting fit with vextex half: 2"<< endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Attempting fit with vextex half: 2");
m_vertexData = vertex2;
llSolve = solveLL();
// m_getLLres = llSolve; // allow the log-likelihood accessor values to returned, if sucessful
m_getLLres = true;
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Fit using \"vertex2\" " << ( llSolve ? "Successful": "Failed") << endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Fit using \"vertex2\" " << ( llSolve ? "Successful": "Failed") );
if (llSolve) {
goodFit2 = true;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "x: " << getX(0) << " +- " << getErrX(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "y: " << getY(0) << " +- " << getErrY(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "z: " << getZ() << " +- " << getErrZ() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sx: " << getSigmaX(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaX(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sy: " << getSigmaY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaY(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sz: " << getSigmaZ() << " +- " << getErrSigmaZ() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ax: " << getTiltX() << " +- " << getErrTiltX() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "ay: " << getTiltY() << " +- " << getErrTiltY() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "sxy:" << getSigmaXY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaXY(0) << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "rh: " << getRhoXY() << " +- " << getErrRhoXY() << endreq;
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "k: " << getK() << " +- " << getErrK() << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "x: " << getX(0) << " +- " << getErrX(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "y: " << getY(0) << " +- " << getErrY(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "z: " << getZ() << " +- " << getErrZ() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sx: " << getSigmaX(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaX(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sy: " << getSigmaY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaY(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sz: " << getSigmaZ() << " +- " << getErrSigmaZ() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ax: " << getTiltX() << " +- " << getErrTiltX() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "ay: " << getTiltY() << " +- " << getErrTiltY() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "sxy:" << getSigmaXY(0) << " +- " << getErrSigmaXY(0) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "rh: " << getRhoXY() << " +- " << getErrRhoXY() );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "k: " << getK() << " +- " << getErrK() );
}// debug
// what now ? ...
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Fit was " << ( goodFit2 || goodFit1 ? "Successful ": "Unsuccessful ")
<<" using a subset of the available vertices" << endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING) && ( goodFit2 || goodFit1) )
msg(MSG::WARNING) << "Using these subset data for final result!!! " << endreq;
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) msg(MSG::WARNING) << "FIT HALFVERTX" << endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Fit was " << ( goodFit2 || goodFit1 ? "Successful ": "Unsuccessful ")
<<" using a subset of the available vertices" );
if (( goodFit2 || goodFit1) )
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Using these subset data for final result!!! " );
if (goodFit1) {
m_vertexData = vertex1;
......@@ -990,20 +982,15 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
// recursive mode
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << " Recursive debug: Loop: " << rCount << ". Number of failed vertices: " << fCount << endreq ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Recursive debug: Loop: " << rCount << ". Number of failed vertices: " << fCount );
if ( fCount > 0 || ( fCount == 0 && rCount == 1 && !llSolve)) { // if failed vertices or, no failed, first iteration, and no succesful fit
if ( rCount > m_maxOutlierLoops) {
