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Updated SciFi geometry v6.3

Jeroen van Tilburg requested to merge FTv63 into upgrade/master

Updated v6.3 geometry for the SciFi. Changes with respect to v6.2 are:

  • Larger air gap between modules (from 1 to 2 mm)
  • Larger gap between upper and lower mats (from 2 to 3 mm)
  • Minor change in layer pitch
  • Implemented side walls for the modules
  • Changed beam pipe hole from rectangular to circular (concerns only dead material). Since the gaps between modules and mats have changed, the nominal positions of the mats changes. This means that running Boole over old sim files will result in lower efficiencies.

There is an internal note (LHCb-INT-2017-027) in circulation that details the SciFi geometry. Temporarily it can be found here. The WIP is put to allow for input and comments from the circulation.

Is this merge request sufficient, or do we need to prepare a non-gitlab version?

Adding: @sesen @seaso @gcorti @rcenci @hviemann @nmeinert @clemenci @cattanem

Edited by Jeroen van Tilburg

Merge request reports
