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New real data rec for B0(s)-> D*(2010)K0sPi analysis

Alessandra Pastore requested to merge apastore-my-new-prod into master

Analysis Production Version: 5

This is the 5th time this AP has been run. The version 0 of the code was imported from CharmWGProd tool. There, we reconstructed B0(s)->DstarK0sPi in Run I and Run II data. In AP, the analysis version 1 reconstructed MC data samples that were specifically required for this study. The version 2 produces MCtruth tuples for signal. The version 3 is aimed to reconstruct the new MC production of the main background channel B0->D*(2010)PiPiPi. The 4th one, cloned starting from the v0r0p2005230, is aimed to re-reconstruct MC for our B0(s) signals, with the improvement of separating B0(s) from anti-B0(s) including CC option for neutral particles. This version, cloned from the last one v0r0p6908903, is aimed to re-reconstruct real data for our B0(s) signals, with the improvement of separating B0(s) from anti-B0(s) including CC option for neutral particles.

Analysis Summary

This analysis will study B0(s)->Dstar(2010)K0SPi. For details, please look at and

Data (RunI, Run II)

RunI and RunII data were at forst processed by means of the CharmWGProd analysis tool, but CC option for neutrals was missing. Reprocessed here.

MC samples (MagUp and MagDown)

MC data samples are related to the following event type: 11166171 (B0->Dstar(2010)K0sPi, signal) 11166002 (B0->Dstar(2010)PiPiPi, background) 13166151 (B0s->Dstar(2010)K0sPi, signal)

using the following Trig/Reco/Strippings:

2012 - Trig0x409f0045/Reco14c/Stripping21Filtered 2015 - Trig0x411400a2/Reco15a/Turbo02/Stripping24r2Filtered 2016 - Trig0x6139160F/Reco16/Turbo03a/Stripping28r2Filtered 2017 - Trig0x62661709/Reco17/Turbo04a-WithTurcal/Stripping29r2Filtered 2018 - Trig0x617d18a4/Reco18/Turbo05-WithTurcal/Stripping34Filtered

This merge request does not supersede a previous one.

Edited by Alessandra Pastore

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