if (msgLvl(MSG::WARNING)) {
msg(MSG::WARNING) << "OutlierRemoval: Reached maximum number of recursive loops: " << rCount
<< ". No more iterations performed." << endreq;
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "OutlierRemoval: Reached maximum number of recursive loops: " << rCount
<< ". No more iterations performed." );
} else {
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) {
msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "OutlierRemoval: Entering recursive loop: " << rCount << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "OutlierRemoval: Entering recursive loop: " << rCount );
} // if entering loop
} // if fails > 0
......@@ -1013,7 +1000,7 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::applyOutlierRemoval() {
bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::successfulFit( TMinuit * minuit,
std::pair<int, std::string> & status) {
std::pair<int, std::string> & status) {
if (!minuit) return false;
//This should be called directly after the fit
std::string sRes = minuit->fCstatu.Data();
......@@ -1022,8 +1009,7 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::successfulFit( TMinuit * minuit,
Int_t npari,nparx,istat;
minuit->mnstat(fmin, fedm, errdef,npari,nparx,istat);
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Fit reports status: " << istat << " and "
<< sRes << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fit reports status: " << istat << " and " << sRes );
status.first = istat;
status.second = sRes;
......@@ -1034,25 +1020,24 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::successfulFit( TMinuit * minuit,
minuit->GetParameter(6,x,ex); // rhoxy
if ( fabs(x) > m_rhoFail){
sanityPassed = false;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Fit Failed with rhoxy: " << x << " > " << m_rhoFail << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fit Failed with rhoxy: " << x << " > " << m_rhoFail );
minuit->GetParameter(4,x,ex); // sigma x
if ( fabs(x) < m_widthFail ){
sanityPassed = false;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Fit Failed with sigmaX:" << x << " > " << m_widthFail << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fit Failed with sigmaX:" << x << " > " << m_widthFail );
minuit->GetParameter(5,x,ex); // sigma y
if ( fabs(x) < m_widthFail ){
sanityPassed = false;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Fit Failed with sigmaY: " << x << " > " <<m_widthFail << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fit Failed with sigmaY: " << x << " > " <<m_widthFail );
minuit->GetParameter(7,x,ex); // k
if ( fabs(x) < m_kMinFail || fabs(x) > m_kMaxFail ){
sanityPassed = false;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Fit Failed with k: " << x << " > " << m_kMaxFail
<< ", or " << x << " < " << m_kMinFail << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fit Failed with k: " << x << " > " << m_kMaxFail
<< ", or " << x << " < " << m_kMinFail );
......@@ -1062,7 +1047,7 @@ bool InDetBeamSpotVertex::successfulFit( TMinuit * minuit,
status.first = 99;
if (msgLvl(MSG::DEBUG)) msg(MSG::DEBUG) << "Fit " << ( sanityPassed ? "Passed": "Failed") << " sanity check: " << endreq;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Fit " << ( sanityPassed ? "Passed": "Failed") << " sanity check: " );
if ( istat != 3) return false;
......@@ -1148,10 +1133,10 @@ double BeamSpot::pdfxy(double *, double *) {
double pxy = 1/(2*Pi*det)*exp( -0.5* ( ( x - mux -ax*z) * covXX * ( x - mux - ax*z)
+ ( y - muy - ay*z) * covYY * ( y - muy - ay*z)
+ 2*( x - mux - *z) * covXY * ( y - muy - ay*z)
+ ( y - muy - ay*z) * covYY * ( y - muy - ay*z)
+ 2*( x - mux - *z) * covXY * ( y - muy - ay*z)
return pxy;
return 0; // TBD dlete
......@@ -1222,8 +1207,8 @@ void BeamSpot::myFCN_LLsolverNorm( Int_t &, Double_t *, Double_t & /*f*/, Double
+ ( y - par[1] - par[3]*z) * covYY * ( y - par[1] - par[3]*z)
+ 2*( x - par[0] - par[2]*z) * covXY * ( y - par[1] - par[3]*z)
temp += TMath::Log( 2*Pi * par[9]*par[9] ) + ( z - par[8]) * (z-par[8]) / (par[9] * par[9] );
temp += TMath::Log( 2*Pi * par[9]*par[9] ) + ( z - par[8]) * (z-par[8]) / (par[9] * par[9] );
// apply normalisations
......@@ -1257,6 +1242,11 @@ void InDetBeamSpotVertex::doFit2( TMinuit * minuit) {
