3. Adjust ```~/.alien/Environment``` as needed (not for JAliEn).
## Useful Commands
@@ -109,14 +104,14 @@ Refer to [command line Docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/refe
| Command | Description |
| ```~$ docker start myvocontainer``` | Start the container<br>Note: This way, the container will remain active until you type<br>```~$ docker stop myvocontainer``` |
| ```~$ docker exec -it myvocontainer /bin/bash``` | Start a bash session within the container |
| ```~$ ssh root@your.ip.vobox.here``` | Login into the container |
| ```~$ docker ps``` | List active containers |
| ```~$ docker ps -a``` | List all containers |
| ```~$ docker images``` | List all images cached locally |
| ```~$ docker commit myvocontainer myvoimagename``` | Save container state as an image.<br> With __myimagename__ being the desired image name |
| ```~$ docker export mycontainer > /home/myexportcontainer.tar``` | Save the container as a tar file.<br>With __/home/myexportedcontainer.tar__ being the directory and name for the exported container |
| ```# docker start myvocontainer``` | Start the container<br>Note: This way, the container will remain active until you type<br>```# docker stop myvocontainer``` |
| ```# docker exec -it myvocontainer /bin/bash``` | Start a bash session within the container |
| ```$ ssh root@your.ip.vobox.here``` | Login into the container |
| ```# docker ps``` | List active containers |
| ```# docker ps -a``` | List all containers |
| ```# docker images``` | List all images cached locally |
| ```# docker commit myvocontainer myvoimagename``` | Save container state as an image.<br> With __myimagename__ being the desired image name |
| ```# docker export mycontainer > /home/myexportcontainer.tar``` | Save the container as a tar file.<br>With __/home/myexportedcontainer.tar__ being the directory and name for the exported container |
??? help "Docker commit vs export"
The ```commit``` command will save the container as an image in Docker's internal format.