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Commit 3e1fa57f authored by Marco Clemencic's avatar Marco Clemencic
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parent 8484196e
No related branches found
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with 494 additions and 43 deletions
package GaussSys
version v31r2
version v32r2
branches cmt doc
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ branches cmt doc
# Gauss application: the application is not built on Win32
macro Gauss_use "Gauss v31r2 Sim" WIN32 ""
macro Gauss_use "Gauss v32r2 Sim" WIN32 ""
use ${Gauss_use}
# Generator packages: only a fraction available for release on Win32
......@@ -24,44 +24,46 @@ use ${LbPythia_use}
# TEMPORARLY switch off all generators extensions to Pythia6
macro LbPythia8_use "LbPythia8 v1r1 Gen" WIN32 ""
macro LbAlpGen_use "LbAlpGen v1r0 Gen" WIN32 ""
macro BcVegPy_use "BcVegPy v1r1p2 Gen" WIN32 ""
macro LbBcVegPy_use "LbBcVegPy v1r5 Gen" WIN32 ""
macro LbHerwig_use "LbHerwig v5r2 Gen" WIN32 ""
macro LbHidValley_use "LbHidValley v2r1 Gen" WIN32 ""
macro LbHijing_use "LbHijing v3r2 Gen" WIN32 ""
use ${LbPythia8_use}
macro LbPythia8_use "LbPythia8 v1r1 Gen" WIN32 ""
#OFF use ${LbAlpGen_use}
#OFF use ${BcVegPy_use}
#OFF use ${LbBcVegPy_use}
#OFF use ${LbHidValley_use}
use ${LbHerwig_use}
#OFF use ${LbHidValley_use}
use ${LbHijing_use}
use ${LbPythia8_use}
use LbMIB v2r2 Gen
use ParticleGuns v5r0 Gen
# temporarly switch it off on Win32
macro ParticleGuns_use "ParticleGuns v5r1 Gen" WIN32 ""
use ${ParticleGuns_use}
# Simulation basic packages
use GiGa v19r2 Sim
use GiGaCnv v18r5 Sim
use SimSvc v5r1 Sim
macro GiGaVisUI_use "GiGaVisUI v4r0 Sim" WIN32 ""
macro GiGaVisUI_use "GiGaVisUI v5r0 Sim" WIN32 ""
use ${GiGaVisUI_use}
use VisSvc v5r2 Vis
use ClhepTools v2r1 Tools
# Simulation specialized packages
use GaussKine v2r0 Sim
use GaussKine v2r1 Sim
use GaussAlgs v3r2 Sim
use GaussTools v13r5 Sim
use GaussRICH v8r2 Sim
use GaussTools v14r0 Sim
use GaussRICH v9r0 Sim
use GaussTracker v6r1 Sim
use GaussCalo v9r1 Sim
use GaussPhysics v5r2 Sim
use GaussPhysics v6r0 Sim
# Monitoring packages
use GaussMonitor v5r1 Sim
use GaussMonitor v5r2 Sim
use CaloMoniSim v3r1p1 Calo
use VeloGauss v2r3 Velo
use MuonMoniSim v2r3 Muon
......@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ use BcmMoniSim v1r1 Bcm
use XmlVis v1r5 Vis
# Test packages for new releases or installations on new platforms
use GenTests v1r0 Gen
use GenTests v1r1 Gen
# Allow the generation of QMTest summary
apply_pattern QMTestSummarize
......@@ -3,6 +3,221 @@ Package : GaussSys
Package manager : Gloria Corti
Purpose: LHCb Simulation program
</PRE><H1><A NAME="v32r2">2008-06-29 - GaussSys v32r2</A></H1><PRE>
<H2><A NAME="Note">DEVELOPEMENT version. Support latest geometry tags
head-20080603 and head-20060516.