//release k,rho
......@@ -1265,9 +1255,10 @@ void InDetBeamSpotVertex::doFit2( TMinuit * minuit) {
......@@ -1293,37 +1284,63 @@ std::map<std::string,double> InDetBeamSpotVertex::getCovMap() const {
//This is the method that was used before to put the covariance matrix in the required order
//We don't want to mess with this, because no one knows the original order
static const int map[] = {0,0,6,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,-2,-2};
//static const int map[] = {0,0,6,-1,-1,-1,-1,2,-2,-2};
int map[] = {1,2,9,3,4,5,6,10,7,8};
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
//int map2[] = {0,0,5,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,-2,-2};
int map2[] = {1,2,8,3,4,5,6,9,7,10};
for(int i=0; i < 10; ++i){
map[i] = map2[i];
} else if (m_fixWidth) {
//int map2[] = {0,0,3,-1,-1,-5,-6,-1, -8,-5};
int map2[] = {1,2,6,3,4,8,9,7,10,5};
for(int i=0; i < 10; ++i){
map[i] = map2[i];
int temp = 0;
for (int i=0;i<10;++i) {
for (int j=i;j<10;++j) {
covVector[temp++] = m_VLL(i + 1 +map[i], j+1+ map[j]);
if( m_fixInputK && (i == 9 || j ==9 )){
covVector[temp++] = 0;
} else if ( m_fixWidth && ( i == 5 || i == 6 || i == 8 || j == 5 || j == 6 || j == 8 ) ){
covVector[temp++] = 0;
covVector[temp++] = m_VLL( map[i], map[j] );
//This array is in the order required from the original ntuple format
const std::string keyArr[] = {"posXErr","covXY","covXZ","covXTiltX","covXTiltY","covXSx","covXSy","covXSz",
const std::string keyArr[] = {"posXErr","covXY","covXZ","covXTiltX","covXTiltY","covXSx","covXSy","covXSz","covXRhoXY","covXk",
/* const std::string keyArr2[] = {"posXErr","covYX","covZX","covTiltXX","covTiltYX","covSxX","covSyX","covSzX",
//Now that everything should be in the right order, it's simple to set the covariance matrix map correctly:
for(int i = 0; i < 55; i++){
covMap[keyArr[i]] = covVector[i];
//std::cout << keyArr[i] << " " << covVector[i] << std::endl;
//covMap[keyArr2[i]]= covVector[i];
......@@ -1345,10 +1362,10 @@ std::map<std::string,double> InDetBeamSpotVertex::getCovMap() const {
double z = getZ();
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix covc = getCov(z);
covMap["posXErr"] = sqrt( covc(1,1) ); //xcxc
covMap["posYErr"] = sqrt( covc(2,2) ); //ycyc
covMap["tiltXErr"] = sqrt( covc(3,3) ); //axcaxc
covMap["tiltYErr"] = sqrt( covc(4,4) ); //aycayc
covMap["posXErr"] = sqrt( covc(1,1) ); //xcxc
covMap["posYErr"] = sqrt( covc(2,2) ); //ycyc
covMap["tiltXErr"] = sqrt( covc(3,3) ); //axcaxc
covMap["tiltYErr"] = sqrt( covc(4,4) ); //aycayc
covMap["sigmaXErr"] = sqrt( getErrSigmaX(z)*getErrSigmaX(z) ); //sxcsxc
covMap["sigmaYErr"] = sqrt( getErrSigmaY(z)*getErrSigmaY(z) ); //sycsyc
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ namespace InDet {
sqrt(m_V(3,3) + 2*z*m_V(4,3) + z*z*m_V(4,4)) );
double getErrZ() const {
return (m_getLLres ? sqrt(m_VLL(9,9)):m_zErrSolved);} // defined as centroid of beam
return (m_getLLres ? (m_fixInputK ? sqrt(m_VLL(8,8)) : sqrt(m_VLL(9,9))):m_zErrSolved);} // defined as centroid of beam
double getSigmaX(double) const {
return (m_getLLres ? m_pLL(5) : m_def_sx);}
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ namespace InDet {
double getErrSigmaY(double) const {
return (m_getLLres ? sqrt(m_VLL(6,6)) :0.);}
double getErrSigmaZ() const {
return (m_getLLres ? sqrt(m_VLL(10,10)) :0.);}
return (m_getLLres ? (m_fixInputK ? sqrt(m_VLL(9,9)) : sqrt(m_VLL(10,10))) :0.);}
double getTiltX() const {
return (m_getLLres ? m_pLL(3) :m_p(2));}
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace InDet {
double getRhoXY() const { return (m_getLLres ? m_pLL(7) : 0.);}
double getK() const { return (m_getLLres ? m_pLL(8) : 0.);}
double getErrRhoXY() const { return (m_getLLres ? sqrt(m_VLL(7,7)) : 0.);}
double getErrK() const { return (m_getLLres ? sqrt(m_VLL(8,8)) : 0.);}
double getErrK() const { return (m_getLLres ? (m_fixInputK ? 0. : sqrt(m_VLL(8,8)) ) : 0.);}
double getSigmaXY(double z) const {return getRhoXY()*getSigmaX(z)*getSigmaY(z);}
......@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ namespace InDet {
bool m_fixInputK; // fix in LL fit the K factor to it's initial value
bool m_useLLNorm; // use the normalisation mode of the pdf...
