@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ More information can be found in the ROOT `TEfficiency` class reference, section
*`require_associated_cluster_on`: Names of detectors which are required to have an associated cluster to the telescope tracks. Detectors listed here must be marked as `role = DUT` in the detector configuration file. Only tracks satisfying this requirement are accepted for the efficiency measurement. If empty, no detector is required. Default is empty.
*`spatial_cut_sensoredge`: Parameter to discard telescope tracks at the sensor edges in fractions of pixel pitch. Defaults to `1`.
*`fake_rate_sensoredge`: Defines an area overlapping the active area of the DUT by `fake_rate_sensoredge` times the pixel pitch. If the specified value is equal to or larger than 0, events with no tracks in this area a used to define fake hits and clusters and their properties are plotted. This neglects effects due to tracking in-efficiency. Defaults to `-1`.
*`spatial_cut_sensoredge`: If the specified value is larger than 0, it is used to define an ellipse around each cluster, where the diameter is `spatial_cut_sensoredge` time the pitch in the corresponding direction. Clusters with no track within this ellipse are considered fake, and their properties are plotted. This neglects effects due to tracking in-efficiency. Defaults to `-1`. This is preferred over `fake_rate_sensoredge`.
*`n_charge_bins`: Number of bins for pixel and cluster charge distributions. Defaults to `1000`.
*`charge_histo_range`: Maximum value for pixel and cluster charge distributions. Defaults to `1000`.
### Plots produced
For the DUT, the following plots are produced:
@@ -46,6 +51,12 @@ For the DUT, the following plots are produced:
* Histograms of the time difference of a matched (non-matched) cluster to a previous hit (not matter if noise or track)
* Distribution of cluster-track distances
* Fake rate plots (if enabled):
* Number of fake pixels per event as histogram, map, and as function of time.
* Number of fake clusters per event as histogram.
* Pixel and cluster charge distributions for fake pixels and clusters.
* Cluster size of fake clusters as histogram.
* Other:
* Value of total efficiency as `TEfficiency` including (asymmetric) error bars (total and restricted to in-pixel ROI)
* Efficiency as function of column and row, and vs. time