Prioritized labels 8
Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
Indicates that the productions have inputs which are still being produced
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
This label is used to mark Analysis Productions requests/issues. Usually requests with this label set have just been submitted and are still waiting to be started.
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
This label is used to mark Analysis Productions requests/issues where all associated Production Requests are waiting to start.
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
This label is used for Analysis Productions with one or more Production Requests in "Active" state.
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
This label is used to mark completed Analysis Productions requests with all Production Requests in either a "Done" or "Rejected" state.
RAW processing
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
One or more jobs in this request are processing a RAW type bookkeeping path.
Other labels 52
LHCb Data Packages
A merge request with this label is picked up in all nightly builds using HEAD version.
can be combined
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
These requests can be combined with one or more other requests!
duplicated inputs
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
Two or more jobs are processing the same input data more than once.
expert approval
LHCb Data Packages / AnalysisProductions
Expert approval is required for requests that may encounter issues in operation and/or could benefit from further optimisation.