<H3><A NAME="Use">This version uses:
<b>LHCb v23r7 (and Gaudi v19r9)</b>
pythia6 416.2, photos 215.2, lhapdf 5.3.1 (via LCG_GeneratorsInterfaces)
HepMC 1.26.02 (via LCG_Interfaces)
<b>Geant4 v90r2 (based on geant4.9.0.p02)</b>
DecFiles v14r4, ParamFiles v7r1
DDDB v1r*, FieldMap v5r0, XmlVis v1r5</A></H3>
herwig 6.510.2, jimmy 4.31.2 (via LCG_GeneratorsInterfaces)
hijing 1.383bs.2 (via LCG_GeneratorsInterfaces)
pythia8 107.1</A></H3>
<H3><A NAME="Details">
Development version.
Partially built on Win32, all generators still not built on win to test
new builds by LCG. Temporarly switch off also ParticleGuns since it now
uses Generators.
Almost identical to Gauss v31r2 (but for additions) but based on different
version of Geant4 (9.0.p02).
!======================== Gauss v32r2 2008-06-29 =============================
! 2008-06-29 - Gloria CORTI for Magnus LIENG
- Fix name of algorithm for BCM monitoring to agree to what in included
options from BcmMoniSim
. BCMSimulation.opts
! 2008-06-27 - Gloria CORTI
- Use Geant4Files for G4 9.0
. requirements
- Adapt options to changes in name of Geant4 physics for EM physics
. PhysList-{LHEP,QGSP}.opts
- Increase version number to v32r2
. requirements,,
!======================= ParticleGuns v5r1 2008-06-26 =======================
! 2008-06-12 - Patrick Robbe
- Add optical photon particle gun for RICH
- Add Gaussian theta angle distribution around axis possibility for
particle gun tool
!======================= GiGaVisUI v5r0 2008-06-26 ===========================
! 2008-06-17 - Gloria CORTI
- Remove G4GAGTree as graphic system as it is no longer available in
Geant4 v90r2 (see g4 release notes:
!========================= GaussKine v2r1 2008-06-27 =========================
! 2008-06-12 - Patrick Robbe
- Add the modifications for optical photon particle gun in GeneratorToG4
!======================== GaussTools v14r0 2008-06-26 ========================
! 2008-06-26 - Gloria CORTI
- Use new patterns in Gaudi v19r9 to create genConf helper library for
G4 User Actions (see 2007-11-30).
. cmt/requirements
!========================= GaussRICH v9r0 2008-06-26 =========================
! 2008-06-26 - Gloria CORTI
- Adapt to change in Geant4 v92r0 (9.0.p02) where kCarTolerance is no
longer available and has to be replaced by GetSurfaceTolerance() method
of G4GeometryTolerance (see geant4 release notes
. src/PhysProcess/RichHpdPhotoElectricEffect.cpp
. src/srcG4/
- Use pattern from Gaudi v19r9 for genConf helper library
! 2008-06-24 - Chris Jones
- Adapt to change in RichDet detector element locations
!====================== GaussPhysics v6r0 2008-06-27 =========================
! 2008-06-17 - Gloria CORTI
- Adapt to change in name of EM physics list for non default one introduced
in Geant4 v90r2 (see geant4 release notes
G4EmStandardPhysics71 --> G4EmStandardPhysics_option1
G4EmStandardPhysics72 --> G4EmStandardPhysics_option2
. GaussPhysics_load.cpp
!! 2008-06-24 - Vanya BELYAEV
- src/G4Higgses.h, G4Higgses.cpp
add the descriptions of Higgses: H_10, H_20 and H_30
The static function Definition() *DOES* not create the objects!
To creat ethe obkect one need to use the statci functions
G4H_20::Create and G4H_30::Create
For these function one must to specify the
lifetime (c*tau) and mass of the particle.
The functions takes care about the proper setting of
all parameters needed for Geat4 (essentially longlived/shortlived)
P.S.: there is no ugly reinterpret_cast.
if ( 0 == G4H_10::Definition() )
const double mass = 120 * Gaudi::Units::GeV ;
const double ctau = 20 * Gaudi::Units::mm ;
G4H_10::Create ( mass , ctau ) ;
Assert ( 0 != G4H_10::Definition() , "No valid definition for H_10") ;
- src/GiGaHiggsParticles.cpp
New "physics constructor", which takes care about the creation
of proper "H_10", "H_20" and "H_30" particles.
