Update RICH numbering scheme and modules layout.
Update RICH numbering scheme and modules layout to match the as-installed detector as described in https://edms.cern.ch/document/2741320/1.
- update numbering scheme of the modules in R1 columns
- remove corner modules in R1 photodetector panels
- unify the size of PDPanels 'logical volume' between DD4HEP/DetDesc (follows lhcb/Detector@19f2366c)
Also fix minor differences between DetDesc/DD4HEP descriptions (mostly follows lhcb/Detector@f1b00a4e).
- user params for R1 sph mirrors #cols/#rows
- z-position of PMT shielding (avoid overlap)
- photocathode thickness (actual sensitive area in DD4HEP)
Needs to run: lhcb/LHCb!3650 (merged), SIMCOND!185 (merged).
Edited by Bartosz Piotr Malecki