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Collect build logs

Maciej Pawel Szymanski requested to merge maszyman-collect-logs into master

This MR adds the feature of collecting build logs (cmake commands and potential warnings and errors, as collected by lb-wrapcmd).

It's mostly port of LbNightlyTools.CollectBuildLogs and LbNightlyTools.BuildLogScanner with some Python 3 adaptations (e.g. deprecation of cgi.escape, next() vs .next(), unicode). One difference is that I do not write the build_log directory with html files as in the old system, but put the data directly into json report.

In addition, I added snippet from the frontend code to group repeated warnings.

I migrated only what was needed to process builds done by new cmake configuration.

Goes with lb-nightly-db!18 (merged) (so that db has directly information about the number of warnings and errors after taking into account the ignored ones).

Edited by Maciej Pawel Szymanski

Merge request reports