The particle properties are taked from Particle Property
For usage one needs to add this constructor/list into the
modular physics list:
GiGa.ModularPL.PhysicsConstructors += [ "GiGaHiggsParticles" ] ;
It also dumps (@ MSG::INFO) the properties of created higgses. e.g.:
--- G4ParticleDefinition ---
Particle Name : H_20
PDG particle code : 35 [PDG anti-particle code: 35]
Mass [GeV/c2] : 180 Width : 7.00226
Lifetime [nsec] : 9.4e-17
Charge [e]: 0
Spin : 0/2
Parity : -1
Charge conjugation : 1
Isospin : (I,Iz): (0/2 , 0/2 )
GParity : -1
Quark contents (d,u,s,c,b,t) : 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
AntiQuark contents : 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Lepton number : 0 Baryon number : 0
Particle type : higgs [higgs]
ShortLived : ON
Decay Table is not defined !!
--- G4ParticleDefinition ---
Particle Name : H_30
PDG particle code : 36 [PDG anti-particle code: 36]
Mass [GeV/c2] : 50 Width : 6.58212e-14
Lifetime [nsec] : 0.01
Charge [e]: 0
Spin : 0/2
Parity : 1
Charge conjugation : 1
Isospin : (I,Iz): (0/2 , 0/2 )
GParity : -1
Quark contents (d,u,s,c,b,t) : 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
AntiQuark contents : 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Lepton number : 0 Baryon number : 0
Particle type : higgs [higgs]
Decay Table is not defined !!
!====================== GaussMonitor v5r2 2008-06-27 =========================
! 2008-06-24 - Vanya BELYAEV
- new algorithms to perform the checks for particle lifetiems both on HepMC
and MC levels
New files :
(1) src/CheckLifeTime.h, src/CheckLifeTime.cpp
the base class
(2) src/CheckLifeTimeHepMC.cpp
the concrete algorithm for checking lifetiem of HepMC particles
(3) src/CheckLifeTimeMC.cpp
the concrete algorithm for checking lifetiem of MC particles
(4) src/LifeTime.h
the common helper utilities
The algorithms has property "Particles"
The typical usesage:
SimMonitor.Members += [ "GaussMonitor::CheckLifeTimeMC/MCLifeTime" ];
GenMonitor.Members += [ "GaussMonitor::CheckLifeTimeHepMC/HepMCLifeTime" ];
The typical printout:
MCLifeTime INFO >0.5 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'B0' Actual is 0.489439+-0.049298(0.45982) Nominal is 0.46048 [mm]
MCLifeTime INFO >0.5 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'B+' Actual is 0.528686+-0.054560(0.47250) Nominal is 0.50095 [mm]
MCLifeTime INFO <0.5 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'B_s0' Actual is 0.471664+-0.100333(0.45978) Nominal is 0.43799 [mm]
MCLifeTime WARNING >1 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'Lambda_b0' Actual is 0.282185+-0.059657(0.23105) Nominal is 0.36844 [mm]
MCLifeTime WARNING >1 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'D0' Actual is 0.143134+-0.011404(0.13151) Nominal is 0.12340 [mm]
MCLifeTime INFO >0.5 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'D+' Actual is 0.295561+-0.035003(0.26194) Nominal is 0.31521 [mm]
MCLifeTime INFO >0.5 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'D_s+' Actual is 0.133379+-0.026760(0.16712) Nominal is 0.14704 [mm]
