GitLab service scheduled maintenance on Friday, March 21st 2025 as of 08h00 Geneva time for an estimated period of 1 hour. Further information under OTG0154918.
This is an archived project. Repository and other project resources are read-only.
Simply update the Dockerfile build arguments' default values, and commit to the master branch. NOTE : The baseline is used to rebuild all other images so pick a sensible default.
Simply update the Dockerfile build arguments' default values, and commit to the ```master``` branch. NOTE : The baseline is used to rebuild all other images so pick a sensible default.
# How to provide alternate images
Using gitflow, you can create a new *support* branch, it will automatically be picked up and deployed as a new docker image.
E.g., to create a new support branch for Maven 3.5.3, Docker 19.3.0 and Jdk11, simply execute :
E.g., to create a new release branch for Maven 3.5.3, Docker 19.3.0 and Jdk11, simply execute :
git flow support start 3.5.3-19.3.0-jdk11 master
git flow release start 3.5.3-19.3.0-jdk11 develop
To name your support branch, please follow the convention
To name your release branch, please follow the convention