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Fix and improve the MGT DRP access

Jeroen Hegeman requested to merge repair_and_improve_mgt_drp_access into master

At the moment, the DRP access to the MGT (from outside) only works for slow, software-driven, processes. This is due to the latching implemented in mgt_fixed_phase.vhd. These changes:

  • Fix the above problem by correctly implementing both latched and unlatched pairs of the DRP output data and strobe.
  • Add a DRP reset signal. (This is one of these things that 'should not be needed', and still sometimes comes in handy.)
  • Further improve the DRP (or at least DRP-related) by adding all signals needed for in-system eyescans. (Via DRP, by software, or using a Xilinx in-system IBERT IP core.)

Merge request reports