MCLifeTime WARNING >1 sigma deviation in lifetime for 'Lambda_c+' Actual is 0.077262+-0.013329(0.05655) Nominal is 0.05979 [mm]
MCLifeTime SUCCESS List of booked 1D histograms in directory "MC/MCLifeTime" :- | ID | Title | # | Mean
| RMS | Skewness | Kurtosis |
| LifeTime B+ | "LifeTime B+" | 75 | 0.52869
| 0.47251 | 1.3752 | 1.8131 |
| LifeTime D+ | "LifeTime D+" | 56 | 0.29556
| 0.26194 | 1.2438 | 1.1996 |
| LifeTime Lambda_b0 | "LifeTime Lambda_b0" | 15 | 0.28219
| 0.23105 | 0.76436 | -0.24491 |
| LifeTime Lambda_c+ | "LifeTime Lambda_c+" | 18 | 0.077262
| 0.056554 | 0.82634 | 0.22073 |
| LifeTime B_s0 | "LifeTime B_s0" | 21 | 0.47166
| 0.45979 | 1.3353 | 0.94287 |
| LifeTime B_c+ | "LifeTime B_c+" | 0 | 0
| 0 | nan | nan |
| LifeTime D_s+ | "LifeTime D_s+" | 39 | 0.13338
| 0.16712 | 3.592 | 15.729 |
| LifeTime D0 | "LifeTime D0" | 133 | 0.14313
| 0.13152 | 1.4295 | 1.5341 |
| LifeTime B0 | "LifeTime B0" | 87 | 0.48944
| 0.45983 | 1.2403 | 1.0644 |
MCLifeTime SUCCESS Number of counters : 9
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "LifeTime B+" | 75 | 39.65142 | 0.52869 | 0.47251 | 0.021626 | 2.3047 |
| "LifeTime B0" | 87 | 42.58121 | 0.48944 | 0.45983 | 0.0016786 | 1.9720 |
| "LifeTime B_c+"| 0 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.7977e+308 |-1.7977e+308 |
| "LifeTime B_s0"| 21 | 9.904944 | 0.47166 | 0.45979 | 0.031394 | 1.6468 |
| "LifeTime D+" | 56 | 16.55143 | 0.29556 | 0.26194 | 0.0073296 | 1.1662 |
| "LifeTime D0" | 133 | 19.03681 | 0.14313 | 0.13152 | 0.00044534 | 0.59080 |
| "LifeTime D_s+"| 39 | 5.201792 | 0.13338 | 0.16712 | 0.0051624 | 1.0061 |
| "LifeTime Lambd| 15 | 4.232776 | 0.28219 | 0.23105 | 0.0054285 | 0.82772 |
| "LifeTime Lambd| 18 | 1.390719 | 0.077262 | 0.056554 | 0.00010981 | 0.22518 |
!========================= GenTests v1r1 2008-06-29 ==========================
! 2008-06-29 - Gloria CORTI
- Increase version and follow template for requirements
! 2008-06-23 - Patrick Robbe
- Add script to produce the test jobs via Ganga
</PRE><H1><A NAME="v31r2">2008-06-16 - GaussSys v31r2</A></H1><PRE>
<H2><A NAME="Note">DEVELOPEMENT version. Support latest geometry tags
head-20080603 and -head-20060516.
......@@ -14,10 +229,9 @@ Purpose: LHCb Simulation program
Geant4 v83r2 (based on geant4.8.3.patch02)
<b>DecFiles v14r4</b>, ParamFiles v7r1
DDDB v1r*, FieldMap v5r0, XmlVis v1r5</A></H3>
<H3><A NAME="Exe">Used by GaussXXX executables:
herwig 6.510.2, jimmy 4.31.2 (via LCG_GeneratorsInterfaces)
hijing 1.383bs.2 (via LCG_GeneratorsInterfaces)
<b>pythia8 107.1</b></A></H3>
pythia8 107.1<</A></H3>
<H3><A NAME="Details">
Development version.
Partially built on Win32, all generators still not built on win to test
......@@ -54,10 +268,9 @@ Purpose: LHCb Simulation program
Geant4 v83r2 (based on geant4.8.3.patch02)
<b>DecFiles v14r4</b>, ParamFiles v7r1
DDDB v1r*, FieldMap v5r0, XmlVis v1r5</A></H3>
<H3><A NAME="Exe">Used by GaussXXX executables:
herwig 6.510.2, jimmy 4.31.2 (via LCG_GeneratorsInterfaces)
hijing 1.383bs.2 (via LCG_GeneratorsInterfaces)
<b>pythia8 107.1</b></A></H3>
pythia8 107.1</A></H3>
<H3><A NAME="Details">
Development version.