bool m_fixWidth;
int m_nUsed;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// @file RefitTracksAndVertex.cxx
// Anthony Morley
#include "RefitTracksAndVertex.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ListItem.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
#include "TrkTrack/TrackCollection.h"
#include "TrkRIO_OnTrack/RIO_OnTrack.h"
#include "TrkFitterInterfaces/ITrackFitter.h"
#include "TrkVertexFitterInterfaces/IVertexFitter.h"
#include "TrkPseudoMeasurementOnTrack/PseudoMeasurementOnTrack.h"
#include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
#include "AtlasDetDescr/AtlasDetectorID.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/VertexAuxContainer.h"
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
#include "VxVertex/VxCandidate.h"
RefitTracksAndVertex::RefitTracksAndVertex( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator )
: AthAlgorithm (name, pSvcLocator)
, m_idHelper(nullptr)
, m_vertexListInput("PrimaryVertices")
, m_trackListOutput("SiTracksWithRefitTracksAndVertex")
, m_outputVertexContainerName("RefittedPrimaryVertex")
, m_trackFitter("Trk::KalmanFitter/TrkKalmanFitter")
, m_vertexFitter("Trk::FullVertexFitter")
, m_applyTrkSel(false)
, m_refitTracks(true)
, m_addPM(false)
, m_selPtMin(0)
, m_selEtaMin(-2.5)
, m_selEtaMax(2.5)
, m_selNHitPIXMin(0)
, m_selNHitSCTMin(6)
, m_nTracksProcessed(0)
, m_nTracksPresel(0)
, m_nTracksAccepted(0)
, m_nRejectPIX(0)
, m_nRejectSCT(0)
, m_nRejectTRT(0)
, m_nRejectPM(0)
// declare algorithm parameters
declareProperty("VertexListInput" , m_vertexListInput) ;
declareProperty("TrackListOutput" , m_trackListOutput) ;
declareProperty("OutputVertexContainer" , m_outputVertexContainerName) ;
declareProperty("TrackFitter" , m_trackFitter) ;
declareProperty("VertexFitterTool" , m_vertexFitter);
declareProperty("ApplyTrkSel" , m_applyTrkSel) ;
declareProperty("RefitTracks" , m_refitTracks) ;
declareProperty("AddPseudoMeasurement", m_addPM);
declareProperty("SelPtMin" , m_selPtMin) ;
declareProperty("SelEtaMin" , m_selEtaMin) ;
declareProperty("SelEtaMax" , m_selEtaMax) ;
declareProperty("SelNHitPIXMin" , m_selNHitPIXMin) ;
declareProperty("SelNHitSCTMin" , m_selNHitSCTMin) ;
RefitTracksAndVertex::~RefitTracksAndVertex() {}
StatusCode RefitTracksAndVertex::initialize() {
//retrieve the DetectorStore service
StatusCode status=detStore().retrieve() ;
if( status.isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "DetectorStore service not found !" );
return status;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "DetectorStore retrieved!" );
if (detStore()->retrieve(m_idHelper, "AtlasID").isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Could not get AtlasDetectorID helper" );
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Set up fitter
status = m_trackFitter.retrieve();
if (status.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Could not find tool " << m_trackFitter << ". Exiting.");
return status ;
} else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Got " << m_trackFitter << " as TrackFitter. " ) ;
// Set up fitter
status = m_vertexFitter.retrieve();
if (status.isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL( "Could not find tool " << m_vertexFitter << ". Exiting.");
return status ;
