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2024 MC for electron and muon tracking efficiencies using B+->J/ψ(->ll)K decays (Q1.2)

Guillaume Max Pietrzyk requested to merge turcal_trackeff_Bu2JpsiK_MC into master

Analysis production of:

  • B+ -> K+ J/ψ(->μμ) (evt type: 12143001)
  • B+ -> K+ J/ψ(->ee) (evt type: 12153001) This production is used for tracking efficiencies studies with 2024 MC. They include 2024 MC with MagUp + MagDown and UT ON+OFF, and with a nu value of 4.3 and 7.6.

Trigger lines fired on:

  • Hlt2TrackEff_Velo2Long_B2JpsiK_{Electron}MuonProbe_VELO
  • Hlt2RD_BuToKpJpsi_JpsiTo{EE}MuMu (these lines are not central to this analysis but are used for signal yields comparisons).

The goal is then to compare the obtained efficiencies with the ones obtained in real data.

I use the latest MC production: Q1.2

Edited by Guillaume Max Pietrzyk

Merge request reports