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Commit 8d635472 authored by Walter Lampl's avatar Walter Lampl
Browse files

Merge branch 'master-clustering' into 'master'

Adapting fast pixel clustering version to allow 8-cell connectivity (ATLIDTRKCP-240)

See merge request atlas/athena!36138
parents 716cfe08 a8a5082b
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
......@@ -125,14 +125,7 @@ if InDetFlags.doPRDFormation():
from SiClusterizationTool.SiClusterizationToolConf import InDet__MergedPixelsTool
InDetMergedPixelsTool = InDet__MergedPixelsTool(name = "InDetMergedPixelsTool",
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool,
MinimalSplitSize = 0,
MaximalSplitSize = 49,
MinimalSplitProbability = 0,
DoIBLSplitting = True)
# assign the tools if there are any
if not InDetFlags.doTIDE_Ambi() and clusterSplitProbTool is not None : InDetMergedPixelsTool.SplitProbTool = clusterSplitProbTool
if not InDetFlags.doTIDE_Ambi() and clusterSplitterTool is not None : InDetMergedPixelsTool.ClusterSplitter = clusterSplitterTool
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool)
# Enable duplcated RDO check for data15 because duplication mechanism was used.
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
if len(rec.projectName())>=6 and rec.projectName()[:6]=="data15":
......@@ -80,11 +80,7 @@ class PixelClustering_EF( InDet__Pixel_TrgClusterization ):
globalPosAlg = InDetTrigClusterMakerTool,
PixelConditionsSummaryTool = InDetTrigPixelConditionsSummaryTool,
#UseSpecialPixelMap = False #simpler setup for EFID
UseSpecialPixelMap = True,
MinimalSplitSize = 0,
MaximalSplitSize = 49,
MinimalSplitProbability = 0,
UseSpecialPixelMap = True)
# Enable duplcated RDO check for data15 because duplication mechanism was used.
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
if len(rec.projectName())>=6 and rec.projectName()[:6]=="data15":
......@@ -483,14 +483,7 @@ if doPixel:
clusterSplitterTool = NnPixelClusterSplitter
from SiClusterizationTool.SiClusterizationToolConf import InDet__MergedPixelsTool
InDetMergedPixelsTool = InDet__MergedPixelsTool(name = "InDetMergedPixelsTool",
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool,
MinimalSplitSize = 0,
MaximalSplitSize = 49,
MinimalSplitProbability = 0,
DoIBLSplitting = True,
SplitClusterAmbiguityMap= "SplitClusterAmbiguityMap")
if not InDetFlags.doTIDE_Ambi() and clusterSplitProbTool is not None : InDetMergedPixelsTool.SplitProbTool = clusterSplitProbTool
if not InDetFlags.doTIDE_Ambi() and clusterSplitterTool is not None : InDetMergedPixelsTool.ClusterSplitter = clusterSplitterTool
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool)
# Enable duplcated RDO check for data15 because duplication mechanism was used.
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
if len(rec.projectName())>=6 and rec.projectName()[:6]=="data15":
......@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ namespace InDet {
class network {
NC(0), CON({0,0,0,0}) {};
NC(0), CON({0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}) {};
~network() {};
int NC;
std::array<int,4> CON;
std::array<int,8> CON;
const auto pixel_less = [] (rowcolID const& id1,rowcolID const& id2) -> bool {
......@@ -72,12 +72,7 @@ namespace InDet {
return id1.ROW < id2.ROW;
return id1.COL < id2.COL;
class PixelCluster;
class IPixelClusterSplitter;
class IPixelClusterSplitProbTool;
class MergedPixelsTool : public PixelClusteringToolBase
......@@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ namespace InDet {
// It clusters together the RDOs with a pixell cell side in common.
virtual PixelClusterCollection *clusterize(const InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData>& RDOs,
const PixelID& pixelID) const;
// void init(int posstrategy, int errorstrategy);
// Once the lists of RDOs which makes up the clusters have been found by the
// clusterize() method, this method is called for each of these lists.