Partially built on Win32, temporarly swith off all generators to test
package GenTests
version v1r0
# Created : 2008-04-07
# Maintainer : Patrick ROBBE
package GenTests
version v1r1
# Structure, i.e. directories to process.
branches python cmt doc options
# ================ structure =========================================
branches python cmt doc options
# Used packages. Specify the version, * at the end specifies 'any revision'
use Python v* LCG_Interfaces
use ROOT v* LCG_Interfaces
\ No newline at end of file
use ROOT v* LCG_Interfaces
! $Id: release.notes,v 1.3 2008-06-16 12:56:31 gcorti Exp $
! $Id: release.notes,v 1.5 2008-06-29 14:47:44 gcorti Exp $
! Package : GenTests
! Responsible : Patrick ROBBE
! Purpose : Package holding options and scripts to run generator level
! tests with Gauss
!========================= GenTests v1r1 2008-06-29 ==========================
! 2008-06-29 - Gloria CORTI
- Increase version and follow template for requirements
! 2008-06-23 - Patrick Robbe
- Add script to produce the test jobs via Ganga
!========================= GenTests v1r0 2008-06-16 ==========================
! 2008-04-30 - Patrick Robbe
- Add new option for inclusive bb
......@@ -3,4 +3,20 @@ List of reference histograms and log files (made with Gauss v26r1)
// $Id: GaussMonitoringBdpipiCPVDecProdCut.opts,v 1.1 2008-06-15 17:28:47 robbep Exp $
// $Id: GaussMonitoringBdpipiCPVDecProdCut.opts,v 1.2 2008-06-23 18:16:13 robbep Exp $
/** @file
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ApplicationMgr.TopAlg += { "GaudiSequencer/Generator" };
Generator.Members = { "GenInit/GaussGen" };
GaussGen.FirstEventNumber = 133 ;
GaussGen.RunNumber = 145 ;
GaussGen.RunNumber = 14521 ;
EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime.StartTime = 0;
EventClockSvc.FakeEventTime.TimeStep = 25*ns;
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ GenMonitor.Members += { "GeneratorAnalysis" } ;
GeneratorAnalysis.NeutralParticleHistos = true ;
PoolDbCacheSvc.Catalog = { "xmlcatalog_file:NewCatalog.xml" };
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" ;
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "GaussHistos_11102013.root"; // Monitoring histos
// $Id: GaussMonitoringBsDspiDecProdCut.opts,v 1.1 2008-06-15 17:28:47 robbep Exp $
// $Id: GaussMonitoringBsDspiDecProdCut.opts,v 1.2 2008-06-23 18:16:13 robbep Exp $
/** @file
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ GenMonitor.Members += { "GeneratorAnalysis" } ;
GeneratorAnalysis.NeutralParticleHistos = true ;
PoolDbCacheSvc.Catalog = { "xmlcatalog_file:NewCatalog.xml" };
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" ;
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "GaussHistos_13264001.root"; // Monitoring histos
// $Id: GaussMonitoringBuD0hKpicocktail.opts,v 1.1 2008-06-15 17:28:47 robbep Exp $
// $Id: GaussMonitoringBuD0hKpicocktail.opts,v 1.2 2008-06-23 18:16:13 robbep Exp $
/** @file
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ GenMonitor.Members += { "GeneratorAnalysis" } ;
GeneratorAnalysis.NeutralParticleHistos = true ;
PoolDbCacheSvc.Catalog = { "xmlcatalog_file:NewCatalog.xml" };
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" ;
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "GaussHistos_12463010.root"; // Monitoring histos
// $Id: GaussMonitoringInclB.opts,v 1.2 2008-06-15 17:28:04 robbep Exp $
// $Id: GaussMonitoringInclB.opts,v 1.3 2008-06-23 18:16:13 robbep Exp $
/** @file
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ GenMonitor.Members += { "GeneratorAnalysis" } ;
GeneratorAnalysis.NeutralParticleHistos = true ;
PoolDbCacheSvc.Catalog = { "xmlcatalog_file:NewCatalog.xml" };
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" ;
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "GaussHistos_10000000.root"; // Monitoring histos