} else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( " Got " << m_vertexFitter << " as VertexFitter. " ) ;
// Print input properties
if( m_applyTrkSel ) {
"Track selection will be applied:"
<< "\n " << m_selEtaMin << " < eta < " << m_selEtaMax
<< "\n pT > " << m_selPtMin/Gaudi::Units::GeV << " GeV"
<< "\n number_of_PIXEL_hits >= " << m_selNHitPIXMin
<< "\n number_of_SCT_hits >= " << m_selNHitSCTMin
) ;
} else {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "NO selection will be applied to tracks" ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
} // initialize(.)
StatusCode RefitTracksAndVertex::finalize() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( (*this) ) ;
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode RefitTracksAndVertex::execute() {
TrackCollection* outputtracks = new TrackCollection() ;
// Primary Vertex
const xAOD::VertexContainer* vertices = 0;
if ( !evtStore()->retrieve( vertices, m_vertexListInput ).isSuccess() ){ // retrieve arguments: container type, container key
ATH_MSG_WARNING("execute() Failed to retrieve Reconstructed vertex container. " << m_vertexListInput );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
if( evtStore()->record( outputtracks, m_trackListOutput ).isFailure() ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR( "Failed to record trackcollection with name " << m_trackListOutput );
xAOD::VertexContainer* theVertexContainer = new xAOD::VertexContainer;
xAOD::VertexAuxContainer* theVertexAuxContainer = new xAOD::VertexAuxContainer;
theVertexContainer->setStore( theVertexAuxContainer );
CHECK( evtStore()->record(theVertexContainer, m_outputVertexContainerName) );
CHECK( evtStore()->record(theVertexAuxContainer, m_outputVertexContainerName + "Aux.") );
const xAOD::Vertex* primaryVertex = 0;
for( auto vertex: *vertices ) {
if( vertex->vertexType() == xAOD::VxType::PriVtx ) {
primaryVertex = vertex;
std::vector< const Trk::TrackParameters* > trackParametersToFit;
// Check we have found a PV
if( primaryVertex ){
if(primaryVertex->nTrackParticles() < 2)
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
//Loop over all tracks in the PV
for(unsigned int i =0; i< primaryVertex->nTrackParticles(); ++i ){
auto trackParticle = primaryVertex->trackParticle( i );
auto track = trackParticle->track();
// Check that there is Trk::Track
//Refit Track using on the SCT hits
auto newTrack = fitSCTOnlyTrack( track ) ;
outputtracks->push_back( newTrack ) ;
trackParametersToFit.push_back( newTrack->perigeeParameters() );
} else {
trackParametersToFit.push_back( track->perigeeParameters() );
m_nTracksProcessed += primaryVertex->nTrackParticles() ;
m_nTracksAccepted += outputtracks->size() ;
// Make sure there are at least 2 tracks to fit in the vertex fit
ATH_MSG_DEBUG(" From: " << primaryVertex->nTrackParticles() << " tracks " << trackParametersToFit.size() << " will be used" );
if(trackParametersToFit.size() > 1){
Amg::Vector3D position = primaryVertex->position();
// Fit and store vertex
auto vertex = m_vertexFitter->fit(trackParametersToFit, position );
theVertexContainer->push_back (vertex);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Old Vtx " << primaryVertex->position());
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("New Vtx " << vertex->position());
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
} // execute(.)
