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Update triton, He3 and alpha mass to CODATA values, add hypertriton

Hendrik Jage requested to merge hjage_IonMasses into dt-2018

The current mass values for triton, He3 and alpha - as well as their anti-particles - are outdated.

This MR would change them to the latest CODATA values, see triton, He3, and alpha.

Probably these changes should also be propagated to all data types.

To reflect the changes in !131 (merged), hypertriton is added as well. As hypertriton mass, the value from the most precise single measurement (M. Juric (1973), based on emulsion) is taken. For the lifetime, the Lambda0 value is used, as hypertriton is a bound state of a Lambda0, proton and neutron and it's measured lifetime is in agreement with the free Lambda0 lifetime [ref].

These changes are targeting Sim09 and Sim10, both.

Edited by Hendrik Jage

Merge request reports