// $Id: GaussMonitoringInclD.opts,v 1.1 2008-06-15 17:28:47 robbep Exp $
// $Id: GaussMonitoringInclD.opts,v 1.2 2008-06-23 18:16:13 robbep Exp $
/** @file
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ GenMonitor.Members += { "GeneratorAnalysis" } ;
GeneratorAnalysis.NeutralParticleHistos = true ;
PoolDbCacheSvc.Catalog = { "xmlcatalog_file:NewCatalog.xml" };
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" ;
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "GaussHistos_20000000.root"; // Monitoring histos
// $Id: GaussMonitoringInclJpsi.opts,v 1.2 2008-06-15 17:28:05 robbep Exp $
// $Id: GaussMonitoringInclJpsi.opts,v 1.3 2008-06-23 18:16:13 robbep Exp $
/** @file
......@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ GenMonitor.Members += { "GeneratorAnalysis" } ;
GeneratorAnalysis.NeutralParticleHistos = true ;
PoolDbCacheSvc.Catalog = { "xmlcatalog_file:NewCatalog.xml" };
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" ;
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "GaussHistos_24142001.root"; // Monitoring histos
// $Id: GaussMonitoringMinBias.opts,v 1.3 2008-06-15 17:28:05 robbep Exp $
// $Id: GaussMonitoringMinBias.opts,v 1.4 2008-06-23 18:16:13 robbep Exp $
/** @file
......@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 5000;
GenMonitor.Members += { "GeneratorAnalysis" } ;
GeneratorAnalysis.NeutralParticleHistos = true ;
PoolDbCacheSvc.Catalog = { "xmlcatalog_file:NewCatalog.xml" };
GaussTape.Output = "DATAFILE='PFN:Gauss.sim' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='RECREATE'" ;
ApplicationMgr.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT" ;
HistogramPersistencySvc.OutputFile = "GaussHistos_30000000.root"; // Monitoring histos
import os
from random import Random
# Put Gauss version here
GaussVersion = 'v31r1'
listoftests = {
'30000000': 'MinBias',
'11102013': 'BdpipiCPVDecProdCut',
'13264001': 'BsDspiDecProdCut',
'12463010': 'BuD0hKpicocktail',
'10000000': 'InclB',
'20000000': 'InclD',
'24142001': 'InclJpsi'
# Random for event number and run number
random = Random()
# Creates the CASTOR dir if it does not exists
castorcmd = "rfmkdir /castor/"+GaussVersion
GENTestsPath = os.environ['GENTESTSROOT']
test_backend = LSF(queue='1nd')
for eventtype, eventname in listoftests.iteritems():
testName = "GaussTest_"+eventtype+"_"+GaussVersion
FirstEvent = random.randint( 1 , 1500 )
RunNumber = random.randint( 1 , 9599 )
test_application = Gauss()
test_application.version = GaussVersion
test_application.optsfile = File( GENTestsPath + '/options/GaussMonitoring'+eventname+'.opts' )
test_application.extraopts = """
j = Job(
name = testName ,
application = test_application ,
backend = test_backend
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
package ParticleGuns
version v5r0
version v5r1
# Structure
......@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
! Purpose : Holds code for generaion of particle guns
!======================= ParticleGuns v5r1 2008-06-26 =======================
! 2008-06-12 - Patrick Robbe
- Add optical photon particle gun for RICH
- Add Gaussian theta angle distribution around axis possibility for
particle gun tool
!======================= ParticleGuns v5r0 2008-06-09 =======================
! 2008-06-09 - Patrick ROBBE
- Add example options for generation of a resonance particle gun
// ==========================================================================
// include this file in Gauss.opts instead of Generator.opts
// =========================================================================
Generator.Members -= { "Generation", "GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor" };
Generator.Members += { "RichPatternGun", "GaudiSequencer/GenMonitor" };
SimMonitor.Members -= { "EvtTypeChecker" };
// Event type is set as described in LHCb-2005-034 : G=5!