const Trk::PseudoMeasurementOnTrack* RefitTracksAndVertex::createPMfromSi ( const Trk::Perigee* mp ) {
Trk::DefinedParameter z0 ( mp->parameters()[Trk::z0], Trk::z0 ) ;
Trk::DefinedParameter theta( mp->parameters()[Trk::theta], Trk::theta ) ;
std::vector<Trk::DefinedParameter> defPar ;
defPar.push_back( z0 ) ;
defPar.push_back( theta ) ;
if( !mp->covariance() ) return 0;
Trk::LocalParameters parFromSi( defPar ) ;
AmgSymMatrix(1) covFromSi;
covFromSi( 0, 0 ) = (*mp->covariance())( Trk::z0,Trk::z0 ) ;
covFromSi( 1, 1 ) = (*mp->covariance())( Trk::theta,Trk::theta ) ;
covFromSi( 1, 0 ) = (*mp->covariance())( Trk::z0, Trk::theta ) ;
covFromSi( 0, 1 ) = (*mp->covariance())( Trk::z0, Trk::theta ) ;
const Trk::Surface& mpSurf = mp->associatedSurface() ;
Trk::PseudoMeasurementOnTrack *pm = new Trk::PseudoMeasurementOnTrack( parFromSi
, covFromSi
, mpSurf
) ;
return pm ;
const Trk::MeasurementSet RefitTracksAndVertex::addPM( Trk::MeasurementSet& ms, const Trk::PseudoMeasurementOnTrack* pm ) {
Trk::MeasurementSet sortedMS ;
sortedMS.push_back( pm ) ;
for( int i=0, i_max=ms.size() ; i!=i_max ; ++i ) {
sortedMS.push_back( ms[i] ) ;
return sortedMS ;
Trk::Track* RefitTracksAndVertex::fitSCTOnlyTrack(const Trk::Track* track) {
Trk::MeasurementSet setSCT ;
Trk::MeasurementSet setPix ;
Trk::MeasurementSet setTRT ;
const Trk::Perigee* perTrk = track->perigeeParameters();
if( !perTrk ) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING("RefitTracksAndVertex() : No Perigee parameter on track!");
return NULL ;
if( perTrk->eta() < m_selEtaMin || perTrk->eta() > m_selEtaMax)
return NULL ;
if( perTrk->pT() < m_selPtMin)
return NULL ;
//store all silicon measurements into the measurementset
DataVector<const Trk::MeasurementBase>::const_iterator it = track->measurementsOnTrack()->begin();
DataVector<const Trk::MeasurementBase>::const_iterator itEnd = track->measurementsOnTrack()->end();
for ( ; it!=itEnd; ++it){
if( !(*it) ) {
// log (MSG::WARNING) << "The MeasurementBase set has a void"
// << " member! Skip it.." << endreq;
} else {
const Trk::RIO_OnTrack* rio = dynamic_cast <const Trk::RIO_OnTrack*>(*it);
if (rio != 0) {
const Identifier& surfaceID = (rio->identify()) ;
if( m_idHelper->is_sct(surfaceID) ) {
setSCT.push_back ( *it ) ;
} else if( m_idHelper->is_trt(surfaceID) ) {
setTRT.push_back ( *it ) ;
} else if( m_idHelper->is_pixel(surfaceID) ){
setPix.push_back ( *it ) ;
if( (int)setSCT.size() < m_selNHitSCTMin )
return NULL;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("RefitTracksAndVertex() : Found " << setSCT.size() << " SCT measurm's!" ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("RefitTracksAndVertex() : Found " << setPix.size() << " Pix measurm's!" ) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("RefitTracksAndVertex() : Found " << setTRT.size() << " TRT measurm's!") ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( std::setiosflags( std::ios::scientific )) ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG (std::setprecision( 7 )) ;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( std::setiosflags( std::ios::scientific )) ;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( std::setprecision( 7 )) ;
// now add z_0 and theta from original track as PseudoMeas to the TRT MeasurementSet
const Trk::PseudoMeasurementOnTrack *pmFromSi = createPMfromSi( perTrk ) ;
if( !pmFromSi ) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("RefitTracksAndVertex() : PseudoMeasurementOnTrack creation failed! " );