......@@ -126,11 +120,6 @@ namespace InDet {
typedef std::vector<Identifier> RDO_Vector;
typedef std::vector<RDO_Vector*> RDO_GroupVector;
typedef std::vector<int> TOT_Vector;
typedef std::vector<TOT_Vector*> TOT_GroupVector;
MergedPixelsTool(const MergedPixelsTool&);
MergedPixelsTool &operator=(const MergedPixelsTool&);
......@@ -144,25 +133,6 @@ namespace InDet {
const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element,
Identifier & gangedID) const;
// Checks if two RDO lists (would be clusters) whould be merged,
// which do happen if there is a pair of pixel cells belonging to the
// two different groups which have a side in common
void checkForMerge(const Identifier& id,
RDO_GroupVector::iterator baseGroup,
RDO_GroupVector::iterator lastGroup,
TOT_GroupVector::iterator totGroup,
TOT_GroupVector::iterator lvl1Group,
const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element,
const PixelID& pixelID) const;
// Checks if RDOs would be merged. This is based on a 4 cell connected component finding.
PixelClusterCollection* clusterizeFast(const InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> &collection,
const PixelID& pixelID) const;
void addClusterNumber(const int& r,
const int& Ncluster,
const std::vector<network>& connections,
......@@ -175,27 +145,16 @@ namespace InDet {
ServiceHandle<IBLParameterSvc> m_IBLParameterSvc;
/// for cluster splitting
BooleanProperty m_emulateSplitter{this, "EmulateSplitting", false, "don't split - only emulate the split"};
UnsignedIntegerProperty m_minSplitSize{this, "MinimalSplitSize", 1, "minimum split size, regulates also the cluster splitting"};
UnsignedIntegerProperty m_maxSplitSize{this, "MaximalSplitSize", 1000, "minimum split size, regulates also the cluster splitting"};
DoubleProperty m_minSplitProbability{this, "MinimalSplitProbability", 0., "minimal split probability"};
ToolHandle<InDet::IPixelClusterSplitProbTool> m_splitProbTool{this, "SplitProbTool", "", "ToolHandle for the split probability tool"};
ToolHandle<InDet::IPixelClusterSplitter> m_clusterSplitter{this, "ClusterSplitter", "", "ToolHandle for the split probability tool"};
BooleanProperty m_doIBLSplitting{this, "DoIBLSplitting", false};
BooleanProperty m_doFastClustering{this, "DoFastClustering", false};
BooleanProperty m_addCorners{this, "AddCorners", true};
BooleanProperty m_checkDuplicatedRDO{this, "CheckDuplicatedRDO", false, "Check duplicated RDOs using isDuplicated method"};
SG::ReadCondHandleKey<InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection> m_pixelDetEleCollKey{this, "PixelDetEleCollKey", "PixelDetectorElementCollection", "Key of SiDetectorElementCollection for Pixel"};
bool m_IBLAbsent{true};
mutable std::atomic_uint m_processedClusters{0}; //!< statistics output
mutable std::atomic_uint m_modifiedOrigClusters{0}; //!< statistics output
mutable std::atomic_uint m_splitOrigClusters{0}; //!< statistics output
mutable std::atomic_uint m_splitProdClusters{0}; //!< statistics output
mutable std::atomic_uint m_largeClusters{0}; //!< statistics output
mutable std::atomic_bool m_printw{true};
mutable std::atomic_uint m_processedClusters{0}; //!< statistics output
mutable std::atomic_bool m_printw{true};
......@@ -14,17 +14,11 @@
#include "SiClusterizationTool/MergedPixelsTool.h"
#include "Identifier/IdentifierHash.h"
#include "InDetRawData/InDetRawDataCollection.h"
#include "PixelReadoutGeometry/PixelModuleDesign.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/SiWidth.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelClusterParts.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelCluster.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelClusterParts.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelClusterSplitProb.h"
#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiDetectorElement.h"
#include "InDetReadoutGeometry/SiLocalPosition.h"
#include "InDetRecToolInterfaces/IPixelClusterSplitProbTool.h"
#include "InDetRecToolInterfaces/IPixelClusterSplitter.h"
#include "InDetIdentifier/PixelID.h"
#include "SiClusterizationTool/ClusterMakerTool.h"
#include "InDetConditionsSummaryService/IInDetConditionsTool.h"
......@@ -34,7 +28,6 @@
using CLHEP::micrometer;
namespace InDet {
// Constructor with parameters:
......@@ -52,15 +45,9 @@ namespace InDet {
if (m_IBLParameterSvc.retrieve().isFailure()) {
ATH_MSG_WARNING( "Could not retrieve IBLParameterSvc");
} else {
// for the cluster splitting
ATH_CHECK(m_splitProbTool.retrieve( EnableTool{not m_splitProbTool.empty()}));
ATH_CHECK(m_clusterSplitter.retrieve( EnableTool{not m_clusterSplitter.empty()} ));
return PixelClusteringToolBase::initialize();
......@@ -72,266 +59,10 @@ namespace InDet {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("------------------- Clusterization Statistics ------------------------");
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("-- # Processed Pixel Clusters : " << m_processedClusters);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("-- # Clusters modified (%) : " << m_modifiedOrigClusters << " (" << double(m_modifiedOrigClusters)/double(m_processedClusters) << ")" );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("-- # Clusters split into more (%) : " << m_splitOrigClusters << " (" << double(m_splitOrigClusters)/double(m_processedClusters) << ")" );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("-- # Split Clusters created : " << m_splitProdClusters);
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("-- # Large Pixel Clusters (%) : " << m_largeClusters << " (" << double(m_largeClusters)/double(m_processedClusters) << ")" );
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
// Called by the PixelPrepRawDataFormation algorithm once for every pixel
// module (with non-empty RDO collection...).
