GitLab service scheduled maintenance on Friday, March 21st 2025 as of 08h00 Geneva time for an estimated period of 1 hour. Further information under OTG0154918.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ If a region of interest (ROI) is defined for the detector under investigation, o
*`n_raw_bins`: Number of bins for pixel raw values in histograms. Defaults to n_charge_bins if not specified.
*`raw_histo_range`: Axis range for pixel raw values axes in histograms. Defaults to charge_histo_range if not specified.
*`correlations`: If `true`, correlation plots between all (before and after applying cuts) tracks and all clusters on the DUT (i.e. associated + non-associated) are created. Defaults to `false`.
*`inpixel_bin_size`: The bin size for inpixel plots. Defaults to `500 nm`
*`inpixel_bin_size`: The bin size for inpixel plots. Different bin sizes can be set for the x and y axis. Defaults to `0.5um`, `0.5um`.