GitLab service scheduled maintenance on Friday, March 21st 2025 as of 08h00 Geneva time for an estimated period of 1 hour. Further information under OTG0154918.
This is an archived project. Repository and other project resources are read-only.
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ An official Maven Debian + Docker + CERN CA certificates image to perform Docker
The image build is provided :
* As a baseline image, with default build arguments hard-coded in the provided Dockerfile. Consult the Dockerfile to know the current configuration.
* As a Maven-enabled image with support for branching, parameters and releases (thank to the maven-dockerfile-plugin).
* As a *baseline image*, with default build arguments hard-coded in the provided Dockerfile. Consult the Dockerfile to know the current configuration.
* As a *Maven-enabled image* with support for gitflow conventions, branching, parameters and releases (thanks to the maven-dockerfile-plugin).
*Important Note :* The Gitlab CI only performs a baseline build in the master branch. The baseline is used to rebuild all other images so pick a sensible default.