// It clusters together the RDOs with a pixell cell side in common.
PixelClusterCollection* MergedPixelsTool::clusterize( const InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> &collection,
const PixelID& pixelID) const
// call the fast clusterizetion method if required
if (m_doFastClustering) return clusterizeFast(collection, pixelID);
// Get the messaging service, print where you are
// Get Identifier and IdentifierHash for these RDOs
Identifier elementID = collection.identify();
IdentifierHash idHash = collection.identifyHash();
// Size of RDO's collection:
const unsigned int RDO_size = collection.size();
if ( RDO_size==0) {
// Empty RDO collection
ATH_MSG_DEBUG (" areNeighbours - problems ");
return 0;
int clusterNumber = 0;
// If module is bad, do not create a cluster collection
if (m_useModuleMap && !(m_summaryTool->isGood(idHash)))
return 0;
typedef InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> RDO_Collection;
// Get detector info.
// Find detector element for these RDOs
SG::ReadCondHandle<InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection> pixelDetEleHandle(m_pixelDetEleCollKey);
const InDetDD::SiDetectorElementCollection* pixelDetEle(*pixelDetEleHandle);
if (not pixelDetEleHandle.isValid() or pixelDetEle==nullptr) {
ATH_MSG_FATAL(m_pixelDetEleCollKey.fullKey() << " is not available.");
return 0;
const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element = pixelDetEle->getDetectorElement(idHash);
const Trk::RectangleBounds *mybounds=dynamic_cast<const Trk::RectangleBounds *>(&element->surface().bounds());
if (not mybounds) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Dynamic cast failed at "<<__LINE__<<" of MergedPixelsTool.cxx.");
return nullptr;
// RDOs will be accumulated as a vector of Identifier, which will
// be added to a vector of groups.
RDO_GroupVector rdoGroups;
// A similar structure is created for TOT information
TOT_GroupVector totGroups;
TOT_GroupVector lvl1Groups;
// loop on all RDOs
for(RDO_Collection::const_iterator nextRDO=collection.begin() ;
nextRDO!=collection.end() ; ++nextRDO) {
Identifier rdoID= (*nextRDO)->identify();
// if a pixel is not skip it in clusterization
if ( m_usePixelMap && !(m_summaryTool->isGood(idHash,rdoID)) ) continue;
const int tot = (*nextRDO)->getToT();
const int lvl1= (*nextRDO)->getLVL1A();
// check if this is a ganged pixel
Identifier gangedID;
const bool ganged= isGanged(rdoID, element, gangedID);
if(ganged) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Ganged Pixel, row = " << pixelID.phi_index(rdoID)
<< "Ganged row = " << pixelID.phi_index(gangedID));
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Not ganged Pixel, row = " << pixelID.phi_index(rdoID));
// loop on all existing RDO groups, until you find that the RDO
// is a neighbour of the group.
bool found= false;
RDO_GroupVector::iterator firstGroup = rdoGroups.begin();
RDO_GroupVector::iterator lastGroup = rdoGroups.end();
TOT_GroupVector::iterator totGroup = totGroups.begin();
TOT_GroupVector::iterator lvl1Group = lvl1Groups.begin();
while( !found && firstGroup!= lastGroup)
// Check if RDO is neighbour of the cluster
if (areNeighbours(**firstGroup, rdoID, element, pixelID)) {
// if RDO is a duplicate of one in the cluster, do not add it.
