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Added ccbar2phiphi MC production for etac1S, etac2S, chic0, chic1 and chic2,...

Raoul Henderson requested to merge raoul/ccbar_to_phiphi into master

Here are the files for the MC of the decays:

etac(1S) -> (phi -> K+ K-) (phi -> K+ K-) etac(2S) -> (phi -> K+ K-) (phi -> K+ K-) chic0 -> (phi -> K+ K-) (phi -> K+ K-) chic1 -> (phi -> K+ K-) (phi -> K+ K-) chic2 -> (phi -> K+ K-) (phi -> K+ K-)

Each decay is processed twice, once with an option file without any stripping or selection, to check the acceptance efficiency, and once with the correct stripping line and the necessary triggers and variables.

Merge request reports