return NULL ;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RefitTracksAndVertex() : pmFromSi " << *pmFromSi) ;
Trk::MeasurementSet setSCT = addPM( setSCT, pmFromSi ) ;
// Add TRT hits as they do no harm
for( int i=0, i_max=setTRT.size() ; i!=i_max ; ++i ) {
setSCT.push_back( setTRT[i] ) ;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( "RefitTracksAndVertex() : Si+PM MeasurementSet : " );
for( int i=0, i_max=setSCT.size() ; i!=i_max ; ++i ) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ("============== i=" << i << " =============");
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ( *(setSCT[i]));
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE ("==========================================");
// fit TRT part of the track with PseudoMeas on z_0, theta
Trk::Track* trkSCT=m_trackFitter->fit( setSCT
, *perTrk
, true
, Trk::pion
//, Trk::muon
//, Trk::nonInteracting
) ;
if( !trkSCT ) {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RefitTracksAndVertex() : Fit of SCT part of the track failed! " ) ;
return NULL ;
const Trk::Perigee* perSCT = trkSCT->perigeeParameters();
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE( "RefitTracksAndVertex() : perSCT " << *perSCT) ;
return trkSCT;
MsgStream& operator<<( MsgStream& outst, const RefitTracksAndVertex& alg ) {
return alg.dump( outst ) ;
MsgStream& RefitTracksAndVertex::dump( MsgStream& outst ) const {
outst << std::endl ;
outst << "|-------------------------------------------------------------------";
outst << "-----------------------------|" << std::endl ;
outst << "| processed : "
<< std::setw(7) << m_nTracksProcessed
<< " tracks |"
<< std::endl ;
outst << "| accepted by track presel. : "
<< std::setw(7) << m_nTracksPresel
<< " tracks |"
<< std::endl ;
outst << "| accepted by track presel. + PM : "
<< std::setw(7) << m_nTracksAccepted
<< " tracks |"
<< std::endl ;
outst << "| ------------------------------------------------------------------";
outst << "---------------------------- |" << std::endl ;
outst << "| reject by # PIX hits : "
<< std::setw(7) << m_nRejectPIX
<< " tracks |"
<< std::endl ;
outst << "| reject by # SCT hits : "
<< std::setw(7) << m_nRejectSCT
<< " tracks |"
<< std::endl ;
outst << "| reject by # TRT hits : "
<< std::setw(7) << m_nRejectTRT
<< " tracks |"
<< std::endl ;
outst << "| ------------------------------------------------------------------";
outst << "---------------------------- |" << std::endl ;
outst << "| reject by exist. PM(TRT) : "
<< std::setw(7) << m_nRejectPM
<< " tracks |"
<< std::endl ;
outst << "|-------------------------------------------------------------------";
outst << "-----------------------------|" << std::endl ;
return outst ;
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// @file RefitTracksAndVertex.cxx
// $Id: RefitTracksAndVertex.h,v 1.8 2009-05-18 15:48:05 moles Exp $
#ifndef RefitTracksAndVertex_H
#define RefitTracksAndVertex_H
#include <string>
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthMsgStreamMacros.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "TrkFitterUtils/FitterTypes.h"
#include "TrkParameters/TrackParameters.h"
class AtlasDetectorID ;
namespace Trk {
class ITrackFitter ;
class IVertexFitter ;
class Track ;
class TrackStateOnSurface ;
class PseudoMeasurementOnTrack ;
class RefitTracksAndVertex: public AthAlgorithm {
/** The RefitTracksAndVertex is an implementation to add the so-called TRT momentum constraint on a track.
