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Update htcondor docker image version and revert the job agent from

This PR brings two contributions:

  • it brings back the previous Job Agent since the current site sonar constraints do not match the running workers. If one needs to test the site sonar constraints feature, one needs to edit the "" file and uncomment/update the commented line.
  • it updates the htcondor docker image to a newer one (from 8.9.6-el7 to 10.0.0-el7). The previous htcondor image was 3 years old and generated the following errors each 5 minutes:
03/10/23 19:42:00 SECMAN: FAILED: Received "DENIED" from server for user condor_pool@localhost.localdomain using method PASSWORD.
03/10/23 19:42:00 ERROR: SECMAN:2010:Received "DENIED" from server for user condor_pool@localhost.localdomain using method PASSWORD.
03/10/23 19:42:00 Failed to start non-blocking update to <>.

I've tested the proposed configuration as follows:

  • build and start the infrastructure
  • run ./ on JCentral-dev_1
  • submit a test job
  • check that the job is executed
  • check that htcondor (worker1_1, worker2_1 and JCentral-dev-CE_1) does not generates the previously mentioned error.

Signed-off-by: Elena Mihailescu

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