// Instead the method isDuplicated check wether the new
// one has a larger LVL1 - if so it does replace the old
// lvl1 with the new one.
if(!m_checkDuplicatedRDO ||
(m_checkDuplicatedRDO && !isDuplicated(**firstGroup, **lvl1Group, rdoID, lvl1, pixelID))) {
// see if it is a neighbour to any other groups
checkForMerge(rdoID, firstGroup, lastGroup,
totGroup, lvl1Group, element, pixelID);
} else {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("duplicate found");
found = true;
// if RDO is isolated, create new cluster.
if(!found) {
RDO_Vector* newGroup= new RDO_Vector;
TOT_Vector* newtotGroup = new TOT_Vector;
TOT_Vector* newlvl1Group = new TOT_Vector;
// Repeat for ganged pixel if necessary
if (! ganged) continue;
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Ganged pixel, row = " << pixelID.phi_index(gangedID));
found= false;
firstGroup = rdoGroups.begin();
lastGroup = rdoGroups.end();
totGroup = totGroups.begin();
lvl1Group = lvl1Groups.begin();
while( !found && firstGroup!= lastGroup) {
// if neighbour of the cluster, add it to the cluster
if ( areNeighbours(**firstGroup, gangedID, element, pixelID) ) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Ganged pixel is neighbour of a cluster");
// if RDO is a duplicate of one in the cluster, do not add it.
// Instead the method isDuplicated check wether the new
// one has a larger LVL1 - if so it does replace the old
// lvl1 with the new one.
if(!m_checkDuplicatedRDO ||
(m_checkDuplicatedRDO && !isDuplicated(**firstGroup, **lvl1Group, gangedID, lvl1, pixelID))) {
checkForMerge(gangedID, firstGroup, lastGroup, totGroup, lvl1Group, element, pixelID);
} else {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("duplicate found");
found = true;
// if isolated, create new cluster.
if(!found) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("New cluster with ganged pixel");
RDO_Vector* newGroup= new RDO_Vector;
TOT_Vector* newtotGroup = new TOT_Vector;
TOT_Vector* newlvl1Group = new TOT_Vector;
if(totGroups.size() != rdoGroups.size())
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Mismatch between RDO identifier and TOT info!");
// We now have groups of contiguous RDOs. Make clusters
// Make a new empty cluster collection
PixelClusterCollection *clusterCollection = new PixelClusterCollection(idHash);
std::vector<TOT_Vector *>::iterator totgroup = totGroups.begin();
std::vector<TOT_Vector *>::iterator lvl1group= lvl1Groups.begin();
// LOOP over the RDO-groups to be clustered ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Logics in splitting is: the splitter is only activated clusters within min/max split size,
// single pixel clusters are not split into more clusters, but can be modified if included by split size req.
// additionally:
// (1) split size > m_minSplitSize : just follow output of the splitter
// (2) split size <= m_minSplitSize && no split done by the splitter :
// take position update of splitter if available (profit from NN), flag as split
// (3) split size <= m_minSplitSize && split done : fallback to pseudo-emulation mode
// (i.e. do not allow splitting, but write split probabilities, do not flag as split)
// (E) if configured to run in emulation mode, flag as split, save split information, but never split
// (MAIN CLUSTERIZATION LOOP after connected component finding)
for(std::vector<RDO_Vector *>::iterator group = rdoGroups.begin() ; group!= rdoGroups.end() ; ++group) {
// the size of the inition rdo group
const size_t groupSize = (**group).size();
// If cluster is empty, i.e. it has been merged with another,
// do not attempt to make cluster.
if ( groupSize > 0) {
// create the original cluster - split & split probs are by default false and 0
PixelCluster* cluster = makeCluster(**group,
// no merging has been done;
if (cluster) {
// statistics output
if ((**group).size() >= m_maxSplitSize ) ++m_largeClusters;
/** new: store hash id and index in the cluster:
* hash can be obtained from collection
* index is just the size of the coll before the push back
* this is needed for later to make the EL to IDC valid in the
* RIO_OnTrack objects set method might be temporary, this tool
* (MergedPixelsTool could be friend of the cluster objects)
cluster->setHashAndIndex(clusterCollection->identifyHash(), clusterCollection->size());
/** end new stuff */
delete *group; // now copied into cluster
*group = 0;
delete *totgroup; // won't be used any more (cluster class has not
// TOT info at the moment).
delete *lvl1group; // now used into cluster
return clusterCollection;
// Once the lists of RDOs which makes up the clusters have been found by the
// clusterize() method, this method is called for each of these lists.
