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Change TT to UT in

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge PrCheckerEfficiencyHandler_HLT2_TT_to_UT into master

The name convention of the input files for PrCheckerEfficiencyHandler_HLT2 has been changed in this MR. TT has been changed to UT in the histograms' names.

For example, in the root file of this link, all the efficiency plots with a TT in its name is empty. Need to change TT to UT to fix this.

This change has been tested locally. In the output file efficiency_hlt2_plots.root, the efficiency plots in, for example Forward/Long_hasUT_eta25_FromB, can be generated as expected.

I'd appreciate it if you could let me know when you think the WIP label can be removed.

Edited by Mengzhen Wang

Merge request reports