- Mar 11, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Nicholas Styles authored
* Re-enable Pixel Monitoring hole search * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-44 * Re-enable in correct place in InDetRecExample-02-05-45 2015-03-06 Nick Styles * Fix Vertex monitoring to look in correct container [ATLASRECTS-1746] * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-43
Markus Elsing authored
Teng Jian Khoo authored
Root/METAssociator.cxx Root/METElectronAssociator.cxx Root/METJetAssocTool.cxx Root/METMuonAssociator.cxx Root/METPhotonAssociator.cxx Root/METSoftAssociator.cxx Root/METTauAssociator.cxx python/METAssocConfig.py * Carry on calo MET reco when PV is absent. * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-04 2015-03-04 TJ Khoo <khoo@cern.ch> * Correct signal state setting for EMTopo * Fix from Matt for PFO memory leak * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-03 * Tagged METReconstruction-00-01-18-02
Simone Pagan Griso authored
Li Yuan authored
Nicholas Styles authored
Jochen Meyer authored
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
Viviana Cavaliere authored
* Added L1Topo-based Muon Narrow Scan chains in MC_pp_v5 (ATR-9292) * TriggerMenu-00-08-28 2015-03-09 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * Photon chains added in MC_pp_v5 (ATR-10434) * TriggerMenu-00-08-27 2015-03-09 Yu Nakahama * Changed output level on L1Topo algoID discontinuity from INFO to ERROR (ATR-10377) * TriggerMenu-00-08-26 2015-03-07 Moritz Backes & Peter Sherwood * HT updates (ATR-9752) * Tested with HLT_physicsV5 * Needs TrigJetHypo-03-00-18 * TriggerMenu-00-08-25 2015-03-07 Moritz Backes & Peter Sherwood * Push TE naming jet changes into SVN (ATR-10413) * Tested with HLT_physicsV5 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Markus Elsing authored
Markus Elsing authored
* fix joboptions for electrons * tagging ElectronPhotonTagTools-00-03-18
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Peter Sherwood authored
Florian Urs Bernlochner authored
Mark Sutton authored
David Adams authored
* JetRec-03-00-18 * Fix ChangeLog. 2015-03-06 David Adams * JetRec-03-00-17 * ATLJETMET-211 * python/JetRecStandardTools.py: Add definition of tool jetsorter. * share/myjets.log.clean.ref: Update for sorted jets. * share/myjets.py: Add test of jetsorter. 2015-03-06 David Adams * JetRec-03-00-16 * ATLJETMET-273 * python/JetToolSupport.py: Improve error reporting when calibOpt is not specified and calibration is requested. * derivation: Add this test for derivation. 2015-03-05 David Adams * JetRec-03-00-15 * ATLJETMET-195 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Mark Sutton authored
Bruno Lenzi authored
Bruno Lenzi authored
* EMClusterTool: writing topo-seeded clusters in a separate container (egammaTopoSeededClusters) without cell links in AOD (done in egammaRec) https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASRECTS-1772 * Tagging egammaTools-01-01-26 2015-03-04 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging egammaTools-01-01-25. * Fix clang warnings: fix header guards and remove unused class members. 2015-03-03 Christos Anastopoulos <Christos.Anastopoulos@cern.ch> * Fix a typo with no real consequence * Tagging egammaTools-01-01-24
Bruno Lenzi authored
>>> Writing topo-seeded clusters in separate collection (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASRECTS-1772) * egammaTruthAssociationAlg.py: factories outside configuration class * egammaKeys.py: add TopoSeededCluster (separate cluster collection) to output * egammaOutputItemList_jobOptions.py: avoid duplicated entry in ESD/AOD list, writing cell links to topo-seeded clusters only in ESD, adding methods to help on that * egammaRec-07-01-13
Elmar Ritsch authored
Matthew Beckingham authored
Elmar Ritsch authored
* Re-enabled RawInfoSummaryTagBuilder JO in share/EventTag_jobOptions.py * Tagging EventTagAlgs-00-04-34
Antonio Limosani authored
Gabriele Sabato authored
* Introduced tigthness bits (chi2overfdof) * tagging MuonTagTools-00-08-09 * Implemented dd0 and dz0, bug fixed in the isolation bits evaluation. * Substitute ATH_MSG_INFO with DEBUG
Avishek Chatterjee authored
Massimiliano Bellomo authored
Ignacio Aracena authored
Rachel Reisner Hinman authored
vsorin authored
Toshi Sumida authored
Carlos Chavez Barajas authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Massimiliano Bellomo authored
* OutwardsCombinedMuonTrackBuilder fix memory leak ATLASRECTS-1739 * tagging as MuidTrackBuilder-03-00-44
Savanna Shaw authored
Savanna Shaw authored