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Lb2LcLcn Tupling Productions - Run2 (supersedes !894)

Ned Francis Howarth requested to merge nhowarth/Lb2LcLcn into master

AnaProd Tupling Jobs for Lb -> Lc+ Lc~- n analysis. This is a retupling job superseding !894 (merged) where I would request that the superseded ntuples be deleted after this request is finalised. This request includes additional tools and variables to the previous most notably the configuring of cone isolation tools. Produces 6 nTuples for 2016/17/18 split by Mag-polarity.

There are some amount of errors attributed to ReFitter Fails in these jobs. We discussed this in !894 (merged), It is due to failing in the TupleToolIsoGeneric and I have come to no solution on how to resolve this, however, the previous jobs ran fine and the tuples produced were perfectly normal.


When creating your merge request:

  • [done] Add a label for your WG
  • [done] Mark as "Draft:" until you're happy with the CI results
  • [done] If the merge request supersedes a previous one, add a comment at the end of the header: (supersedes !<MR number>). Please state explicitly in the description if the superseded ntuples can be deleted immediately, or after the new merge request is finalised

When ready:

  • [done] Remove the "Draft:" from the title:
  • [done] Assign the merge request to you working group's DPA/RTA liaison

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Edited by Ned Francis Howarth

Merge request reports