......@@ -465,7 +196,7 @@ namespace InDet {
InDetDD::SiLocalPosition totCorrection(0,0,0);
if(pixelID.is_barrel(elementID)) {
deltax = 30*micrometer*(sensorThickness/(250*micrometer));
deltay = sensorThickness*fabs(globalPos.z())/globalPos.perp();
deltay = sensorThickness*std::abs(globalPos.z())/globalPos.perp();
if(deltay > (design->etaPitch()) ) deltay = design->etaPitch();
} else {
deltax = 10*micrometer*sqrt(sensorThickness/(250*micrometer));
......@@ -564,71 +295,14 @@ namespace InDet {
// Checks if two RDO lists (would be clusters) whould be merged,
// which do happen if there is a pair of pixel cells belonging to the
// two different groups which have a side in common
void MergedPixelsTool::checkForMerge(const Identifier& id,
MergedPixelsTool::RDO_GroupVector::iterator baseGroup,
MergedPixelsTool::RDO_GroupVector::iterator lastGroup,
MergedPixelsTool::TOT_GroupVector::iterator totGroup,
MergedPixelsTool::TOT_GroupVector::iterator lvl1Group,
const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement* element,
const PixelID& pixelID) const
// Look at each of groups that haven't already been checked to see if
// RDO identifier is in any of them. If so, copy vector to base group and
// the vector that has been copied.
typedef RDO_Vector::const_iterator idIterator;
typedef TOT_Vector::const_iterator totIterator;
MergedPixelsTool::RDO_GroupVector::const_iterator nextGroup(baseGroup+1);
MergedPixelsTool::TOT_GroupVector::const_iterator nextTotGroup(totGroup+1);
MergedPixelsTool::TOT_GroupVector::const_iterator nextLvl1Group(lvl1Group+1);
for (; nextGroup!= lastGroup; ++nextGroup) {
if (areNeighbours(**nextGroup, id, element, pixelID)) {
// merge the RDO identifier groups
idIterator firstID = (*nextGroup)->begin();
idIterator lastID = (*nextGroup)->end();
for (; firstID != lastID; ++firstID) {
// merge the tot vectors
totIterator firstTot = (*nextTotGroup)->begin();
totIterator lastTot = (*nextTotGroup)->end();
for (; firstTot != lastTot; ++firstTot) {
// merge the tot vectors
totIterator firstLvl1 = (*nextLvl1Group)->begin();
totIterator lastLvl1 = (*nextLvl1Group)->end();
for (; firstLvl1 != lastLvl1; ++firstLvl1) {
// Called by the clusterize method if fast clustering is switched on.
// Runs for every pixel module (with non-empty RDO collection...).
// It clusters together the RDOs with a pixell cell side in common
// using connected component analysis based on four-cell connectivity
PixelClusterCollection* MergedPixelsTool::clusterizeFast(const InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> &collection,
const PixelID& pixelID) const {
// using connected component analysis based on four-cell
// or eight-cell (if m_addCorners == true) connectivity
PixelClusterCollection* MergedPixelsTool::clusterize(const InDetRawDataCollection<PixelRDORawData> &collection,
const PixelID& pixelID) const {
// Size of RDO's collection:
const unsigned int RDO_size = collection.size();
......@@ -663,6 +337,8 @@ namespace InDet {
return nullptr;
// loop on the rdo collection and save the relevant quantities for each fired pixel
// rowcolID contains: number of connected pixels, phi/eta pixel indices, tot, lvl1, rdo identifier
std::vector<rowcolID> collectionID;
for(const auto & rdo : collection) {
......@@ -684,7 +360,7 @@ namespace InDet {
if (not ganged) continue;
// if it is a ganged pixel, add its ganged RDO id to the collections
// if it is a ganged pixel, add its ganged RDO id to the collection
rowcolID RCI_ganged(-1, pixelID.phi_index(gangedID), pixelID.eta_index(gangedID), tot, lvl1, gangedID);
......@@ -695,47 +371,75 @@ namespace InDet {
if(collectionID.size() > 1) std::sort(collectionID.begin(),collectionID.end(),pixel_less);
// initialize the networks
std::vector<network> connections(collectionID.size());
// Network production
int r = 0, re = collectionID.size();
for(; r!=re-1; ++r) {
int collectionSize = collectionID.size();
// the maximum number of elements to save can be either 2 or 3
// m_addCorners == true requires saving the bottom (or top), the side and the corner connection for each pixel,
// otherwise you only save bottom (or top) and the side
int maxElements = m_addCorners ? 3 : 2;
// start looping on the pixels
