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Commit c60cabfd authored by scott snyder's avatar scott snyder Committed by scott snyder
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AthenaCommon: Remove

Remove script.
This was used during the py3 migration, but is no longer useful.
parent 551664dc
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# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# is born as shell script to preload some optional libraries
# defaults
export USEIMF=0
# but use tcmalloc by default if TCMALLOCDIR is defined
if [ -n "$TCMALLOCDIR" ]; then
# parse command line arguments
for a in ${@}
case "$a" in
--leak-check*) USETCMALLOC=0;;
--delete-check*) USETCMALLOC=0;;
--stdcmalloc) USETCMALLOC=0;;
--tcmalloc) USETCMALLOC=1;;
--stdcmath) USEIMF=0;;
--imf) USEIMF=1;;
--preloadlib*) export ATHENA_ADD_PRELOAD=${a#*=};;
--drop-and-reload) export ATHENA_DROP_RELOAD=1;;
# Do the actual preloading via LD_PRELOAD
source `which `
# Now resurrect ourselves as python script
python_path=`which python3`
"exec" "$python_path" "-tt" "$0" "$@";
# File:
# Author: Wim Lavrijsen (
# "
# This script allows you to run Athena from python. It is developed against
# the cppyy based GaudiPython and python 2.6/7.x.
# Debugging is supported with the '-d' option (hook debugger after running
# all user scripts, and just before calling initialize) and the --debug
# option (requires "conf", "init", or "exec" and will hook just before that
# stage). The hook will give you the gdb prompt, from where you can set
# break points, load additional shared libraries, or drop into interactive
# athena mode (if -i specified on the cli). Alternatively, you can start
# with gdb, like so:
# $ gdb python
# (gdb) run `which` [options] [<file1>.py [<file2>.py ...
# Usage of valgrind is supported, but it requires full paths and explicit
# arguments in its run, like so:
# $ valgrind `which python` `which` [options] [<file1>.py ...
# or, alternatively (valgrind 3.2.0 and up):
# $ valgrind --trace-children=yes `which` [options] [<file1>.py ...
# Note that any error messages/leaks that valgrind reports on python can be
# ignored, as valgrind is wrong (see the file Misc/README.valgrind in the
# python installation).
# Additional details on debugging are available on the Wiki:
__version__ = '3.3.0'
__author__ = 'Wim Lavrijsen ('
__doc__ = 'For details about, run "less `which`"'
import sys, os
import getopt
ldpreload = os.getenv( 'LD_PRELOAD' ) or ''
### parse the command line arguments -----------------------------------------
import AthenaCommon.AthOptionsParser as aop
opts = aop.parse()
_help_and_exit = aop._help_and_exit
### remove preload hack for proper execution of child-processes --------------
if ldpreload:
if 'TCMALLOCDIR' in os.environ:
tcmlib = os.getenv( 'TCMALLOCDIR' ) + "/"
ldpreload = ldpreload.replace(tcmlib, '' )
tcmlib = os.getenv( 'TCMALLOCDIR' ) + "/"
ldpreload = ldpreload.replace(tcmlib, '' )
del tcmlib
if os.getenv( 'ATHENA_ADD_PRELOAD' ):
ldpreload = ldpreload.replace(os.getenv( 'ATHENA_ADD_PRELOAD' ), '' )
os.unsetenv( 'ATHENA_ADD_PRELOAD' )
ldpreload = ldpreload.replace( '::', ':')
ldpreload = ldpreload.strip(':')
if not ldpreload:
del os.environ[ 'LD_PRELOAD' ]
os.environ[ 'LD_PRELOAD' ] = ldpreload
del ldpreload
### start profiler, if requested
if opts.profile_python:
import cProfile
# profiler is created and controlled programmatically b/c a CLI profiling of
# doesn't work (globals are lost from include() execfile() calls),
# and because this allows easy excluding of the (all C++) Gaudi run
cProfile._athena_python_profiler = cProfile.Profile()
### debugging setup
from AthenaCommon.Debugging import DbgStage
DbgStage.value = opts.dbg_stage
### python interpreter configuration -----------------------------------------
if not os.getcwd() in sys.path:
sys.path = [ os.getcwd() ] + sys.path
if not '' in sys.path:
sys.path = [ '' ] + sys.path
## rename ourselfs to athena, both the prompt and the process (for top & ps)
sys.ps1 = 'athena> '
sys.ps2 = '. ... '
import ctypes
from ctypes.util import find_library as ctypes_find_library
libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary( ctypes_find_library('c') )
libc.prctl( 15, '', 0, 0, 0 )
except Exception:
pass # don't worry about it failing ...
## user session history (deleted in
fhistory = os.path.expanduser( '~/.athena.history' )
## interface setup as appropriate
if opts.run_batch and not opts.dbg_stage:
# in batch there is no need for stdin
if sys.stdin and os.isatty( sys.stdin.fileno() ):
os.close( sys.stdin.fileno() )
# Make sure ROOT gets initialized early, so that it shuts down last.
# Otherwise, ROOT can get shut down before Gaudi, leading to crashes
# when Athena components dereference ROOT objects that have been deleted.
import ROOT
# readline support
import rlcompleter, readline
readline.parse_and_bind( 'tab: complete' )
readline.parse_and_bind( 'set show-all-if-ambiguous On' )
# history support
if os.path.exists( fhistory ):
readline.read_history_file( fhistory )
readline.set_history_length( 1024 )
del readline, rlcompleter
## use of shell escapes in interactive mode
if not opts.run_batch:
import AthenaCommon.ShellEscapes as ShellEscapes
sys.excepthook = ShellEscapes.ShellEscapes()
del ShellEscapes
### logging and messages -----------------------------------------------------
from AthenaCommon.Logging import *
_msg = log # from above import...
## test and set log level
_msg.setLevel (getattr(logging, opts.msg_lvl))
### default file name for ease of use ----------------------------------------
if not opts.scripts and os.path.exists(opts.default_jobopt):"using default file %s", opts.default_jobopt)
if not (opts.scripts or opts.fromdb) and opts.run_batch:
_msg.error( "batch mode requires at least one script" )
from AthenaCommon.ExitCodes import INCLUDE_ERROR
_help_and_exit( INCLUDE_ERROR )
del _help_and_exit
### file inclusion and tracing -----------------------------------------------
from AthenaCommon.Include import IncludeError, include
### pre-execution step -------------------------------------------------------
include( "AthenaCommon/" )
### execution of user script and drop into batch or interactive mode ---------
include( "AthenaCommon/" )
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