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Add Bs2Kpipipi PHSP and Bs2RhoKst 2015 MagDown samples for Bd2RhoKst analysis

Francesca Swystun requested to merge fswystun-add-bs-samples into master

This production generates tuples for the MC sample of the following event type, for years 11-18 and both polarities,

  • 13104053: B_s^0 \to K^+ \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^- full DST 11-18

It also generates 2015 samples for the following event type.

  • 13104048: B_{s}^0 \to \rho(770)^0 \overline{K}^*(892)^0

This is needed to study this B_{s}^0 \to \rho(770)^0 \overline{K}^*(892)^0 decay mode and the relevant PHSP as part of the ongoing B^0 \to \rho(770)^0 K^*(892)^0 analysis.

These are entirely new tuples and therefore do not supersede any from previous runs of this Analysis Production.

Edited by Francesca Swystun

Merge request reports