RichPatternGun.EventType = 53210205;
///Pattern Gun Options
RichPatternGun.xPatternCentre = 0;
RichPatternGun.yPatternCentre = 0;
RichPatternGun.zPatternCentre = 5000;
RichPatternGun.Mean = 0;
RichPatternGun.XSigma = 1000;
RichPatternGun.YSigma = 1000;
RichPatternGun.Peak = 10;
RichPatternGun.NParticles = 1;
/// entry to be added to ParticlePropertySvc to enable optical photons
ParticlePropertySvc.Particles = {"opticalphoton 50 10000022 0.0 0.000000e+000 1.000000e+016 Cerenkov 0 0.000000e+000"};
GiGa.TrackSeq.PostTrack.RejectOpticalPhotons = false;
// $Id: GaussianTheta.cpp,v 1.1 2008-06-12 18:43:08 robbep Exp $
// Include files
// This class
#include "GaussianTheta.h"
// From STL
#include <cmath>
// From Gaudi
#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IParticlePropertySvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ParticleProperty.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/SystemOfUnits.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IRndmGenSvc.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Transform3DTypes.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/Vector3DTypes.h"
// Implementation file for class: GaussianTheta
// 2008-05-18: Patrick Robbe, rewrite in tool format particle gun algorithm
// Constructor
GaussianTheta::GaussianTheta(const std::string & type,
const std::string & name ,
const IInterface * parent ) :
GaudiTool(type , name, parent ) , m_mass( 0. ) {
declareInterface< IParticleGunTool >( this ) ;
declareProperty( "MomentumMin" , m_minMom = 100.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV ) ;
declareProperty( "MomentumMax" , m_maxMom = 100.0 * Gaudi::Units::GeV ) ;
declareProperty( "SigmaTheta" , m_sigmaTheta = 1. * Gaudi::Units::rad ) ;
declareProperty( "MeanTheta" , m_meanTheta = 0. * Gaudi::Units::rad ) ;
declareProperty( "XAxis" , m_x_axis = 0. ) ;
declareProperty( "YAxis" , m_y_axis = 0. ) ;
declareProperty( "PdgCode" , m_pdgCode = 211 ) ;
// Destructor
GaussianTheta::~GaussianTheta() { }
// Initialize Generator
StatusCode GaussianTheta::initialize( ) {
StatusCode sc = GaudiTool::initialize() ;
if ( ! sc.isSuccess() ) return sc;
// Create the flat and gaussian generators
IRndmGenSvc * randSvc = svc< IRndmGenSvc >( "RndmGenSvc" , true ) ;
sc = m_flatGenerator.initialize( randSvc , Rndm::Flat( 0. , 1. ) ) ;
if ( ! sc.isSuccess() )
return Error( "Cannot initialize flat generator" ) ;
sc = m_gaussGenerator.initialize( randSvc , Rndm::Gauss( m_meanTheta ,
m_sigmaTheta ) ) ;
if ( ! sc.isSuccess() )
return Error( "Cannot initialize Gaussian generator" ) ;
// Get the mass of the particle to be generated
IParticlePropertySvc * ppSvc =
svc< IParticlePropertySvc >( "ParticlePropertySvc" , true ) ;
ParticleProperty* particle = ppSvc->findByStdHepID(m_pdgCode);
m_mass = particle->mass();
release( ppSvc ) ;
if ( m_maxMom < m_minMom )
return Error( "Invalid options for momentum range" ) ;
return sc ;
// Generate Particle
void GaussianTheta::generateParticle( Gaudi::LorentzVector & fourMomentum ,
Gaudi::LorentzVector & origin ,
int & pdgId ) {
const double theta = m_gaussGenerator();
const double phi = m_flatGenerator() * Gaudi::Units::twopi ;
double px , py , pz ;
const double momentum = m_minMom + m_flatGenerator() * (m_maxMom-m_minMom);
/// Transform to x,y,z coordinates
const double pt = momentum*sin(theta);
px = pt*cos(phi);
py = pt*sin(phi);
pz = momentum*cos(theta);
//defining x & y rotation matrices
Gaudi::XYZVector momVect( px , py , pz ) ;
Gaudi::RotationX rotationx( m_x_axis ) ;
momVect = rotationx * momVect;
Gaudi::RotationY rotationy( m_y_axis ) ;
momVect = rotationy * momVect;
origin.SetCoordinates( 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ) ;
fourMomentum.SetPx( momVect.X() ) ;
fourMomentum.SetPy( momVect.Y() ) ;
fourMomentum.SetPz( momVect.Z() ) ;
fourMomentum.SetE( std::sqrt( m_mass * m_mass + fourMomentum.P2() ) ) ;
pdgId = m_pdgCode ;
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