// for each pixel you build the network connection accordingly to the 4- or 8-cells connections
for(int currentPixel = 0; currentPixel!=collectionSize-1; ++currentPixel) {
int NB = 0;
int row = ;
int col =;
int row =;
int col =;
for(int otherPixel = currentPixel+1; otherPixel!=collectionSize; ++otherPixel) {
int deltaCol = std::abs( - col);
int deltaRow = std::abs( - row);
for(int rn = r+1; rn!=re; ++rn) {
int dc = - col;
// break if you are too far way in columns, as these ones will be taken in the next iterations
if( deltaCol > 1) {
if( dc > 0) break;
// if you need the corners, you jump the next rows, as these ones will be taken in the next iterations
if ( m_addCorners and deltaRow > 1 ) {
// Two default cases are considered:
// 1) top/bottom connection (deltaCol=1 and deltaRow=0)
// 2) side connection (deltaCol=0 and deltaRow=1)
// In both cases the satisfied condition is:
// deltaRow+deltaCol = 1
// As an optional case (true by defaul) we save also add a corner connection:
// 3) corner connection (deltaCol=1 and deltaRow=1)
if( fabs( == 0 ) { = rn; = r ;
if(++NB==2) break;
// this builds the single pixel connection and breaks if the max number of elements is reached:
if( (deltaCol+deltaRow) == 1 or (m_addCorners and deltaCol == 1 and deltaRow == 1) ) { = otherPixel; = currentPixel ;
if(++NB==maxElements) {
// Pixels clusterization
// Once the connections are built, the pixel clusterisation can start grouping together pixels
int Ncluster = 0;
for(r=0; r!=re; ++r) {
if( < 0) { = Ncluster;
for(int currentPixel=0; currentPixel!=collectionSize; ++currentPixel) {
if( < 0) { = Ncluster;
// Clusters sort in Ncluster order
if(--re > 1) {
for(int i(1); i<re; ++i ) {
if(--collectionSize > 1) {
for(int i(1); i<collectionSize; ++i ) {
rowcolID U =;
int j(i);
......@@ -764,10 +468,10 @@ namespace InDet {
for(int i=1; i<=re; ++i) {
for(int i=1; i<=collectionSize; ++i) {
if(i!=re and {
if(i!=collectionSize and {
DVid.push_back( );
......@@ -783,29 +487,16 @@ namespace InDet {
const size_t groupSize = DVid.size();
// no merging has been done;
if (cluster) {
// statistics output
if (groupSize >= m_maxSplitSize ) ++m_largeClusters;
/** new: store hash id and index in the cluster:
* hash can be obtained from collection
* index is just the size of the coll before the push back
* this is needed for later to make the EL to IDC valid in the
* RIO_OnTrack objects set method might be temporary, this tool
* (MergedPixelsTool could be friend of the cluster objects)
cluster->setHashAndIndex(clusterCollection->identifyHash(), clusterCollection->size());
/** end new stuff */
// Preparation for next cluster
if (i!=re) {
if (i!=collectionSize) {
NCL0 = ;
DVid.clear(); DVid = { };
Totg.clear(); Totg = {};
......@@ -816,10 +507,6 @@ namespace InDet {
return clusterCollection;
// Clusterization for fast mode
void MergedPixelsTool::addClusterNumber(const int& r,
const int& Ncluster,
......@@ -170,12 +170,7 @@ def makeInDetAlgs( whichSignature='', separateTrackParticleCreator='', rois = 'E
from SiClusterizationTool.SiClusterizationToolConf import InDet__MergedPixelsTool
InDetMergedPixelsTool = InDet__MergedPixelsTool(name = "InDetMergedPixelsTool_" + signature,
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool,
MinimalSplitSize = 0,
MaximalSplitSize = 49,
MinimalSplitProbability = 0,
DoIBLSplitting = True,
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool)
# Enable duplcated RDO check for data15 because duplication mechanism was used.
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
if len(rec.projectName())>=6 and rec.projectName()[:6]=="data15":
......@@ -304,12 +304,7 @@ def TrigInDetConfig( flags, roisKey="EMRoIs", signatureName='' ):
InDetMergedPixelsTool = InDet__MergedPixelsTool(name = "InDetMergedPixelsTool"+ signature,
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool,
MinimalSplitSize = 0,
MaximalSplitSize = 49,
MinimalSplitProbability = 0,
DoIBLSplitting = True,
globalPosAlg = InDetClusterMakerTool)
# Enable duplcated RDO check for data15 because duplication mechanism was used.
if len(flags.Input.ProjectName)>=6 and flags.Input.ProjectName[:6]=="data15":
InDetMergedPixelsTool.CheckDuplicatedRDO = True
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