Global tags for Sim10 Run1 and Run2 datatypes
New calibration constants, ActiveToTotal, have been determined by @robbep for Geant4 10.6.p02 with the new PL EmOpt2 for Sim10
@deschamp confirmed that only these values for both ECAL and HCAL need to be updated with the values found.
Details can be found at LHCBGAUSS-2022.
I have prepared 3 merge requests to deploy them to the various data taking periods. These is because the 2 files modified Conditions/Ecal/Calibration/Gains.xml and Conditions/Hcal/Calibration/Gains.xml to start with are
- identical for 2015,2016,2017 and 2018
- identical for 2012 and 2013
- identical for 2010 and 2011 (in fact the Ecal one is also identical to that of 2012 and 2013 but not the Hcal)
The following merge requests are
!122 (merged) targeting Sim10/2018 and to be ported also to Sim10/2018-mu, Sim10/2017{-mu}, Sim10/2016{-mu} and Sim10/2015{-mu} -
!123 (merged) targeting Sim10/2012 and to be ported also to Sim10/2012-mu and Sim10/2013{-mu} -
!124 (merged) targeting Sim10/2011 and to be ported also to Sim10/2011-mu and Sim10/2010{-mu}
Edited by Liang Sun