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Add handler for new benchmarking

Christoph Hasse requested to merge ThroughputUpgradeHandlersV2 into master

@maszyman could you have a look at this, please :)

The logic would be that the ScalingHandler is executed after the scaling test ran. There should then be a bunch of log files and the handler simply calls the script to get the throughput of the maximum and produces the plot. The handler then should only create the website with that maximum number and the plot.

The Profile handler runs after only on specific test config has run. E.g. I run the 2 Jobs 20 Threads for a specific options file and then do a profile run for that test as well. Here the output plot is already created and the handler simply needs to parse the log file to determine the reached throughput of that test.

I've not tested the eos and mattermost stuff. But did check the index.html file. However I wasn't sure what exactly this trendurl is going to do etc.
So could you maybe check if this looks ok?

Merge request reports