It was developed in the context of alignment, and its main idea is that if the TRT is free from "weak modes",
its curvature measurement can be added as a PseudoMeasurement (PM) to a Si-only track. This extra information,
taken into account while refitting the Si-only part of the track or read in by the alignment algorithms
directly, can serve to eliminate the alignment weak modes from the Si tracker of ATLAS.
More details can be found at: */
RefitTracksAndVertex(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) ;
~RefitTracksAndVertex() ;
StatusCode initialize() ; //!< initialize method of this algorithm.
StatusCode execute() ; //!< execute method of this algorithm that is called for each event
StatusCode finalize() ; //!< finalize method of this algorithm. Prints out a summary of all events
MsgStream& dump( MsgStream& outst ) const ;
// helper functions
/** Verifies if the given track passes the track selection criteria specified via the jobOptions */
bool accept( const Trk::Track& track ) ;
/** adds a PseudoMeasurement to a MeasurementSet */
const Trk::MeasurementSet addPM( Trk::MeasurementSet& ms, const Trk::PseudoMeasurementOnTrack* pm ) ;
/** creates a PseudoMeasurement with (z0, theta) from extended track perigee parameters */
const Trk::PseudoMeasurementOnTrack* createPMfromSi ( const Trk::Perigee* mp ) ;
/** Strips of all TRT hits from the track and replaces them with a TRT momentum constraint
from a the TRT segment belonging to the (extended) track (returns NULL in case of failure) */
Trk::Track* fitSCTOnlyTrack( const Trk::Track* track ) ;
// infrastructure
const AtlasDetectorID* m_idHelper ; //!< Detector ID helper
std::string m_vertexListInput ; //!< Name of the TrackCollection (input)
std::string m_trackListOutput ; //!< Name of the TrackCollection (Output)
std::string m_outputVertexContainerName ; //!< Name of vertex container
ToolHandle<Trk::ITrackFitter> m_trackFitter ; //!< The TrackFitter to refit the tracks (segment, momentum constraint)
ToolHandle<Trk::IVertexFitter> m_vertexFitter ; //!< The TrackFitter to refit the tracks (segment, momentum constraint)
// algorithm-internal members
bool m_applyTrkSel ; //!< apply a selection on tracks or not
bool m_refitTracks ; //!< refitTracks
bool m_addPM ; //!< apply a pseudo measurement based on the original track (theta,z0)
double m_selPtMin ; //!< minimal pT cut value for the TrackSelection
double m_selEtaMin ; //!< minimal eta cut value for the TrackSelection
double m_selEtaMax ; //!< maximal eta cut value for the TrackSelection
int m_selNHitPIXMin ; //!< minimal number of PIX hits cut value for the TrackSelection
int m_selNHitSCTMin ; //!< minimal number of SCT hits cut value for the TrackSelection
size_t m_nTracksProcessed ; //!< Counter for number of tracks processed
size_t m_nTracksPresel ; //!< Counter for number of tracks passing the preselection
size_t m_nTracksAccepted ; //!< Counter for number of tracks passing the preselection and with PM
size_t m_nRejectPIX ; //!< Counter for number of tracks failing the min number of PIX hits req.
size_t m_nRejectSCT ; //!< Counter for number of tracks failing the min number of SCT hits req.
size_t m_nRejectTRT ; //!< Counter for number of tracks failing the min number of TRT hits req.
size_t m_nRejectPM ; //!< Counter for number of tracks failing the addition of a pseudo-measurement (PM)
} ;
MsgStream& operator<<( MsgStream& outst, const RefitTracksAndVertex& alg ) ;
#include "../InDetBeamSpotFinder.h"
#include "../InDetBeamSpotRooFit.h"
#include "../InDetBeamSpotVertex.h"
#include "../RefitTracksAndVertex.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
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